
Trazyn Knock-Off

I never thought that my second chance in life would be in a place where depression is like sand on the beach. The earth is dying, and a corporation runs the country. Lucky for me, I was born into a family that owns one of the biggest corporations in the entire country. If only the world were not as fucked as this one. Lucky for me, I get a third chance. =||= I don't know how to synopsis, help. Also, this is the Overlord x Multiverse story. By that alone, you should know that this is a self-indulgent story. You have been warned.

Fangrove · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 25

I can see Hina, Valena, and a Lord of Wrath appear inside the room. When the Lord of Wrath sees me, he immediately kneels and says.

"Supreme being!"

"You can get up, Lord of Wrath."

He hesitates but slowly gets up and says.

"Y-You can call me Wrath, O Supreme Being. I did not deserve the title of Lord in front of you."

"Very well."

I know that he will not accept any reason I say and call me Lord anyway.

"Anyway, it is good you are here. Your kindness has helped me a lot and a good job needs to be rewarded."

While [Hell Parade] lets the user control the demon they summon, I want to ensure they did not attack me. It was too troublesome to fight against an endless amount of demons because they went feral like the one summoned by [Armageddon Evil].

"Tell me, what do you want for your service?"

I can see him hesitate for a second before saying.

"If you are willing, my people need mana, O Supreme Beings. With the destruction of the World Tree, my kind starts to decline and die one by one. We did not have the energy and only unique mana you have is the one who can save my people. Only Supreme Being's mana can feed my kind. As long as you are willing to bless us with your mana, my kind will serve the supreme being!"

I sigh a little inside my mind and look at the demon in front of me right in the eyes.

"Very well. How do I feed you? And how much?"

"You can feed the Totem until it shines brightly, O Supreme Being. Just like how you summon us."

"Doesn't it open the portal?"

"No, O Supreme Being. It needs the intent to open the portal. As long as you did not have the intent to call our kind, the portal will not appear."

"I see. Do you need it right away?"

"No, O Supreme Being. We already have enough from you summoning us earlier."

"Very well. You can go back."

"Thank you for granting us this request, O Supreme Being!"

After saying that, a portal appears behind him, and he walks through it.

I release a sigh and sit on the couch. It looks like the Demon coming from the World Item will follow my command as long as I send some of my mana into the item. That is good to know.

"Here is the [Hell Parade], my lord."

"Ah, good job, Hina. You and Valena work very hard. I will give you a reward later."

"Fufufufu~ Ah~ I cannot wait!"

I smile at her while releasing a scream inside. I start to regret writing her flavor text.

"Hahahahaha! What an interesting woman. You have a great companion, Lord Sullivan."

"Urgh. Call me Sullivan, please."

"You sure?"


"Very well."

Zelretch takes a bite of the cookie and says.

"Anyway, what do you want to do now?"

"Now? I guess I will explore the world. It has been a while since I took a holiday."

For some reason, I can see the sadness in Valena and Hina's eyes. What with the sadness? I'm not getting away, you know?

"Hmmm, or not. I cannot leave my people alone."

"Ah, My lord!"

"My lord~"


I look at Hina and Valena before saying.

"What is it?"

"I think you should take some vacation, my lord!"

"Valena is right~ You deserve it, my Lord ~ You never once take a vacation since… who knows long. Maybe three hundred years ago?"

Three hundred years ago? What? Is the time in YGGDRASIL different from the one in the lore? Just how long I lived in that world, lore-wise.

"Yes! Don't worry, my Lord! We the guardian will take care of anything while you take a break."

What with them? Anyway, I think I should take it if they offer it.

"Very well. I shall stay in this place a little bit longer. I will leave our home to you. Make our home something that makes others gape at the sight of our home!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Of course, my lord~."

"Good. Now, let's send you guys home."

I take out the orb from my inventory. However, when my hand touches the orb, I get a vision. I can see a world with a lot of pocket dimensions where a strong being lives and a dimension that separates between two dimensions. In this dimension, I can see two massive dragons fighting each other. One dragon is a massive red dragon, and the other is a purple dragon that is significantly smaller than the red one.

The vision did not stop there. I can see a blond nun crying and praying. I can hear her prayers and plight. Not only that, I know who she is. She is an anime character in my first life. She is coming from Highschool DxD anime that just finished airing early in the year.

I don't remember much about the story, but I know that she is the excommunicated nun who was kicked out of the church because she was a devil. I know this world, and opening this world, I notice something.

I can open more worlds I can access, and there is a chance I can meet Momonga. I don't really care about the Earth. I want to see Momonga and talk with him. While we are not really close friends, I still think of him as my friend.

"My lord?"

"My Lord! What happened?!"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear Hina and Valena's concerned voices.

"It was nothing, Valena, Hina. I just found something interesting."


"Should we take care of it?"

I shake my head and say.

"No. I will be the one taking care of it. You don't need to worry about it. It was not something troublesome, it still counts as a vacation."

Valena and Hina nod their heads and say.

"I see. Then have fun, my Lord. We will take care of our home."

"Yes! We will send a group of butlers and maids for you!"

I nod my head, look at Zelretch, and say.

"Do you want to go to another world?"

"Oh? What kind of world?"

"I don't really know the complete world but I know for sure it was a world where the Age of Gods is still happening, unlike this place."

"Hmmm… Maybe later. I still have something to do."


I got up from the couch and sent Valena and Hina back home. Before I can open another portal, I can feel someone grab my hand. It was Gaia.

"Don't go."

I smile at her and pat her head. I can hear her purring like a cat. Cute.

"Don't worry. It will not be long. I only need to take care of some problems."


"Yes. I will be back in an hour or a few hours at the top."

"En. Wait."

"Thank you."


|3rd POV|

Inside an abandoned church, there are two young people. A young man and a young woman but sadly for him, the young woman in his hand is dying. This young man is Issei, and currently, Issei is asking for a miracle.

He is questioning if God exists, and if indeed God exists, he will not let the young woman in his hand die. This young woman is Asia Argento, a pure nun who only wants to see the world, but sadly she gets involved in a sinister plan.

While Issei asked God for a miracle, he did not know that Asia could still hear him.

'I can see the world around me start to dim and I can hear Issei screaming at me. I can hear him screaming, blaming the Lord. Issei… The Lord always has plans… Please don't blame him… I'm only part of his grand plan… and I'm glad for doing my part. However… if only for a little bit. If only for a little bit… I want to be selfish and explore the world with my friend.'

However, she could hear something before she could release her last breath.

|Is that your desire, child?|

'I-Is that you, God?'

|Is that truly your desire?|

'Y-Yes. I want to spend my time with my friend… I-I want a family.'

|Then I shall grant you your wish, child. [Maximize Magic: Heal] [High-Tier Summon: Seraph Empyrean]|

It happens in an instant. A tower of light appears and pierces the sky, destroying the church's ceiling. The fallen angels, devils, and the rogue exorcist look to the sky in shock. Floating in the sky is a massive angel. Twelve wings appear from its back, and they can hear a voice coming from the angel above them.

"I have come from the command of the Lord! I shall protect his chosen Saint! Anyone who dares to come shall meet my wrath!"

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