
Travelling throughout the Omniverse in DxD

Kyle Soldiers, he is both a highschool student and an otaku. He lost his relatives at an early age of 12 and has been living by himself in for 7 and a half years. At first he was depressed,then as time passes he bacome resolute and started thinking about what to do in his life. On June 13th of the year of 2019, he was going back home to prepare to go on his part-time job when he saw an old lady trying to cross the road and decided to help her with pure intensions, after thinking that he saw 2 truck one on left side of the road and one on the right side. He panicked because both of the truck seemed to be going out of controlnand ran over to the old lady and pushed her with him on the roadside then his vision darkened. When he open his eyes he saw himself floating in a void space with his school uniform and bag. He asked himself 'Am I dead?' to which someone replied "Yes and No". He was startled then looked around and saw a middle-aged man in a white outfit. The man informed him that he has fallen in a dimensional crack while helping. the Goddess of Life and got spared by her just in time when he fell into the crack, then they offer him a chance to be reborn in any world he desires except his previous one will be given a total of 6 wishes due to some of the minor gods' fault and the Goddess of Life's of gratitude, Goddess of Faye's apology and the middle-aged man's way of compensating him. [Fanfic mainly about Highschool DxD] __ __ __ __ __ __ Short Introduction: I am from Philippines Though I may not be most proficient in English I'll try to satisfy my readers since English is an International language. If you have suggestions about the plot contact me. __ __ __ __ __ __ DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters that will appear except for my originals. Picture cover is not mine.

Dioscuri · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 3: Astral Plane and Surprise

When he snapped back to reality he realized he was still standing at the roadside with many people looking at him, specially women. He looked at them and smiled then started walking back to his house, unbeknownst to him his smile caused most of the women looking at him to flush the married women appreciated the smile like it was a family treasure and cannot get it out of their minds.

While he was walking he noticed a district where many people come and go, but he was not looking at them but at a specific red-headed boy that was running towards the entrance of the district, the boy is wearing a dark-blue shirt with a logo on its left chest area, brown pants, leather shoes and an apron on his waist, his right arm is covered by a white fabric of sorts. Seconds later Tatsuya instantly recognized him, he was Yukihira Soma from a certain food anime.

He watched him for a while then continued walking, his gaze constantly wandering the streets thinking he might find someone else he recognize but unfortunately he didn't.

When he reached home he looked around him, it was almost sunset as he admired the scenery above him, few second has passed when he saw a figure walking in front of him about 60 meters away, it was a boy about the same age as him and wearing a white shirt and blue shorts with brown hair and eyes of the same color, the boy entered a house 3 houses away from his. The boy in question is the protagonist of the series, Hyoudou Issei. He knew that there was only three of them in the family but he is currently detecting 4 presences inside the house that Issei entered.

'Maybe they have a guest, it's rare but it's not impossible, I don't care either way.'

Ending his thoughts he entered his house, but after closing the door, he heard his stomach grumbling. 'Come to think of it I didn't eat anything this morning.' he thought as he head towards the kitchen to prepare something to eat. He opened the fridge and saw various meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. He took out a boneless, skinless chicken breast, some flour, eggs, salt and pepper. During his past life he experienced living alone and learned how to cook various dished including Japanese dishes so he decided to cook a chicken katsu for his dinner, he didn't actually know how to cook it so he searched for it and instantly learned it due to Eidetic Memory and Super growth.

After having a nice meal, he took a shower and laid on his bed. He began to review his abilities and remembered that Saiki can enter astral form, his astral form however is not complete due to his limitor his brother made for him. He tried entering astral mode while controlling it using his skill and was surprised to see himself in some sort of space, he can see many different beings and feel many kind of energies, he thought it was like some astral plane where astral beings like ghost resides. He tried feeling some of the energies on the astral plane and tried absorbing one specific energy that seemed familiar, he absorbed it more then stop to feel it and just like he thought it was an energy that seem familiar to him, in description though, it was chakra from a certain ninja anime. After trying to circulate chakra around his body he became proficient in it, thanks to Super growth again, he then tried to absorb another type of energy and to his surprise it was magic power mixed with both sacred and demonic power, what surprised him is that the sacred and demonic power is actually coexisting with each other instead of repelling one another.

'This power is very, very difficult to handle, BUT I have Super growth so this may only 4th take a few tens of minutes at most an hour to control.'

He thought and began practicing his control over the sacred-demonic magic power. After 40 minutes he finally got the hang of it and after 7 more minutes he fully mastered it.

Thinking that all maybe this place will give him more surprises he absorb another energy, this time he kinda expected it but was still a little startled, what he's absorbing right now is Reiryoku, an energy or power(Spiritual Power) from a certain shinigami-full anime. It didn't take long before he mastered controlling it because of his experience in the sacred-demonic magic power.

Maybe it intoxicated him but he absorbed another energy that he felt is more powerful the the others and slightly above the sacred-demonic magic power, he was so shocked he almost choked, what he was currently absorbing is actually sacred dragonic energy which started transforming his body to a new level, he continued on absorbing it until he felt something approaching him that causes his absorbing rate to quicken. He looked towards the direction the presence is coming and saw a giant dragon roaring at him like it was angry, he realized that what he was absorbing is actually the dragons' energy which caused it to be angry. Taking the opportunity at hand he decided to approach it and battled it to gain experience in using his skills and abilities.

The battle was so fierce that other beings in the astral plane backed away from them, he realized that every hit he lands makes him absorb a bit of it's energy, he was excited and continued to fight the dragon until it was only a baby dragon, he felt bad for it but he still ended it's life with a last punch fully absorbing what energy was left of the dragon.

Checking at the time from his AR, it was still early to wake up and decided to train in using the sacred dragonic energy until he mastered it, well it only took 2 hours to completely, I mean completely master it.

After he's done he came back to his physical body and opened his eyes. He didn't feel tired at all since his body is resting here while he was on the astral plane, he got up to check the time, it was 7:54 A.M. and the sun has just completed its rising. He went to the bathroom to wash his face, brush his teeth and to do his business.

Standing in front of a full body mirror, his body once again improved and his face became more delicate and handsome *ehem* not that that really matters. He put on a black tight shirt and black tight pants but with enough space run since starting today he was going to start training to improve his stats so he can contend with enemies he might have in the future, he went downstairs and cooked a traditional Japanese breakfast and ate it quickly.

Going out of the house he was greeted by the sun's rays, he made sure that the house was locked and started jogging around the town, his form, physique, determination and especially face was being admired by the women, young and old ranging from 5~30 years old, he passed by.

He was getting uneasy because he felt someone staring at him, he looked around and saw many people looking at him, now he knows who was watching him and smiled then nodded at them greeting them if they passed by him.

'Of course they would watch me, who would think that a 6 year-old kid jogging around town this early in the morning. I would be more surprise if they didn't notice me.'

Unbeknownst to him, his smile captured many women's heart, he will be oblivious to this fact by at least 10 or more chapters.

Anyway, he continued jogging and he saw a church with many children gathering and playing, he was still far from the church but he can hear the children's voice due to his enhanced body, he already knows that this is an orphanage as he passed by it when he went out yesterday so he just continued until he saw a girl with black hair and blue eyes holding a watering can watering the flowers in front of the church.

He stopped, frozen in place as he looked at the girl in shock, the girl seemed to have noticed him looking at her that she bowed to him in greeting but when she raised her head to look at the boy she too was shocked that she dropped the watering can she was holding.

"O... Onii-sama!!?" (???)

"Miyuki!!?" (Tatsuya)

He really didn't expect this.

I was feeling up for it so double upload I guess.

Help me gain inspiration and give me suggestion on how you want the story to turn out.

Which character would you want to appear next?

Leave it in the comments and I'll consider it if I can use your suggestions.

'It' is a fanfiction of Highschool DxD 'Life in DxD' by overloaded_maxima

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