
Trazyn Knock-Off

I never thought that my second chance in life would be in a place where depression is like sand on the beach. The earth is dying, and a corporation runs the country. Lucky for me, I was born into a family that owns one of the biggest corporations in the entire country. If only the world were not as fucked as this one. Lucky for me, I get a third chance. =||= I don't know how to synopsis, help. Also, this is the Overlord x Multiverse story. By that alone, you should know that this is a self-indulgent story. You have been warned.

Fangrove · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 24

|3rd POV|

The fight is still going on in front of the Wandering Sea. The people of the Wandering Sea did not know how their base could be attacked. Their most powerful defense is the place they currently reside. It was a place pure of void energy, and no single creature on earth could survive in this place.

Sadly for them, Sullivan and the others are a being of different dimensions. They are considered a being of the void because YGGDRASIL is created in the void (Virtual Reality), and their body is stronger than normal creatures on earth.

Because of this reason, the people in Wandering Sea did not put a strong barrier around their base and only put an exceptional alert system, unlike the other two Mage's Associations (Clock Tower and Atlast).

"Prepare the ritual! We need to activate the emergency barrier!"

One of the high-ranking members of the Wandering Sea commands the others who are kneeling on the ground with a large magic circle drawn in the middle of them. However, before they could even start the ritual, their body started to combust and turn into ashes.

In the sky, Hina burns twenty straw dolls and turns them into ashes. This is her power as [Voodoo Master]. It was a skill that let her target multiple enemies at once and dealt great damage from afar. Only someone who has great fire resistance can resist the spell.

"We don't want you to make our job harder, insect."

While Hina takes care of the people from afar, Valena is fighting them from a closer distance. All kinds of spells come to her, but all of them are useless against her. With her jobs and the passive they give to her, Valena is an impenetrable walking fortress.

"Come and meet your doom! I'm the shield of the Supreme Being! All who come shall meet their end!"

Valena declares and dashes toward the opponent in front of her.

While the war is raging on the outside of the Wandering Sea, Sullivan, Gaia, and Zelretch reach the vault of the Wandering Sea. They are currently standing in front of a massive gate in the deepest part of the Wandering Sea.

Zelretch touched the gate with a grin on his face.

"As expected from the people from the Age of Gods. They place the vault inside an overlapping pocket dimension. Only certain people can open the gate and create a path to the real vault."

Sullivan looks at the massive chunk of metal in front of him and says.

"Can you open it?"

"Yes. However, it will take a couple of minutes before I could breach it. The people who made this make sure that second magic has a hard time cracking this. It is not impossible but not easy as well."

Sullivan put his hand on the door in front of him and closed his eyes. He follows his instinct and feels the entire vault. After a few seconds, he nods his head and says.

"Easy enough. [Gate]."

A purple portal appeared in front of him and waited for him to step inside.

"Come on. This portal will take us inside."

"How? There are at least a thousand dimensions between this one and the vault. How do you know it will take us directly to the vault and not to one of the trap dimensions?"

"Because of my job as [Master of Space] and [Lord of Time], locating the true dimension is rather easy. Come on."

Zelretch can only sigh and follow him through the portal. He really regrets not becoming a Dead Apostle like his counterpart. Even when he attains immortality, humans still have limitations. He wants to change his race to another, but he knows that if he does that, Gaia will take him to the Reverse Side of the World, as he already made a contract with her.

Theoretically, he can access unlimited power from his magic, but his body and soul cannot bear such power. The fight between him and the Crimson Moon leaves a scar that will last until the end of time.

The only way for his soul to heal is by changing his nature as a human. His vampire counterpart manages to do it, and now he can explore the greater universe while he can only access the 'Fate' universe.

He has been searching for hundreds of years for a way to increase his range of power, but so far, it has resulted in nothing. Seeing that Sullivan can break the defenses of the Wandering Sea, he feels a little jealous.

Zelretch decided to shake his head and follow Sullivan inside the portal. As he steps into the other end of the portal, he can see that they are indeed inside the Wandering Sea main vault, where they store their most incredible creations.

"Ah, you are finally here, Zelretch. What can you tell me about this place?"

Zelretch nods his head and says.

"Wandering Sea members are known for their ability to create a Mystic Code that is tied to space and time. This place is their most praised creation."

"If they are well-known people that can create something related to Space and Time, why do they still stay in this world? I know that Gaia over here has three layers and the second layer is filled with mana unlike this layer."

"Because they can't."

"There is a reason why Second Magic is called that, magic. They cannot be replicated and can only be copied. Even then, it would be a VERY weak copy compared to the real one."

"Hmmm, is it a restriction of law? This universe's law restrict it?"

"Yes. The Root will not allow them to do so and also Gaia did not want humans to go deeper into her being."

Sullivan looks at Gaia, who is still holding his hand and sees her nodding her head.

"I see."

Sullivan did not know what the Root was, but by the look of it, it was like the Yggdrasil tree in YGGDRASIL. The lore said that it was the one who decided the rule of the universe born from it.

"Anyway, which items do you think I should take?"

"Most of the items are related to Space and Time and some of them are weaker than the one I give to you. However, the items I promise you will happen here."

Zelretch walks toward a liquid tank with seven glowing orbs floating in the middle of the tank.

"These are Divine Core. They are body parts of Gods of the past molded into this shape by the people of Wandering Sea."

"What kind of gods?"

"I know five of them. They are Sun Wukong, Set, Nuadha, Typhon (Divine Beast, similar enough to be a god), and Persephone."

Sullivan nods his head and says.

"I see. Why do you want me to take these Divine Cores?"

"Because these cores will be used by the enemy of mankind. Gods did not want their body parts used by humans and when this enemy comes, it will come to bargain with the gods these bodies originate from. Let's just say the end result is not good. Human fighting Seven Gods and an extraterrestrial being is not a good sight."

"What do you want me to do with these?"

"Whatever you want. Destroy them, use them and experiment with them, I don't really care. As long as they are not in this place and get implanted to humans, I'm good."

"What kind of effect will the human get when these cores get implanted into them?"

"They get one or more authority from the gods they 'devour' and the Divine Core will become a mana core they can use instead of their Magic Circuit. If they implant them correctly, of course."

"Those people here did not implant them correctly when they tried it?"

"They do it correctly but not perfectly. They are too prideful to ask for help from a specialist that can do it for them. It is work but not a hundred percent working."

"I see. So, how do we take this thing? Will the items break if they are outside the tank? Will they degrade in rank if we take them out? Should we take the tank as well?"

"No. They should be good even if you take them out."

"Then, let's take it. [Greater Break Item]."

The tank seemingly disappears at his word, leaving the orbs to fall to the ground. When the orbs fall to the ground, he and his companion can hear an alarm ringing. He quickly took the orbs and put them in his inventory.

"Anything else I should take?"

Sullivan asks Zelretch, who looks around for a few seconds.

"No. I don't think so. Well, there are more items I know you will like but I beg you not to take them. Humanity needs those weapons."

Sullivan looks at Zelretch and suppresses the urge to steal the item he mentions before nodding.

"Very well. I shall leave them here."

"Thank you."

"Then, [Gate]."

On the outside of Wandering Sea, the battle still rages on. This time, the leaders and high-ranking magus of the Wandering Sea join the battle. With their magecraft, they can fight the demon on equal ground, at least before the High-Ranking demon joins the fray.

"Tch. What kind of creature are these things?! They feel like a demon but they have different appearance and power!"

She is one of the leaders of Wandering Sea that lived since before 1AD. She sees a lot of demons in her life but never likes the one in front of her.

"Shut up and kill! These things have some kind of resistance to magecraft! However, it can be overcome if we attack them in one spot with a lot of spells. Aim at their neck! It was the weakest part!"

Another leader of Wandering Sea orders the others to attack the massive demon in front of them. However, before their attack could land, a barrier appeared in front of the demon, blocking all their attack.

Floating above the demon is Hina, pointing her weapon, [Mirror of the Sun], at the demon.

"[Maximize Magic: Five Principal Shield]"

It was an 8-tier spell that could nullify any spell under the 5th tier and significantly reduce the effect of stronger attacks.

The mirror in her hand starts spinning, and Hina casts another spell. This time it was an AOE spell.


An invisible dome appears and traps thirty people inside of it.

"Dammit! What is this?! I can't use my magecraft!"

[Yomi] is another 8th-tier debuffing spell Hina has under her belt. This spell prevents any player with resistance under sixty from using magic for one minute. They cannot use any magic if they are inside the dome.

One minute sounds short, but it was plenty enough for the Greater Demon, like the Evil Lord of Wrath. With a roar, he brandished his sword and started butchering a lot of magus in his path.

In a matter of a minute, Wrath manages to kill twenty-five of them and only leaves three Wandering Sea leaders and two high-ranking members.

The woman looks to the sky and sees Hina smiling sadistically at the gore underneath her before shouting.

"What do you guys want?!"

"Fufufufu~ An insect should not question the mechanism of a supreme being~."

Before the woman could say more, she could feel an alarm triggered inside the vault of Wandering Sea.

"Don't tell me."

"Fufufufu~ It looks like our lord has finished his business. Ah~ He is calling me now~ Excuse me, I need to answer his call."

Hina flies higher and quickly answers the [Message].


"Ah, My Lord~ What can this servant do for you?~"

"How is the outside?"

"We are finished, my lord~ We can go and do the second stage of your grand plan~."

"... I see. Anyway, I will get back to Zelretch's workshop using [Gate]. You can do the same, right?"

"Of course, my lord~."

"Good. Also, bring the representative of the demon with you okay? Don't de-summon them all. A good job needs to be rewarded."

"Fufufufu~ Of course, my lord."

"Good. Then I will leave the rest to you."

"Leave it to me, my lord~."

Hina smiles a little and quickly gives an order to the demon to retreat; the same with Valena. However, she also asks for Wrath to stay as Lord Sullivan wants to speak with him. After the demon is back in their world, Hina quickly flies lower so the others can see her.

"The Supreme Being has spoken! He shall be the one save this world for he is the [World Savior] and the [World Preserver]. He has given you a chance! Become his servant and enjoy the new order or die with your empty pride! Will let him become your Savior or will you let him become a Preserver after your world is destroyed! Choose! [Curse of the Black Sun]!"

[Curse of the Black Sun] is an AOE 10th-tier spell that deals Mental Damage to anyone affected by it. In YGGDRASIL, it is a DPS skill that slowly reduces a player's HP, but what makes it annoying is the effect it has. If not quickly dispelled, the player will get a debuff called [Charm of Madness].

It was a stronger version of the [Charm] effect that let enemies attack each other. When an enemy gets this effect, it is hard to dispel. Even the [Greater Dispel Curse] will not work to dispel this curse if it has already reached this stage.

The only downside of this spell is that it was relatively easy to dispel this curse early on, and the damage it caused was not great. However, to compensate for it, this spell is hard to notice and invisible when they cast it.

Seeing her work is done, Hina opens a massive gate and walks through it. In her mind, she knows that her lord gets a new base of operation in this world for the first step of his so-called grand plan. Even though Sullivan never had a grand plan, to begin with.

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