
Travelling My Favorite Worlds!

Temporary Hiatus. If you want an explanation, well I am a college student first and foremost so spring semester is a thing that I'm going through currently. No work though (yay grants), however sometimes I don't get that much free time, in fact this week was the first time I had some free time in a good minute(I spent it modding skyrim.) Now for the second half, like I'm sure many people can relate to, I have Depression (I don't really keep anything secret since I have nothing to hide or bad about me, but if someone doesn't like me mentioning it sorry I guess?). Well reason I mention it, well these last couple months were rough on me, last week I actually cried a little bit (it was me remembering the past and being happy my little siblings love me so don't worry about me too much) if that is any indicator. Not only that but stress has been building up. Good news time though! Feeling better now (2-22-19) and I do plan on writing more for this story and am doing a different method. I used to write basically ad lib, but I didn't like that, so now I'm writing out the basic plotline of the story so that I have a clear direction. Now reason I'm not writing more of the story now? Well quite frankly I'm drained from it currently. Tapped out. Though I love it too much to give up on it so I will be working on something new soon! Whether this will be a lasting project or not is to be determined but I felt inspired when a fan went and pitched the idea to me. If anyone wants to know as well I am currently working on building an entirely new solar system for a story to take place on (It would be fantasy mainly with touches of sci-fi) and am designing everything from it's origin to the evolutions and then to the worlds histories. It's very early though so it likely won't be seen for a long time yet (only 1 planet partially done currently). So thanks to everyone that is supportive of me, I won't waste those good wishes, and to those that were rude (note, not those that were critical of what I wrote. I like criticism.) learn from those that were supportive or those that criticize. Being rude just leads to situations like Authors not wanting to write something they love. ~See you space cowboy- Your beloved(I hope) Author, Joseph! ------------------------------------- Hi, my name is Joseph and this is my Adventure story! I'm a nerd and well, I always had a weakness to isekai novels. Now I didn't want to get hit by a truck or anything like that, and that didn't happen this time either. Being honest, well it was rather out of left field what happened, I drank myself into oblivion and almost died. However god saved me! Or well, I think he was god he never really told me. Now though, I have the power of going and jumping from world to world! Both real one's and fictional ones! Even ones that are similar to the fictional ones! So what I'll be doing is travelling some of my favorite worlds and live the dreams I always wanted for myself! -------------------------- There will be no NTR, this will be Harem, and I try to be a very involved author but keep in mind I do have a life so if I can't update daily like I usually do I try my best. Currently am editing a few chapters and doing other things so I will be unable to update until I finish the chapters I set as a goal for myself.

j0sejalap3n0 · Others
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63 Chs

*Edited* What'll it be? Transmigration? Reincarnation? Hmm?

Hello and welcome, my name is Joseph and I will be your main character for this ride.

Some notes about me, I enjoy fourth wall breaking a lot, even if nobody really is there listening to me and most of my friends give me some weird looks, I can cook, I love reading, writing, manga, videogames, movies. Think of a nerd from the 90's(Well I did grow up during them so I mean...) honestly and you have me pinned to a T.

How much so? Well if the above hobbies weren't enough I also play Dungeons and Dragons and am inept when it comes to talking to people sometimes. Now it's not because of a stutter or a lisp, I am actually quite charismatic when I like or need to be! It's just that I can thank genetics for giving me anxiety at the worst of times!

Anyways, there was still one girl I could talk to no matter what, she is honestly one of my best friends, and sadly, my on again off again ex Cleo. Well at least until today she was. I was fed up with this shit happening over and over again for the past 3 years that we have been together. Shes cheated on me 50 times in that time span, and I know what you are thinking, she might be polyamorous or what a reverse harem or something like that.

She's not, she doesn't, and I am out of excuses for her.

I have tried talking to her about that to make it work out because I genuinely did love her. She was my first kiss, first girl I took on a date, first girl to take care of me when I was sick, and the first girl I genuinely thought I would marry. However, she feeds me lines of 'Hey it won't happen again' or 'I love you more than anyone else.' etc etc. She constantly denies that it's my fault and I mean, I don't know why it would be my fault? I go and constantly try to please her in bed. Not to the point of being submissive, but I like to check with her and discover what she likes and doesn't like.

In fact, I'd like to think that after all of my experimentation I've done on her, I know more about her body than she does. I'm joking, I don't really think that's possible, but I do know her well which is why I don't know why she does this. 'I'm the only one for her. All those other guys don't matter. I'm sorry'. I'm so tired of her doing this to me, she knows how I am and how I get hurt so easily after my past, but it's because of what I've been through that I just keep taking her back because loneliness was almost worse.

So when I got home today I packed up what little shit I had after I walked in on her and Carl, pardon my French, fucking in our bed. I walked to the closet and pulled out the laundry hamper that I kep in there, walked around the house and grabbed all the electronics I cared about. My phone charger, tablet and it's charger, videogame consoles, TV's, Monitors, and my computer, I even threw some clothes in between to keep them safe. The basket almost wasn't big enough and I almost wasn't strong enough for it, but I still had more stuff left so after putting that into my car I threw the rest of my stuff into a backpack, and grabbed my cat Arthur on the way out.

As I was storming off I almost knocked over a picture of me and my grandmother from back when I was a teenager. My lip twitched a bit as I picked it up and remembered how simple life used to be, I then calmly walked out to my car as I heard her screaming out to me. As I started the car and pulled out of the driveway I looked back at the house we were renting together and saw her running out in her bathrobe. I'll wire her money later to cover my rent and utilities for this month since I'm not a monster. I gave her chances. Oh so many, but it was clear that she didn't actually love me, we were friends I guess, but that's all we were. Friends that lived together, kissed, went on dates, and fucked. Who cared about my feelings, I wouldn't have even minded that much if she wanted a Harem, I mean how can I? I would be lying if I didn't say I wanted one. Not that I'll say it aloud though.

I turned left down the street from the driveway and looked at her running after me in the rear view mirror, Carl also ran out to see why she stopped during their session. That's fucking right, they didn't even stop when I was marching my stuff out of the room and only realized when I was grabbing my cat right by her head. What they were doing will be forever grained in my head too, not because it was like kinky or anything, we've done worse. But because of the fact that she was instructing him to do things that I did to her. That just pissed me off even more, but I couldn't lash out at her, I wasn't raised that way. I would much rather just leave like this and let her suffer with my silence, and when I wasn't angry or prone to do something that I would regret, then I'd talk to her and tell her that it's over for good.

She was a beautiful woman though, and other than her not wanting to be honest with me, she had an amazing personality too. I just can't deal with the amount of pain that she brings me. It wouldn't hurt as much if she happened to just be honest with herself and me, even if she wanted to be with other guys, I mean I know I'm not perfect in bed and definitely don't have some of the kinks she does, but I do try my best which is why it'd be so nice if she would just talk to me about it.

I cry a little bit as I head towards a friend's house, I would already be shedding tears like a waterfall but I don't want to get into a car crash, but after half an hour I pulled into his driveway, and once I turned off the engine I let the waterworks flow. I don't know how long I was sitting outside crying for by the end of it, but it hurt a lot, like a band aid being put on a burn, then taken off and some alcohol poured on, then repeating the process.

I was also petting Arthur as I cried since he was always there for me when I had a long day at work or when I needed to cry, so much so that I honestly feel bad for him sometimes. He hasn't really known any life besides this, I remember some of my cats even hating the car and would even have diarrhea because of it, but all through the drive he just life on the passenger seat with the picture of my grandma without a single care in the world.

I can't help but think that he deserves better than me, I mean I even forgot his food and litter box so I'll have to go to the store later for them both. After settling down a bit, I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial my friend's​ number, he should be off work by now, it is 5 in the afternoon and he is self employed.

I muster up as much of my willpower as I can to stop crying after he answers, then I tell him, "It happened again man. I'm in your driveway and before you say anything I'm done with her now, it hurts too much for her to put me through this."

After a minute of silence, well not complete silence, I can hear his sighs ever so often as well, but then I heard a response, "Fuck man. Again? I told you that she was toxic after the first time I met her. I'm not even attractive and she was coming on to ME! Hell I even told you afterward and you talked to her about it! Didn't you say she didn't apologize and was just playing around?"

I can't help but meekly reply, "I know... I know."

I hear a sigh from the line before he continues"Okay bro, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going on a trip today, I am leaving for the airport now, and as I don't have a car how about you give me a ride there? You do that and you can stay in my house for the weekend till I get back, fair? Sorry I can't be there for you, but I have a business to run and this is one of my biggest clients. I unlocked the door so drop your things off real fast so we can go."

I sigh to gain some composure "Okay. I'll have Arthur and everything in there in a few"

"Shit, I forgot about your cat. Listen, be careful with him because I don't know how Leeroy will take a cat in the house. You bring his litter box?" He responded to me.

"Leeroy is a snake dude, plus he has a huge enclosure in your place. Plus I'd be more worried for Arthur if anything happened, cat would literally sleep while he gets eaten whole. About the litter box I planned on getting one after along with food."

I step out of the car after making sure the keys were in my pocket while he continues, "Alright, get your ass in here then. After you unload I have an hour to get there which isn't much in airport time, but considering we have to get 10 miles, well I was going to call an uber soon but you showed up."

I motion to Arthur to get out of the car and he lazily looks at me before stretching and walking towards the door. He's not even old, he's 2 years old! I have nobody to blame for how he acts than myself, but dammit he is a good friend to me, especially while I cry.

I grab most of my stuff and struggle opening the front door with my chin, damned round knobs. After a bit I try using my cheek to turn it when the door suddenly opens and I sit there hunched over with my mouth in an odd shape.

"God damn Joe, sometimes I wonder about you. Could've just knocked if you had your hands full man, damn."...I though he was busy.

I stand back up straight and set my stuff down by his couch, "Thanks Tim. Again."

He looks at me before he turns around to walk upstairs "Don't mention it," he says while waving his hand.

I sigh as I sit down on the couch before Arthur hops up on my lap to relax. After 5 minutes Tim walked back downstairs with a suitcase, probably full of luggage. "C'mon, you know how much I hate driving so this works out for the both... well me. Plus now I don't need someone to watch my house. Bonus!" He smiles while chuckling a bit.

I can't help but chuckle too, which makes him react, "Holy shit, the depression demon! It chuckled?! I need to go back to doing stand up if that's the case, make a fortune like Adam Sandler and I can just have my my comic shop chain be a side business. I mean if I cracked through your shell while you're sad... man I must be a legend." He sighs before continuing, "Just kidding. I love this shit. Hell I get to read what DC puts out before anyone else, don't care too much for the marvel stuff besides the money though."

He leans in close before whispering, "Spoiler, Captain Marvel is a girl. Also spoiler, they replaced iron man with some little girl."

I sigh because he mentioned two things about marvel that I absolutely hate that Captain Marvel has just turned so far away from her original character and the fact that they replaced iron man with a minority girl. I wouldn't be so upset a new minority girl character being made, like Ms marvel, I like her, but they messed with iron man! Like, completely got rid of him! I mean I get that he was an alcoholic at one point but that was part of his character, then they replaced him with some girl just because she was there and just so happened to be a super genius? It pisses me off sometimes.

"Please don't mention them, they're ruining my childhood one movie and comic at a time" I plead to the asshole.

"Oh no, you get to know every juicy secret. Think we were going to listen to music? FOOL WE SHALL BATHE IN WISDOM." he makes the Solaire pose.

Why did I come here again? He just tries to be a meme sometimes I swear. Before he can continue, I walk out to the car shaking my head, that way I can avoid the inevitable dead baby jokes.

Thankfully it was an uneventful ride, he may be an asshole but he still knows how to be a friend and give me silence when I need it. After he had put his stuff in the back and sat in the passenger seat he saw that I was trying my best not to cry so he didn't say anything and just handed the auxiliary cord to me.

I had smiled a bit when he did that and we continued the trip listening to the playlist I had been assembling for almost a decade now. I mean I have almost 3 days worth of music on this thing, though there is really only a few songs that don't piss me off now, but why delete them?

After we arrived at the airport he got out and tossed me the keys, probably to his house and said, "Cheer up bud, we can't all be like 'ol Johnny boy and go to another world that lets you level up your stats. Plus he did have a pretty bad mental break the other week so it is rough on person. Having a harem like in those novels sure does sound nice though doesn't it?"He winked at me before continuing as he leaned in the car window, "I still have a minute or 2 before they yell at us, so I'll leave you with this, while you get the litter box and food for Arthur make sure you pick yourself up some liquor since all I have is beer, which I know you hate. Have a good weekend away from her, and hey, I'll go with you to a bar when I get back okay?" He gave me that classic tim smile as he turned around and started walking off, I love and hate that smile, makes you think that he could actually carry the world on his back.

I start pulling out but suddenly he ran back up to the passenger window and tapped on it quickly so I unlock the door for him, "What?"

He grins and rubs his head, "Forgot my shit."

I sigh since that's the reason I hate his smile, I keep forgetting we're both dumbasses because of it. Though it doesn't stop me from talking to him, "Damn, here I thought I'd get bonus. Go ahead and take it so you don't miss your flight."

He chuckled and saluted me before he ran off with his luggage.

I pull out the rest of the way and drive while I listen to music, or at least I did until I saw a pet store and remember I needed litter and food for Arthur. As I pulled in I noticed it was conveniently located right by a liquor store. What plot armor hm?

I walk into the store and greet the young blonde girl standing behind the counter with a smile before I go off to grab Arthur's stuff.

After I walk back up she smiled at me with a toothy grin and I notice she has braces, " 'll this'll be all for ya mister?" she asked me with an obviously southern twang, been years since I've heard I've heard it actually so it threw me off a bit.

I smile and reply, "Yeah, thanks." She nods and rings me up, total came to be about 50 dollars. I sigh as I pay something that should've been unnecessary, can't help my own stupidity in the moment.

I pay the money after giving her a smile and she smiles in return as she hands me the bit of change. "Ya wanna bag sir?" I nod and smile.

After I grab the bag from her I walk back to my car and put them in the back seat before I turn and look at the liquor store. It's been about 3 years since I last drank. I think. I stopped the month after I started dating her because she didn't like me drinking so much. Didn't stop her from drinking more than I used to though but I didn't really mind, my liver was the healthiest it had ever been since I was 17.

I locked my car and walk into the store and see 5 aisles full of different kinds of liquors, a section in the back reserved for wine, and coolers with various alcohol in them.

I pick up a basket and grab a bottle of Vodka, a bottle of Rum, and a small bottle of whiskey. I don't plan on being sober this weekend, and thankfully I'm not the type of person to get a hangover. Well the fact that I actually drink a lot of water while drinking definitely does help me though.

I walk up to the counter and pass the old man behind it the basket and my ID showing that I'm 27, which is more than legal to buy alcohol. He pulls up some glasses and looks at me before asking, "Are you really 27? You look... I don't know, like you're either older or younger with that facial hair of yours. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

Why does he have to make small talk? I'm on a bit of a time limit here man as I can only not break down in tears for so long, especially without music.

I smile wryly and rub my head while I hand him my card, "Yup, I'm 27, have been since I stopped being 26 and will be till I start being 28."

"Smartass huh?" He chuckled a bit at what I said, "Well here's your booze and your card. Don't drink it all in a night, it'd be enough to kill a dwarf" He winks at me as I grab my items.

What an odd old man. Must've been a bit of a fantasy fan though considering he mentioned dwarves. That or he was talking about the physical disease, well if it was that one then he was being a bit of an asshole to them.

I put the alcohol in the passenger seat before I drive back to Tim's house. Once I get there I put Arthur's litter box and litter in the bathroom on the first floor and I put his food and water bowl by the kitchen island so it's somewhat out of the way.

Now that Arthur is taken care of I sit down on the couch, turn on the TV, and crack open the alcohol. Sadly I don't have shot glasses and am now sitting down so I just have to drink from the bottle.

"Heh, just like old times" I chuckle a bit as I down a few mouthfuls of the vodka. No better way to forget than this. Ah, I remember college like it was yesterday, when my roommates would be doing there own things I'd crack open a bottle and take shots of vodka while watching a movie. At least until my friend walked in and had me chug the last bit of the bottle when I was telling him I already cut myself off. I can't remember anything past that but was told I almost got alcohol poisoning. God, thinking about it makes me shudder.

After this time though, well I've tried as much as I can, I can't remember anything even though I'd only taken a single shot by this point. Well that's not entirely true, I remember waking up, drinking water, then passing back out and cuddling Arthur. He makes a good pillow.

After sleeping for God knows how long I finally woke up to my phone ringing in my ear. I reach to my pocket and pull it out 'Unknown Caller' was on it. I swipe to answer the call but apparently it was a face call. Or at least one for him. My face didn't pop up in any corner so it didn't seem as if my face was being shown, but I could quite clearly see Morgan Freeman right in front of me.

I blink a few times. "Morning Mr... Freeman?"

"Freeman? What?" Morgan Freeman looks at himself in shock then lightly hits his forehead. "You humans really must stop seeing me as Morgan Freeman right when we meet. I'm an old white guy, jeez."


He snaps his fingers and changes to the old guy from the liquor store!

"Hey, you're the one that sold me liquor" I open my eyes in amazement.

He then nods his head with a smile on his face, "That I am, that I am. I am calling because well... How do I put this. Know that guy John? The one from that famous show?" He asks me about the show I watch often so I nod in response. I mean I loved that show, and was able to relate pretty well to what it was that John struggled with. Well not the whole monster and another world thing, but I could understand his emotional pain.

"Good, he's going to meet some trouble soon, and well I can't help him. In fact because I gave him such scary growth and abilities, plus special gifts when he deserves them I got fired and he is going to face some trouble. Though that doesn't matter too much, what is important is that I was fired."

He sighs as he explains, "You and John are quite similar if you've noticed, you both would have gotten along great if you ever ran into each other. In fact you both almost died by the same method, vodka! Those Russians and their vodka." He laughs a bit at his joke.

"Wait, I almost died?" I look at him with a tinge of confusion on my face, to which he replies by pointing at the empty bottle of vodka, rum, and half empty bottle of whiskey on the couch behind me.

"Yup I can see why I would die now." I nod my head and look away from embarrassment.

He nods, "John almost went out the same way, just like you. Just like you I saved him, and I sent him to that world with powers. Now though is the difference, I am here to ask you for help. I stole something from my, err... past employers. It was just enough to save you, give you something I specifically crafted to help you, and go into hiding till I can come back out." He crosses his arms and looks dejected at the situation.

"2 things real quick though, 1: I really must have had too much to drink, 2: prove to me this is real if I am sober right now if that's not the case."

He sighs and shakes his head before snapping his fingers, and once he does I feel lighter, like all the alcohol left my body completely unlike before. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "Okay yeah, you're real. So what do you need my help with and what gift are you giving me?"

He looks to his left and right before speaking, "I can't say either. All I can tell you is that it involves you getting stronger, travelling the multiverse, and just going about your business while being a pain in the ass. Should you accept it that is. That's all I really need you to do, and well if you meet any of their agents, you'll know who I'm talking about, don't let them bring you in. Fight them for christs sake."

Well the multiverse sounds fun. ish. Just doesn't have that much appeal to it though besides that.

He must have noticed my dissatisfaction though. "Okay fine, since you need more convincing it's the fictional and non fictional multiverses. Yes multiple multiverse exist, and there are separate ones for fiction and non fiction. That is really all I can tell you though, and I have enough power to spare to grant 2 wishes if you decide now."

Well I do like the sound of that, "Sure. I want the ability to create, level up, and control my own dimension that I can bring others to, and I want only those that I approve of to be able to enter."

"Done. Next, you got 30 seconds"


"A system."

"Already included, next"

SHIT. Wait, no that's good, but shit!

"Uhh, give me the option to go back to previous worlds?"

"Included. Next. 15 seconds."

God dammit.

"Skill stealing?" I liked this op power in a lot of the novels I've read.

"Good enough. It was in the shop but you don't have enough time to decide another. I'll give you 5 minutes to get what you wanna bring with you together. Yes you can bring the cat. No don't worry about food, they can eat meat and he can stay in your dimension. NOW BREAK."

Shit, I hate time crunches sometimes. I rush and bring out a pad of paper from my friends counter that says. "Yo, god came buy. Doing what John is, kind of. Will visit when I can. Code to card is xxxx. Sorry about the mess!" I left him my card since I probably won't need money anymore and since I had a decent amount saved up it should help his business. Plus if I do need it he'd probably give it back with interest.

I grab all my stuff and Arthur before I sit on the couch and pick my phone up. He looks over everything before snapping his fingers. "Good, took you 3 minutes. This will hurt much less then once we get you out of there"


He smiled then snapped his fingers. I looked around and saw a pure black world around me, I couldn't even see my hands.

'What the fuck?'

Wait I can't talk?

"Yes you can. Just wait a moment as we still only have a couple minutes, because you went by faster this will hurt much less though."

'What will hurt? I'm not a masochist so I'm not into this kind of thing!'

I hear a finger snap before I collapse to my hands and knees(?) from the pain that is splitting apart my mind. It eventually becomes too much so I pass out from it.

Edited as of: January 3rd, 2019

Woohoo! Edited this chapter, I think it's much more coherent now, gives better character depth not just for the MC but the ex, and a little bit for the friend Tim.

I hope you guys like it, I think what I'll be doing since I'm job hunting currently is that I'll go and edit at the minimum, 1 chapter a day which can mean that this will take a while before a new chapter is added, but I think this is needed.

j0sejalap3n0creators' thoughts