
Travelling throughout the Omniverse in DxD

Kyle Soldiers, he is both a highschool student and an otaku. He lost his relatives at an early age of 12 and has been living by himself in for 7 and a half years. At first he was depressed,then as time passes he bacome resolute and started thinking about what to do in his life. On June 13th of the year of 2019, he was going back home to prepare to go on his part-time job when he saw an old lady trying to cross the road and decided to help her with pure intensions, after thinking that he saw 2 truck one on left side of the road and one on the right side. He panicked because both of the truck seemed to be going out of controlnand ran over to the old lady and pushed her with him on the roadside then his vision darkened. When he open his eyes he saw himself floating in a void space with his school uniform and bag. He asked himself 'Am I dead?' to which someone replied "Yes and No". He was startled then looked around and saw a middle-aged man in a white outfit. The man informed him that he has fallen in a dimensional crack while helping. the Goddess of Life and got spared by her just in time when he fell into the crack, then they offer him a chance to be reborn in any world he desires except his previous one will be given a total of 6 wishes due to some of the minor gods' fault and the Goddess of Life's of gratitude, Goddess of Faye's apology and the middle-aged man's way of compensating him. [Fanfic mainly about Highschool DxD] __ __ __ __ __ __ Short Introduction: I am from Philippines Though I may not be most proficient in English I'll try to satisfy my readers since English is an International language. If you have suggestions about the plot contact me. __ __ __ __ __ __ DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters that will appear except for my originals. Picture cover is not mine.

Dioscuri · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: Is this really the world of DxD?

"So I really did reincarnate..."

He look around and saw that he was on the floor and stood up, he looked at the interior of the house and concluded that this must be the house that Cherto was talking about. He tried moving his body around to get used to it as his body is now that of child and have to feel his balance.

Not long after he started to get used to his body then explored the house, there was a bathroom in the room he woke up at, a dinning room, a kitchen, another bathroom downstairs, a living room and a garden.

He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see food stocked inside and other beverages of different brands. After that he went back to the room he woke up in and found an envelope on the table together with a letter.

The letter read:

Dear Kyle or should I say Tatsuya

The envelope contains information about yourself on that world and 3 different bank card containing 5 million yen each. I hope you can enjoy your life in that world to the fullest.


He took a glance at the envelope and put down the letter to check the envelope, he first took out a document which seem to be his information and scanned it briefly before placing it back then took out three cards with different colors each, briefly looking at it then put it back.

He sighed thinking that all of this was too much but then again it was them who said they will give him accomodation, he let it be and decided to check if they really gave him what he asked for. He sat on a lotus pose and focused his mind to feel the energy inside him and it didn't take long before he can fully control, he guessed it was because of super growth that he got accustomed to it so quickly. But suddenly something clicked in his mind and realized a big problem.

He cannot see his stats to confirm his skills.

He remembered that he wished for skill creation and focused his mind to create a skill he need to see his status after a few seconds he felt his energy being drained and he saw a hazy screen in front of him.

__ __ __ __ __ __

Name: Tatsuya Shiba Age: 6

Race: High-Human

HP: 1100

MP: 1500

CMP: 38.76

STR: 65

AGI: 75

END: 50

INT: 90

WIS: 33

LUK: 168


Ultra-regeneration[+mana][+stamina][+aura][+energy], Skill Creation, Saiki Kusuo's Psychic Powers, Super Growth, Eternal Life[+transferable][-killable], AR(Augmented Reality)[+appraisal][+self-appraisal][+object appraisal]

__ __ __ __ __ __

He blinked a few time then shot up in excitement, they really gave him what he asked for.

After calming down he closed his eyes and started to make skills that he thought he needed first to survive.

__ __ __ __ __ __

Suppression - Suppress anything that you want and control just how much you want to let out.

Aura Film - A thin film covering the entire body made out of the aura of the user.

Psychic Control - Helps the user in controlling their psychic powers.

Elemental Magic - Uses the elements of the world to cast magic

Space-time manipulation - Manipulates time to be faster or slower by times and control which area to affect. Uses space to create artificial dimensions and travel through space.

CQC(Close-Quarter-Combat) - Master the art of hand to hand combat.

Creation Magic - Magic that creates anything non-living the user imagines, with enough magic power the user can create anything.

Barrier Magic - Barrier made out of magic, the strength of the barrier depend on the magic of the caster.

Light Magic - User converts magic power to sacred energy to cast powerful light magic.

Dark Magic - User converts magic power to demonic energy to cast powerful dark magic.

Healing Magic - User converts magic power to sacred energy to cast powerful healing magic. Rate of healing depends on users magic power.

Detection - Detects everything around the user. Range dependent on users magic power.

Eidetic Memory - Save memory as if they are pictures inside the users brain.

__ __ __ __ __ __

He felt his energy draining at a fast rate but still far from completely draining thanks to ultra-regeneration, after finishing on creating the skills he opened his eyes while panting. He felt like his body is on fire but it feels soothing, he somehow knows that his body is changing and adapting to the power of the skills he created.

He laid down the floor and let his body adapt fully to his new skills.

After a couple of hours, his body stopped heating and when he got up he felt his whole body aching and there were spots which blackened so much and smelled ridiculously awful, he stood up and used his ultra-regeneration to stop his aching body and set it to passive after which he strode towards the bathroom to get rid of the stink in his body quickly.

He showered for 3 hours until the stink is completely gone and looked at himself in the mirror. His body is now more chisled and he can see his abs forming but still not visible enough and his muscles expanded while his fat lessened, his face was much more refined and proportionate that he himself wondered is he is still the Tatsuya that he knows. After drying himself he went towards the built-in cabinet in the room he woke up from and found himself clothes, he wore a black shirt that reached his elbow and black tight pants. For some reason, most the clothes inside the cabinet were black if not gray or white.

Since nothing can be explored in the house anymore, he grabbed a black jacket and went outside to take a walk and look around the neighborhood. Reaching a crossroad, he stopped as the lights were green and a lot vehicles approaching. He stood there waiting for the lights to turn red but felt someone push him from behind.

"I'm sorry, someone pushed me from behind so I accidentally pushed you too" (???)

He heard a girls' voice which seem to belong to a child, he turned around but before he can speak he froze seeing the face of the girl.

'What!?' he thought to himself, he can't believe what he was seeing.

"Umm, are you okay? Can you please respond?" (???)

He was brought back by the girls' voice and said with a smile. "I'm fine, it's nothing too serious plus it's not your fault."

The girl sighed in relief and introduced herself. "My name is Itsuki, Nakano Itsuki. Nice to meet you." she put her hand forward.

He shook her hand and said "My name is Tatsuya, Shiba Tatsuya. Nice to meet you too." he looked around and saw four other girls a little bit behind Itsuki that looked identical to each other. His assumption is right, they are the girls from 'that' anime. But they are not supposed to be here as this is the 'High school DxD' world.

His thoughts are a mess right now because of this sudden revelation but once again brought back by Itsuki's voice.

"It's red, I'm going now, sorry again for accidentally pushing you, bye. Let's go." she said and looked behind to gesture to her sisters.

He looked at them and smiled while waving. "Yeah, goodbye." He stood there for a while thinking about what happened and didn't notice the blush on the quintuplets face when smiled at them.

'Is this really the world of DxD?' he questioned hoping for someone to answer.

A paper appeared in front of him with a message.

That is indeed the world of DxD, but I've added some surprises for you.

Michael, God of Worlds

He was surprised but then regained his calm, he didn't even question how he regained his composure so quickly and is in deep thought.

'What could this surprises be? I've already seen one but how many of this surprises are there?'

He stood there at the roadside with a serious thinking expression to which the ladies enjoy seeing. He oblivious to this.

'Anyway, whatever may came I'll face it'

He said resolutely then heard a *ding* sound on his head.

He looked at his status and widened his eyes. His CMP increased from 38.76 to 40 in one go. Now that he looked closely, when AR is activated he sees this circular tab in the top left corner of his vision and other things, when he experimented with it he found out that AR composed of other functions that are 'Map' 'Clock' 'Menu' 'Radar' 'Map Search' 'Log' 'All Map Exploration' 'Analyse' 'Recipe Column' and 'Memo Pad'.

When he found out about this he became even more excited but restrained himself.

His adventure is only beginning.

Have you figured out about 'it' yet? If not then you'll have to wait till next chapter to find out.

Itsuki is from Go-toubun no Hanayome.

The 'AR' skill is reference to Satou's AR from Desumachi.

Uploads depend on my mood and time since I still need to attend class the release may differ each time.

Help me gain inspiration and suggestion on how you want the story to turn out.

Also which character that is not from DxD do you want to appear?

Dioscuricreators' thoughts