
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Final Preparations

Stiles looked down at the ground and gulped. "Ok, you got this. It's just a five-story drop." He backed up, took a deep breath, then stepped off the roof.


He landed on his feet. The crunch was the ground beneath him, cracking apart. "Wooooo Hooo! Next up is superhero landing, baby." He ran to his jeep. He opened the door, and it came off in his hand.

He looked at his driver's seat and looked at the door that was in his hands. "How do I even explain this?" He looked around and put it in his trunk. "I just have to say a moose ran into it." He started it up and drove home.

Meanwhile, Sasha and David were sitting in the public library.

David told Sasha to meet him in the historic section of the library. People rarely sit and read there. He was wearing all black and had a hat covering his face. Sasha saw him and walked over.

"Ok, I'm here. Start talking."Sit down first. You aren't exactly subtle." Sasha sat down and stared at him. "Ok, ok, I will start from the beginning. Don't interrupt until I'm finished." Sasha closed her mouth and waited for him to continue.

'Just sit there and be quiet. It would take even longer if you were to ask questions in the middle.' David took out an old book. It was bound by leather and string. "This is a bestiary. Every family of hunters has one. It details what hybrids exist and their weaknesses. Hunters join a family and train under them. Once they graduate, they can stay and become full members or leave. There are multiple small families, but only a few big ones. Hildlers, Argents, Jones, and one down in Mexico. I'm part of the Hidlers, and Alison's family are the Argents."

He explained everything he could think of about the hybrids and how the supernatural world worked. Sasha was still processing the new information and trying to wrap her head around everything. "Ok, just so I'm clear, there are other hybrids besides werewolves, hunters exist to hunt them down, Raheem is a very powerful werewolf." David looked at her with admiration. "Basically, yes, you are taking this better than I thought you would."Well, you know what they say. When only the impossible is left, then that can only be the most probable answer."

"You are right about that." David chuckled a little and got up to leave. "Wait, do you think Raheem is the Alpha?" David sat back down and looked her in the eye. "Evidence wise no, I think he is dangerous, but not a killer. You have to remember everything, and everyone is capable of killing, given the right circumstances." He got up and left. Sasha sat back in her chair, thinking about what David said.

'No, there's no way Raheem would kill someone. He cares about life way too much to take someone else's.' She got up and left.

She was on her way home when she got a flat tire. She pulled over and got out to check it. "Damnit, just what I need. She popped the trunk and grabbed her jack. She also grabbed the spare tire and jack stands.

*Honk Honk*

She turned around and saw Jared get out of a pickup truck. 'Great, just my luck, I have to deal with this idiot.'Hey there, sexy. I can help you out if you need me to." Jared leaned on her car and looked down at her.

"No thanks, it's just a flat." Sasha focused back on the tire. She wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "Nonsense, a pretty lady like yourself, should never have to get her hands dirty." He bent down and grabbed the tire iron from her. She wanted to pull it back, but he overpowered her.

"Why did you break up with the Dark Kung Fu master anyways?" Jared asked. "His name is Raheem, and you will give him the respect he deserves." Jared chuckled in response and took off the tire.

"Sounds like I hit a nerve." Jared stood up and dusted his hands off. "You are a beauty in a dirty world. What I can't understand is why you would allow yourself to be tainted by him."


Sasha reared her hand back and slapped him across his face. "You and your entire family need to wake the hell up! This is not the 1700s anymore. His name is Raheem, and he possesses something you can never hope to have."

Jared rubbed the inside of his mouth with his tongue, then spat out some blood. "Oh yeah? Enlighten me then." Sasha stepped back from him as she saw his eyes. "He possesses a heart that will never waver or break under any circumstances."

Jared looked at her and then laughed. "HAHAHA, that's it? Baby, I've met a lot of men who have had the same thing, but they were broken by me." He started getting closer to her. Sasha kept backing up until her back hit the guard rail. 'Oh yeah, that's the look I love.' Sasha was panicking and was thinking of a way out.


A light blue jeep came to a screeching halt. It was missing a door, and the driver was short. Stiles jumped out of the jeep and ran over to Sasha. He got in between them and stared down Jared.


Another car pulled up and parked. David got out of the car and pulled Jared back. "You fucking idiot! Why didn't you answer the phone?" Jared shoved him away. "Perfect timing, now we can take care of two of them." David punched Jared in his face. "What is going on in that fucking head of yours? We can not do anything to civilians."

David was trying to talk some sense into his stupid brother. Stiles pushed Sasha towards his jeep slowly. Sasha didn't ask any questions and just let herself be pushed. "Stay inside of the jeep and don't call Raheem. If he hears about this, then he will lose his shit, I don't need to remind you what will happen if that happens." Sasha nodded her head and locked the door.

Stiles was incredibly nervous but didn't show it on the outside. He walked over to them. Jared bared his teeth at him. David stopped him and looked at Stiles. "Nice to meet you, I'm Stiles. You can think of me as the liaison for the All-Beast to humans. He doesn't like to shed blood, so if we just pretend this never happened and walk away, that would be great." Stiles spoke with confidence. 'I hope they just walk away, I don't know how to control my new strength.'

"Like the fuc-." Jared was cut off by a punch to his gut. "I remember you, Stiles, in a few weeks, you have changed a lot. I'm curious about how you became his liaison, but I know what questions to ask and which ones not to. I will take you up on your offer." David picked up his brother and put him in his pickup truck. He watched him leave. He nodded and mouthed the words I'm sorry to Sasha.

His phone went off. He looked down and read the text message. "Stiles, is it possible for you to secure a few seats at the meeting? My father would like to meet him." Stiles released his pressure towards him. David felt as if a boulder crashed down on him. "How did he find out about the meeting?" Stiles didn't move his spot, but he watched David's every move.

David was having trouble breathing. He reached for his phone and threw it at him. Stiles caught it and read the text message. He saw the picture that came with it and threw up. It was the picture of the dead tortured werewolf. His ears, claws, and pieces of his flesh were missing.

"I will talk to him about it. I'm keeping this." He pulled his pressure back and put David's phone in his pocket. He walked to the jeep and got in. His face was pale and his knuckles were white. Sasha didn't say anything to him, more like she didn't know what to say. He composed himself and started it up.

"Let's get you home." The drive was silent to her house. "Don't worry about your car, I will take care of it tonight." Sasha was exhausted and nodded her head along. Stiles watched as she made it inside.

Raheem was in a great mood. He had just successfully gained his first Apostle. He wanted to celebrate but knew he still had things to do. He went to the hospital to look for Derek.

Derek couldn't believe his uncle was the Alpha. He was mad, but he knew he couldn't beat him. "Derek. Who is this so-called All-Beast?" "I don't know, Peter." Peter turned around and looked at him.

"I can tell you." They both whipped their heads towards the door. Derek saw Raheem and tried his best to keep his heartbeat steady. Peter looked at him and snarled. "Oh, how good I was thinking about visiting you. Nice of you to save me the effort." Raheem walked into the room and ignored him.

"Derek, how is your arm doing?" "It is better, thanks for asking." Raheem was trying to set the pace and show Peter he controlled the conversation. He threw a glance at Peter. He smirked at him. "You think you are hot shit don't you." He stomped over to Raheem but stopped in mid-step. Raheem looked him in the eyes for the first time.

"Good, now we all know who has the biggest balls in the room." He looked at them both. His eyes were a mixture of green and red. His eyes were still predominantly green, but now red could be seen in the center. It was only a matter of time before they turned completely red.

"Peter, I was given two options either kill you or cure you. I don't want to spill any unnecessary blood, so I want to try to cure you." "There is nothing wrong with me. I'm the strongest I've ever been in a long, long time."

"You are wrong about that. Madness is corrupting your mind, making you lash out and kill people." "You think this is MADNESS! No, this is revenge! Those bastards killed all of the people I ever loved! Burned them like they were second-hand goods!"

Derek backed away from Peter. Peter was angry and was starting to shift. His eyes turned red, he grew taller, and claws came out. "I don't expect you to ever understand that type of pain!" He lunged at Raheem

Raheem's eyes also turned completely red. He kicked out and made Peter fly through the wall. He slowly walked towards him. "I don't understand!? That's rich! I'VE LOST EVERYTHING, I CAN'T EVEN GO BACK TO MY HOME. He reached and pulled him from the rubble. He clenched his neck and slammed him repeatedly.

Raheem regained some clarity and saw what he had done. He released Peter from his grasp and stepped back. Peter was in his human form, barely conscious. "I have lost more than you will ever know. You still have a nephew, you can still rebuild your home, you... you have time to spend with the ones you love." His voice was incredibly soft. He looked around and didn't see anyone.

"Derek destroy the tapes and footage."

*Ding* [ Task kill or cure the Alpha has been completed. Rewards have been deposited inside of Hosts inventory.]

Raheem ignored the notification and reached into his pocket and tossed Peter a pill. "Take that. It will boost the healing process. I will hold a meeting two months from now, I expect you to be there."

Raheem left the hospital and went toward Scott's house. He got there a little before 11 pm. He knocked on the door, and Melissa opened it. "Raheem, it's late, but I know you wouldn't be here unless it was important." She let him in and went back to bed.

Raheem felt bad for messing with her. He went upstairs to Scott's room. "Oh, sorry for barging in." Alison and Scott were talking to each other. "No, you weren't interrupting anything." Alison stood up and made her way to leave. Raheem stopped her.

He handed her a letter. "Give this to your dad. It's an invitation to the meeting two months from now. You can also come." She was confused, but she nodded and left.

"Did you just use force on her?" Raheem sighed at Scott's comparison. "That's one way to put it. Listen, I came here to officially offer you the position of becoming my Apostle."

Scott was at a loss for words. "I thought I still had time to decide on that." Raheem sat on the bed next to him. "I know so did I, but I'm leaving soon and need people I can count on. Stiles has already accepted and become my apostle. He will be the liaison between humans and the hybrids. That means any problems that involve a human and a hybrid will be overseen by him. Even if said human is capable of wielding magic. I need someone on the other side." Raheem allowed Scott to think about it.

Scott looked at him and gave him his answer. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can. I will always be honored that you even offered, but I feel like I would fail. I'm too kind-hearted, indecisive, and most importantly too inexperienced. I think you should find an older person." Raheem was shocked at his response but then smiled.

"I knew I was right to make you my friend. You are correct about everything you just said, which is why I want you as my apostle even more." He stood up and walked over to his dresser.

'System create a token with my mark on it and tie it to me. If he picks it up and agrees to become my apostle, then it will act as a conductor.'

*Ding* [Tokens complete. Also, the hidden mission was completed. Create your brand! Rewards are in host inventory]

Raheem ignored the second half of the notification. He placed the red and silver token on his dresser. "If you ever decide to change your mind, just grab this and think I accept. I will be notified, and you will instantly go through the process of becoming my apostle. Remember, it's nonrefundable." He laughed at his joke and left.

Scott watched him leave. He looked at the token and picked it up. 'Why does he trust me so much? I'm just a kid in the end.' The token felt warm and heavy in his hands. He put it under the floorboard to keep it safe.

Stiles was back at Sasha's car fixing the tires on it. He planned to tow it back to her place with his jeep. He had just put the spare tire on when he heard Raheem's bike. 'Shit. Why is he still out?' He knew there was no way to hide what happened now.

Raheem saw Sasha's car and sped up. He saw Stiles standing next to it nervously. He turned off his bike and walked up to him. He smelled two other guys' scents and focused on smelling more. Stiles tried to stop him but was pushed back by his pressure.

"Those bastards!! I will kill them all and rip them limb to limb." Stiles stood up and wrapped his arms around him to stop him. Bad decision. Raheem head-butted him and broke his hand. He flipped him on his back.

Stiles grabbed his foot and pushed him down with his feet. He was in an immense amount of pain. He knew he had to stop Raheem no matter what. He punched Raheem in the face and winced at the pain he felt in his hands. 'Jesus even with my new strength his skin is still hard to punch.' This moment of distraction let Raheem reverse and escape his hold.

They stood looking at each other. Stiles had placed himself between Raheem and his bike. 'Ok, this is not the safest place to be at the moment.' He softly sent his pressure out and tried to project calm emotions. Raheem felt them and slowly relaxed. He shook his head and sat down. Stiles collapsed on the ground. "Thank God that worked. I didn't know what I was going to do if it didn't work."

Raheem said he was sorry and helped him heal. "Tell me everything that happened Stiles." Stiles had no other choice but to tell him. Raheem's body shook in silent anger as he listened. He asked for the phone. He screenshot the messages and sent the picture to his phone. He crushed the phone to pieces.

"Stiles, I'm going to teach you an advanced technique of pressure." He went over to Sasha's car and placed his hand on the dash inside. He focused and marked it with his pressure. He took his finger and wrote the word observe on it as well. Stiles didn't exactly know what he was doing but when he stepped away from the car he could still sense Raheem's pressure inside of it.

"This is called marking, you leave a part of your pressure. As long as it is within your range then you will always sense it. I also left an order or a decree. Think of it as a code, it will do what you left it to do.

Stiles towed the car back to Sasha's place and sent the all-clear to David.