
Travelling My Favorite Worlds!

Temporary Hiatus. If you want an explanation, well I am a college student first and foremost so spring semester is a thing that I'm going through currently. No work though (yay grants), however sometimes I don't get that much free time, in fact this week was the first time I had some free time in a good minute(I spent it modding skyrim.) Now for the second half, like I'm sure many people can relate to, I have Depression (I don't really keep anything secret since I have nothing to hide or bad about me, but if someone doesn't like me mentioning it sorry I guess?). Well reason I mention it, well these last couple months were rough on me, last week I actually cried a little bit (it was me remembering the past and being happy my little siblings love me so don't worry about me too much) if that is any indicator. Not only that but stress has been building up. Good news time though! Feeling better now (2-22-19) and I do plan on writing more for this story and am doing a different method. I used to write basically ad lib, but I didn't like that, so now I'm writing out the basic plotline of the story so that I have a clear direction. Now reason I'm not writing more of the story now? Well quite frankly I'm drained from it currently. Tapped out. Though I love it too much to give up on it so I will be working on something new soon! Whether this will be a lasting project or not is to be determined but I felt inspired when a fan went and pitched the idea to me. If anyone wants to know as well I am currently working on building an entirely new solar system for a story to take place on (It would be fantasy mainly with touches of sci-fi) and am designing everything from it's origin to the evolutions and then to the worlds histories. It's very early though so it likely won't be seen for a long time yet (only 1 planet partially done currently). So thanks to everyone that is supportive of me, I won't waste those good wishes, and to those that were rude (note, not those that were critical of what I wrote. I like criticism.) learn from those that were supportive or those that criticize. Being rude just leads to situations like Authors not wanting to write something they love. ~See you space cowboy- Your beloved(I hope) Author, Joseph! ------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Joseph and this is my Adventure story! I'm a nerd and well, I always had a weakness to isekai novels. Now I didn't want to get hit by a truck or anything like that, and that didn't happen this time either. Being honest, well it was rather out of left field what happened, I drank myself into oblivion and almost died. However god saved me! Or well, I think he was god he never really told me. Now though, I have the power of going and jumping from world to world! Both real one's and fictional ones! Even ones that are similar to the fictional ones! So what I'll be doing is travelling some of my favorite worlds and live the dreams I always wanted for myself! -------------------------- There will be no NTR, this will be Harem, and I try to be a very involved author but keep in mind I do have a life so if I can't update daily like I usually do I try my best. Currently am editing a few chapters and doing other things so I will be unable to update until I finish the chapters I set as a goal for myself.

j0sejalap3n0 · Others
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63 Chs

Spoiler-Title at bottom

(A/N: Also don't worry, no lengthy author note planned anytime soon)

**********Jiraiya's POV*******

It's been a week and honestly, I'm getting worried. With his teleportation he should be back quickly enough, and he's been good at keeping his word while also trying really hard.

Well until he gets here I just have an excuse to keep petting his cat Arthur, it's a surprisingly friendly cat and doesn't have a care in the world.

While I was petting him in the living room of his house he suddenly appeared in front of me, making me send Arthur flying off my lap when I jumped up in fright. Before I could gather my bearings he suddenly looked to me and went "Hel-" before he burst. So he sent a shadow clone?

Wait, it said hel- which I will assume to be help and it burst? With how insane his chakra is, his clone shouldn't burst, even if it uses that insane technique to teleport. Something must be wrong, I have to get to the Hokage and tell him what's going on since we could be screwed here as the enemies have gotten even closer to us. Let's just hope that he didn't get cocky after that fight with the Hokage, especially since he knows it was just a farce.

After making sure that Arthur was fine from my sudden jump(he was, he just took it with stride and laid down where he landed) I ran to the Hokage's office. Once I got there I saw that Tsunade was there, as well as Orochimaru, Minato, the Hokage of course, but strangely enough also the guy from the noodle stand we went to. What?

The Hokage then spoke to me as I entered, "Ah, Jiraiya good timing. I will assume you received one of Joseph's clones as well then?" I nod my head not really knowing what else to say. Is that why his clone disappeared? He went and spread it's chakra out too much for the teleportation to let it last more than a few seconds after? Wait how'd he find all of us then?

"Now I'm sure that you have questions, all of you, but this is a secret of the highest importance so I'm afraid I will have to ask the two of you to leave. Thank you though for reporting to me as it was helpful to coming to a conclusion as to what happened." The man from the noodle stand and Minato stand up. Oh yeah, I always forget he's my student with how smart he is... heh, well I wouldn't be surprised if he creates a new and amazing Jutsu one day, just like his sensei did.

After they left I took a seat at one of the chairs that was open and waited for the Hokage to start speaking. "Well as you all can probably guess, that was Joseph sending clones to ask for help. Now with his chakra reserves they should have been able to complete their message even if they divided as much as they did, which can only mean one thing, they each had to slow down time to get to get the message to us." That's right, it has an insane draw on chakra. I remember doing it and was only able to keep it up for 15 seconds and that was only enough to make everything move in slow motion, not completely like Joseph said he did.

The Hokage then started speaking more, "So add that together with the fact that he didn't teleport them to us like he normally would​ and I think we have reason to believe our enemies have acted, given the time at which it happened it was most likely when he was arriving back. So I want you three to go out and find him, I have a map here that the Anbu prepared of the different camps the enemies are using. You are permitted to kill on this mission but put the bodies into a scroll to bring back and do not, I repeat, DO NOT, get caught. Joseph is an important asset to us, but I will not lose any more of my Shinobi before the fight even starts." I nod before looking around and seeing everyone have a solemn expression, I probably had one as well if I'm being honest.

After we each grabbed a copy of the map the Hokage nodded to each of us and sent us off. We all agreed to stick together as it would increase our chances of being able to rescue him safely while also being able to make sure that we'll all be safe. The list of enemies is utterly insane, Amegakure, Getsugakure, Hoshigakure, Ishigakure, Iwagakure, Kirigakure, Kumogakure, Sunagakure, and Takigakure. Jeez, they couldn't get the pacifist villages, our allies, or the samurai to go and join too? (A/N: I'll let you guys google those since it's a lot, but basically it is every village that is or was neutral with Konoha save for the ones that were destroyed, are pacifists, the samurai, and allies, hence Jiraiya's comment.)

Well we may as well get started.

****************End Jiraiya POV***************

9,999,999,999 bottles of beer on the wall, 9,999,999,999 take one down pass it around 9,999,999-

'Connection established with host.'

Oh hey, look I'm going and hearing things again. Last time it was big bird though, this time it sounds like that system I thought I had. Hm, maybe next time will be barney? Oh or maybe it'll be finn from adventure time? That sounds like fun, especially since I'm getting lonely.


Hm, well I guess I really was just hearing things since nothing is talking anymore. Shit I lost my count, well time to start over, hm lets go for 100 trillion bottles of beer this time. 100,000-

'Host. Difficult to maintain connection. Informing, inside Genjutsu. Host must use gift for chance to escape.'

Hm? There it is again? Wait a genjutsu? What's a genjutsu again? It's been awhile since I've had to think... That's right, it's a mind technique, I think... Wait, so I'm trapped in one?

'Affirmative. Recommend opening gift.'

Well okay, open a gift then.

[Select gift to open-

New world gift

Level 5 gift

Level 10 gift

Level 25 gift

Level 50 gift]

Huh, I don't remember getting these. Well let's go with the level 5 gift.

[Host has received-

1x Power draw ticket

1000 SP

1x recover pill

1 great ball (A/N: The pokeball one, so like the blue one, you know?)

3x summon draw ticket


Ooh a power thingy? Do I get to play slots? I want the triple cherries!

'Does host wish to draw power?'

Sure! C'mon triple cherries! Or triple sevens. Wait which one was better again? Ah whatever! Just gimme triple something!

[Results of power draw-

Unrelenting Force+ shout


[Due to completing hidden objective- Acquire a shout- Skyrim world has been unlocked! 500 SP awarded!]

Wait, skyrim that sounds familiar... Oh yeah, that was a game right? Hm, Unrelenting force plus? I think I remember that but not with the plus attached to it.

[Unrelenting Force+ shout-

Like all shouts it will cause user to become short of breath after use. Unrelenting Force shout sends forth a burst of air combined with slight telekinetic prowess to propel anything in front of user away from user.

Difference between standard shout and plus shout is that plus is 50% stronger, more efficient, and longer ranged while also having the added effect of dispelling illusions that come into contact with it.

FUS RO DAH OOH to use upgraded shout


Wait, FUS RO DAH? That's right, I remember it now. Wait, this is stronger? I want to try it out now, wait do I automatically have it now?


Let's try it then, "FUS RO DAH!"



Nothing. What'd I do wrong?

'Host does not have standard shout, only upgraded so last part is necessary.'

Oh that makes sense I guess. "FUS RO DAH OOH"

Holy crap that really does leave you out of breath.

Wow, everything shattered around me. Wait I really was in a genjutsu? So is that why I couldn't use my chakra or even move?

'Negative. Enemies used high tiered seals on host to prevent host from leaving genjutsu.'

Wait so I'm still sealed and immobile then? Shit.

'Affirmative, host is still sealed and immobile'

Dammit, I thought I just forgot how to use my chakra when I tried making a shadow clone right now. Wait, I just realized, but shout decimated the tent that I was in since I am out in the open right now... fuck me.

I need to find a way to break out of here soon. If only I could turn my head, dammit.

*************Jiraiya POV**************

While we were travelling through the Forest we suddenly heard a, well, extremely loud sound to put it nicely, off to the right of us. I climbed to the top of the tree to be able to see if there was a monster there, but I couldn't see anything. The three of us decided to investigate since it might be dangerous for the leaf if we don't report it, and maybe, just maybe it could be Joseph causing a ruckus.

**********Joseph's POV**************

Well I'm, on a scale of 1 to getting fat man dropped on Japan... I think I'm at Auschwitz. (A/N: I am Jewish by blood and have family that went through some of that, they all joke about it so don't get offended ples. If there is massive calls for it I will remove it but it's just a joke that I make because I don't get offended by things and love to laugh. In fact gimme some of your most fucked up jokes below, well okay this isn't a go ahead to be racist, but send me some good jokes.)

Shit how can I get out of here?

'Host has random summon draw tickets host can use.'

Oh really? Well uh, draw them I guess?

[Host has received-

Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong

Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Alucard the fuck mothering vampire

(A/N: I did a random name generation to decide these and put a bunch of people I thought of, including some of my Waifu's. I got pretty lucky that one of them got on there but I am pretty satisfied. To tease a little bit I pressed it a few more times and it went Garrus, Darkness, Shigure, Esdeath, then Geralt. Also yes I needed to give Alucard that title, I needed people to know he was the one from the Abridged.)


Hm, well um. I don't quite know how to react to that. I low key thought I was going to get all females like some, well most, of the system novel's I've read.

'Host, that is sexist. This is an equal rights system and this system has every single character inside of it. It is due to host's luck stat that these characters are all useful and not one's like Jar Jar. Also before host has any thoughts, no he is not a sith lord. He is a dumbass.'

How did you know I was going to ask that?

'System can read hosts mind. Will host summon all rewards?'

Well I know I'm pressed for time here but I don't really want to summon Alucard only for him to cut my head off for shits and giggles. Do these summons retain memories, personalities, are they loyal, etc etc (A/N: He is actually saying etcetera etcetera.)?

'Informing host, summons retain memories, personalities, and there is a loyalty meter. If host can complete secret objectives with summons then loyalty will be undying and can only go down if host severely impacts them negatively, like host killing Ezio's sister or other comparable scenarios.'

So will they, you know, be upset for being summoned then?

'Host can imagine these like this is the Fate series. These are copies, though they are also real. If host enters summons world then summon and their counterpart will fuse and the remainder will be host's summon, at that point however the summon will be the true part and if host leaves the world there will no longer be different versions.'

Hm, okay so what I can understand is I can use all of these basically without worrying about destroying their worlds?


Well summon all of them then.

Suddenly a white light envelops me, and well I think they are standing around me but I can't turn my head.

"Oh my, is it Tuesday already? I never though bondage Tuesday would catch on. I must go and do Integra a favor for actually listening to my suggestion for once. Oh! Maybe she'll let me go to a Dairy Queen again." That is definitely Alucard. Leave it to him to instantly comment about me.

"Hm, it appears that we are surrounded by enemies. Hm, 3,4. 4 enemies. No wait, 5. 5 Enemies are watching us, they may be experts at hiding but they can't hide from me." Hm, I want to say that's Olivier.

"Aye, I agree with you. They have a scent of eagerness behind them, it gives away their positions." Ezio I guess? I mean he has an Italian accent so I think by trial of elimination and his accent it's Ezio.

"Well uh, nice to see you all be summoned. Mind helping out a bit here?" I decide to call out to them in hopes that they will, well, not let me get murdered.

"Oh? Someone didn't put a ball-gag on the gimp? Well I'll have to educate them later on that since proper gimp management is important." Do I really need to even say who this is at this point? Honestly if you can't tell this is Alucard then go watch Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, it will enlighten you.

After a moment there are snaps and my head suddenly doesn't have any pressure on it from the strap. I try turning my head and when I turn to the left I see the Old Ezio, the Master Assassin Ezio that is, standing by me with his hidden blade cutting the straps holding me down. "Greetings, I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze." He does a light bow before he goes back to cutting the straps and talking, "I don't quite know why I am here, but I can tell that we are being watched by 5 people, one is a female who appears to be suffering from the monthly bleed. These people are quite effective at hiding I must say, though I am still able to see them."

After Ezio finishes I stand up and stretch a bit before looking at my body for the seal, which was quite easy to find as it was on my stomach. "Oh, well there goes my Tuesday fun. I'm going for a walk." I sigh at what Alucard said since I hadn't even taken a look at him or Olivier yet.

"What do you think you are doing?! We are surrounded by enemies and you want to go for a walk!? What kind of insane man are you?" This is Olivier chastising him, which causes me to look up and it's actually pretty funny.

A blonde woman in blue outfit, well all I can see from here is her back, going and yelling at Alucard who is in his usual red coat as he walks to, where I can only assume to be, where the enemies are. As if to reaffirm my assumption Ezio speaks from my side, "It is strange, I cannot sense him but he must be strong if he is going straight towards the enemies"

Before he enters the trees fully though he turns around quickly and looks straight at the three of us, "Let me tell ya something now girly, I am no insane man. I AM AN INSANE VAMPIRE! YOU GOT THAT? In fact I am a fuck mothering vampire, and I deserve to be called as such since I have worked hard for it." He then turned back around and walked into the forest. Now I am wondering how people managed to keep a straight face. Is it just like an anime characters perk? I look to Ezio and see that he is still keeping a straight face whereas Olivier is probably pretty upset.

"Tch, calling me girly, I'll show that daft bastard who's a girly when he gets back." She then turns around and faces towards me, and I gotta say I approve. In person is definitely better still, she looks amazing. I'm no longer in a genjutsu right?



"You there, explain to me why I am here and not at the wall with my troops. Also where am I as this does not look like anywhere I have been in Amestris at the least, and finally who are these men that appeared by me?" Can't really fault her for that, I mean she was summoned her out of nowhere.

"Well um, best I can say is I summoned a copy of you so there is still a you at the walls Mrs. Armstrong? Olivier? Major General? I don't quite know how to call you but uh, well this is a different world long story short and these two are from different worlds as well. The calm one here is Ezio Auditore da Firenze, he is a Master Assassin who well, I don't want to spoil more than that since it's really his story to tell. As for the other, well vampire, his name is Alucard and it's best not to question what he does honestly and not take his comments to heart, they just feed into him and he will win an argument 99 times out of a hundred with his banter. As for combat... he is a vampire and has been alive for a long time. I don't know if your world has any vampires but I recommend staying on his good side, especially during his walks."

I then turn to Ezio to introduce Olivier to him, "And she is Major General Olivier Armstrong. She is, well honestly from what I remember of seeing her world, a very terrifying existence. Granted not as terrifying as Alucard but you'll see what I mean. Now I won't say everything about everyone and will just give some... well brief details as I well, don't feel completely there right now. It's taking all of my willpower not to break down and cry currently. So if you excuse me, I need 5 minutes to go and get this seal off of me." I turn around and sit down so I can concentrate on the seal that was placed on my stomach, I can get it off but not as quickly as I would like since I can't use chakra.


Title- Breaking free and summoning

Hope I do these characters justice later on and I hope this is starting to make you guys feel better! Originally I didn't have summons planned but I felt they helped tie it together well.

Thanks for reading everyone! Vote, comment, and review if you like the story!

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