
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

What else could go wrong?

Sasha watched as Stiles drove away from her house. She watched until she couldn't see his taillights anymore. She grabbed some clothes and went to take a shower.

The feeling in Jared's eyes as he roamed over her body wouldn't go away. She could still feel his lustrous gaze. Every time she closed her eyes she would think about what almost happened to her.


She collapsed onto the shower floor and brought her knees to her chest and silently sobbed. 'If it wasn't for Stiles being there and showing up...' She didn't even want to finish that line of thought. Steam filled the bathroom and she stared at the water going into the drain.

*Bang bang*

Sasha jumped and stood up in a hurry. The doorknob twisted.

*Bang! Bang!*

"Sasha! Hurry up! You can't use all of the hot water."

Sasha let out the breath she was holding in and turned off the shower with shaky hands. She stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself. She wiped the condensation off the mirror and made sure her eyes weren't red. She sniffled a little and patted her face.

She opened the door before Samantha could bang on it again.

"Jeez, what took you so long?" Samantha brushed passed her and closed the door. Sasha went to her room and relaxed on the bed. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. Sasha was just about to let go of the breath when it got caught and she started choking.

She opened her eyes and Jared was on top of her squeezing her throat. She tried hitting his arms, clawing at his face, and kicking the bed to push him off. Nothing worked.

"You little arrogant bitch. What did you expect? You are just too tempting. Where's your little pet!? Huh? Oh, I know! He's probably somewhere gloating at your pathetic self. I bet he is happy to have gotten rid of you, I mean after all, no one would accept you besides me. We are the same!"

With a start, Sasha woke up to her mother shaking her awake. She rapidly looked around for Jared but saw that he wasn't there. "Honey, what's wrong? Is everything ok?" Sasha threw herself into her mother's arms and cried. The emotions from the past couple of days finally erupted. The events from earlier that night were the catalyst for many nightmares to come.

Nikki just sat and held her daughter in her arms trying to calm her down. On the outside, she was patting her and speaking small encouraging sentences. "Everything is ok honey. Whatever it is, it can't hurt you." Inside however was a different story. She was seething with rage. A tattoo appeared on the back of her hand. She quickly calmed herself. 'Nikki you must stay in control, you can't allow them to find us.'

Sasha slowly calmed down and wiped her eyes. Nikki stepped out to give her some privacy. She was still wrapped in her towel. She opened the door for Nikki to come back in. She sat down on her bed. Niki sat down in her computer chair and leaned forwards, she didn't want to force Sasha to talk, but she also couldn't just ignore her cries for help.

Sasha looked down at the ground at her feet. She knew she would spill everything, so she shakily breathed in and out. "Raheem and I broke up." Nikki wanted to say something in response. "No, he didn't break it off, I did."

Nikki swallowed her words. She stood up and softly wrapped her arm around her. "I was wondering why I haven't seen him around or why your phone had been so quiet."

Sasha scoffed. "Thanks, that's what every heartbroken girl wants to hear."

"I didn't mean it like that sweety. That boy was head over hills about you. Almost every day he would call you." Her words just cut into her deeper. 'There it is, salt in the wounds.'

Nikki rubbed her arm. "I feel horrible, Mom I broke up with him over something so stupid, he tried to open up to me and in response, I called him a monster." She looked at the floor in shame.

Nikki was thinking about Raheem and why she described him as a monster. 'Is it possible that he is a hybrid? If so then why didn't any of the arrays activate? She grabbed Sasha in a hug again. She waved her hand toward the wall and none of the arrays looked broken or tampered with.

"Mom, you have to lay off the protein. You're choking me." Nikki let go of her. "Well, you should come and work out with me on the weekends." They laughed at each other. "Sasha everyone says things they later regret, it's what you do afterward that matters." She gave a kiss on her forehead and left the room.

Sasha sat on her bed and thought about what her mom said. "She's right. What else could go wrong?" She turned off her lamp and headed to bed.

Raheem watched as Stiles towed Sasha's car.

He got on his bike and went toward the motel, where the Hidlers were staying. 'It's time they reaped what they have sowed.'

All of the wildlife, all of the hybrids, and all of the people with mana, shook and shuddered. Raheem subconsciously released a very small, almost microscopic size of his soul. The world spirit itself was shocked. It wanted nothing more than to banish this, this thing that had shaken it. The world spirit tried to wrap the soul energy and toss it into space but experienced backlash.

Raheem did not realize it nor would he care even if he did. He now had tunnel vision and unfortunately for the Hidlers, they were at the end of the tunnel.

Self-proclaimed Greatest Trio POV

"Hahaha see! See! I told you he would lose it." A little figure was constantly slamming his fist on a table.

"Indeed, Pranks that somewhat entertained me." A man with an English accent said.

"My illusion was the star of the show. Without it, the girl wouldn't have gotten her mother involved." A woman with a haughty smile said.

They called themselves the greatest Trio but the rest of the All's called them the most annoying. They were the All of Illusions, All of Entertainment, and All of Trickery. They were always causing problems across the multi-verse.

"No! It was my idea so I contributed the most!" The All of Trickery or 'Pranks' said.

"My Illusions did all of the work. An idea is just that, an idea."

"You haughty bimbo! Lustristan still won't go out with you! You can't take my credit."

"How dare you! You have no right to even speak his name. You are nothing but a child."

The All of Entertainment sipped his tea and enjoyed the show. He picked up his plate of cookies just in time for Pranks to flip the table. Juice and food splashed onto his opponent. The All of Illusions was about to cast a spell when a cough was heard.

"Good to see you three getting along as always." They all sat back down as if nothing ever happened. All-Father nodded his head and stole a cookie from Entertainment.

"That was a very nasty trick you pulled off. Controlling the boy and then making the girl see him. She will have nightmares for weeks if not the rest of her life. I won't even get into how much that will affect her dating life."

He ate the rest of the cookies and drank all of the tea that was on the table. "I will say this once and only once. Do not interfere again, he will soon provide you with endless entertainment." The All-Father stood up and grabbed his walking stick. He was just about to leave when remembered something. "Oh and before a forget."

He stabbed his walking stick into the floor. All three of them collapsed and cut into ribbons. He smiled and left.

Moments later all three of them were whole and were sitting down again. They were all silent and looking at the center of the table.

Pranks broke the silence first.

He laughed and the others joined in. Their faces were all twisted in glee and happiness. The All of Entertainment clapped his hands and a variety of food and drinks appeared.

Pranks sniffed the air. "Ahh, how long has it been since Father punished us?"

"Quite some time Pranks. He only does it when something truly entertaining is going to happen." The All of Entertainment was the happiest of them all. He gets bored very easily and with his infinite lifespan, he must fulfill it with something entertaining.

"I think we should control other worlds in the meantime." The All of Illusions still wanted to do something.

"No! We will sit here and watch the show! Come sister, this will be the greatest show for the next ten million years." She let out a sigh. Pranks and Entertainment cheered. The center of the table opened up and three monitors popped up. One for each of them.