
Trazyn Knock-Off

I never thought that my second chance in life would be in a place where depression is like sand on the beach. The earth is dying, and a corporation runs the country. Lucky for me, I was born into a family that owns one of the biggest corporations in the entire country. If only the world were not as fucked as this one. Lucky for me, I get a third chance. =||= I don't know how to synopsis, help. Also, this is the Overlord x Multiverse story. By that alone, you should know that this is a self-indulgent story. You have been warned.

Fangrove · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 23

While we are flying down to the mountain underneath us, I can see Zelretch's expression change every second.

"What do you see, Zelretch?"


"What do you see with the power of your magic?"

He hesitated for a few seconds before saying.

"A lot of people will die. Your distraction tactic will kill a lot of people."


"Pardon me?"

I look him right in the eyes before saying.

"Good. You should be aware of the consequences of your action."

"My action?"

"You might not know this but you think of me as your pawn… no, piece of your chess. I may not be your pawn but I'm still a piece of chess that you try to use for the benefit of your bigger plan. You might not notice it right away but your way of thinking immediately thinks of a way to use me for the benefit of your plan. It might be a plan to save this world but you still use me in the mask of helping me take away an item that can be preserved."

When I saw he did not say anything, I decided to continue.

"You might be used to having anything coming your way but it will not work for me. I will save your world because it is my job but I will do it in the way I want."

I don't know how this is happening to me, but it looks like my Class from YGGDRASIL has had a greater effect than I thought. I have a lot of conflicting feelings inside of me. Some of my Jobs demand me to help this world, but others demand me to ignore it and only preserve what should and deserve to survive.

Because of this conflict, my feelings decide to go into a middle ground and decide to save this world but in our own way. However, my feelings quickly shift when I notice that Zelrecth wants to use me even without him noticing.

My mind quickly thinks about punishing him for his actions, and if not for will, I would already unleash a more powerful creature and use my most powerful arsenal to obliterate this entire place.

I snap from my thoughts when I hear Zelretch sigh and hear him saying.

"Haaaa, I'm sorry. I don't know that my actions can be seen as manipulative. Please don't kill all of them. If all the people in the Wandering Sea died, this world would lose a lot of fighting power against a terrestrial being in the future."

I smile a little and nod my head.

"I will. [Message]"


Hana and Valena look at the battlefield in front of them with serious expressions. Even Hana, who likes to tease Sullivan, has a serious expression because this is their lord's command. They will not disappoint the Supreme Being who made them, for it was not something their beloved lord deserved.

He only deserves perfection; that is what they thought.

"Hmmm, I wonder why Lord Sullivan decided to attack this fortress."

"Fufufufu~ You should not question Supreme Being's way of thinking, Valena."

"I know! However, I'm just curious."

"Fufufufu~ you don't think quite hard, Valena. This is a show of power for the lower life form who try to manipulate Lord Sullivan."

"Manipulate Lord Sullivan?! Is it the old man? He is the one who tries to manipulate Lord Sullivan, isn't he?!"


"How dare he!"

Valena is ready to fly at Zelretch, but her fellow guardian stops her.

"Stop right there, Valena."

"Why?! We need to stop him from using our Lord's kindness!"

"Fufufufu~ You don't think he will not notice it? Our lord is a Supreme Being, you know? In fact, if my calculation is correct, the old man will ask our lord's forgiveness in a few seconds, and our lord will message both of us."

And true to her word, they can hear their lord's voice inside their head.

"Valena, Hana. Make sure not to kill too many people in this operation."

Hana's smile gets even bigger, and she says.

"As you wish, my master."

Hana looks at Valena and says.


"Yes. It looks like I still have a lot of things to learn from you. I want to make our lord proud."

"Fufufufu~ You don't need to worry, Valena. He is already proud of you~."

Valena smiles at her sister in all but blood and tries to say something, but before she can do that, they can hear an explosion happening. Both of them look at the battlefield, and Hana's expression changes into a serious expression once more.

"It looks like they will start a counterattack. Shall we join the fight?"

"Yes! I will leave the strategy in your hand, Hana!"

"Fufufufu~ Leave it to me, Valena."

On the other side of the battlefield, Fabro Rowan, one of the members of Wandering Sea, looked above him and frowned a little. Fabro Rowan has lived a long time, but this is the first time he has seen something like this.

He was born in 980 AD and got accepted into the Wandering Sea in 1000 AD, where the Gods' presence started to disappear. He has seen a lot of creatures in his life, but he never sees something like what is in front of him.

He has seen demons in his life, but not like those in front of him.

"Fabro! Snap it! We need your help!"

Fabro snapped from his thoughts and nodded his head. With a deep breath, he releases his magical energy, and suddenly a pool of darkness appears underneath him. This is his magecraft called [Lair of the Beast King].

This let him summon 666 beasts to attack his enemy. Each beast is imbued with Chaos, which makes any wound hard to heal or even cannot be healed.

After he activates his power, a hundred beasts appear in front of him, and they all resemble the animals on earth but are bigger and have some differences from normal animals. They are the ancestors of the current animal on earth. They are the animals that roamed the earth when the Age of Gods still happened.


Fabro says with a soft word and sees his beast tearing apart the demons in the front. He knows that these demons are the weaker demons coming from that weird portal above their base. He keeps feeding his power a lot of magical energy and sees it keep tearing the demons.

The other Wandering Sea member looks at the barrier and says.

"As long as the barrier does not get breached, we can defeat them. We can keep the hit and run tactic. Even the powerful demon at the back will not survive the constant barrage."

As if he challenges Murphy, Fabro frowns when he feels a hole appear in the barrier. He quickly recalled his beast and took a deep breath. A large magic circle appears underneath him, and it keeps expanding until it reaches a hundred meters in diameter.

A second later, a massive creature appeared behind him. It was a humanoid creature that stood seven meters tall. This is the 999th Beast and the most powerful beast he has after combining all 666 beasts.

This is the perfect beast, the ultimate beast Fabro ever made, and the beast that can find a god. While he did not care about the life of his fellow researcher and magus, he cared for all the knowledge the Wandering Sea had and did not want them destroyed.

And Fabro knows that if the Demon lets loose inside the barrier, the research and all the knowledge inside the base will be destroyed.


At his command, the 999th beast let loose and started rampaging on the battlefield. However, before it could charge deeper, a young woman appeared in front of the beast and blocked its attack. This young woman is Valena.

Valena thrust her spear at the beast in front of her, and it sent it flying away.

Valena lowers her shield and says.

"My name is Valena Brunhilde! The guardian of the Heavenly Throne! I shall be your opponent!"

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