
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs


Tatiana and Frank felt Raheem's outburst. Tatiana grinned and grabbed her twin axes. Frank was in a more somber mood. He armed himself with a war hammer and a shirt sword at his waist.

"Tatiana, let me speak with him first, if he still decides to go through with his choice so be it." Tatiana stopped and looked into his eyes. "Very well, I will stay back and listen." Frank nodded his head and flew off. Tatiana sunk into the shadows and followed.

Raheem stooped at the building where he offered Stiles the choice of becoming his apostle. He didn't bother climbing the ladder. He just slightly bent his knees and jumped. When he landed no sound was made, he took out his rifle and set it up. He planned to scare them, to make them understand he could finish them off at any time. He looked into the scope to see if he could find James.

He didn't find him or any of the other core members. The only people who were left were seven hunters and the rest were civilians. He became even more enraged. 'These bastards ran away! They are nothing but cowards.' He aimed for one of the hunters who was smoking.

"Raheem wait." Raheem paid no attention to Frank. "At least tell me the reason behind your anger." Still no response. "Please?"

Raheem opened his mind so that Frank could see his most recent memories. Frank sighed a breath of relief. He made sure to not pry into his other memories. He looked through them and understood what caused Raheem's rage.

He sighed in defeat. He knew nothing he said would change his mind. "Raheem I know I'm asking for the impossible, but I must still ask. Spare their lives, they are not the ones you are looking for. Do not kill out of rage and hate. Should the day you need to take a life come let the reason be a pure one."

That was it. Those words were the last straw. Deep within the beast that had recently been calmed down, now had another reason to rage. Rage it would.


Raheem no rather the All-Beast kicked Frank into space before he could react. He turned and looked towards the shadow in the corner. Tatiana's entire existence felt at risk. She knew she was on the verge of being erased. The All-Beast pointed at the three hunters and then back at her. She nodded her head.

The All-Beast grew eagle wings behind his back and shot off into space. The building crumbled into nothing and Tatiana fell into the dust. Her body was still shaking and in shock. A warm feeling soothed her soon, this made her calm down enough to regain her bearings.

She silently said a prayer of thanks and ran towards the motel. Everyone in it and the surrounding seven blocks were trying to evacuate. She quickly reached the motel and swiftly dispatched the three hunters. She carved Raheem's symbol into their bodies and set them on poles with wires. Their facial expressions displayed not one once of emotion, meaning they didn't even know how they died.

In Space.

Frank was trying his best not to pass out. He could Raheem footprint on his chest. He circulated his energy to heal himself. He sensed something approaching him and quickly put on his armor.


The armor was instantly shattered and he flew off into the distance again. The armor had successfully allowed him to live, so you could say it did its job. Frank was disoriented and could even tell if he was still breathing.

Raheem's last attack not only did physical damage but also dealt damage to the soul. Raheem flashed behind Frank and caught him. Frank felt himself abruptly stop, which only caused more injuries. He could faintly see the outline of Raheem's face.

He suddenly felt himself getting better. He could finally see Raheem's face, and what he saw scared him. His face had characteristics from multiple animals and was constantly changing. A dark voice growled out.

"Raheem was so angry that he passed out. I have to thank you for that because now I'm out. I do not want back in but I must go back since old man will not be so nice. I want your wings."

Frank's eyes widened in realization. He started to struggle out of his grasp. The All-Beast pushed him onto his stomach and started to pull at his wings. In space, there aren't any named directions from one's perspective. The All-Beast was struggling to pull the wings away.

Annoying Trio

"Yes! Yes tear his wings off and devour them!" The All of Entertainment screamed.

Pranks and Illusion covered their mouths. They never had the stomach for violence which was why their domains were Trickery and Illusions.

Entertainment on the other didn't care. He was relishing this moment with every fiber of his being. He thought about what could make this moment even better. A sinister idea popped inside of his head. He created another monitor and tossed it inside a portal.

"What did you do just now?" Illusion asked.

"Watch and see," Entertainment responded while smiling.

Godfreed was sitting in his office doing paperwork when a monitor fell in front of him. It turned on and showed him what was happening. He didn't waste a single second and immediately teleported, or at least he thought he did.

"Son, Frank overstepped in his position. If you go be prepared to give him some kind of compensation." He didn't bother with him anymore and sent him away.

Godfreed appeared and immediately punched Raheem in his face. Raheem reacted enough to jump back to alleviate some of the force.

Godfreed healed him and stood in front of him. "Tell me what did you do!" He didn't even turn back to look at him. "My lord I was only trying to prevent him from making a rash decision, one I know he would come to regret later on."

Raheem appeared once again but in his intent form.

"You son of old man." He pointed at Godfreed.

Godfreed nodded in response. "Yes, I am. My subject was only trying to help."

Raheem stomped the space beneath him. "No, he was not kill them. Only scare them." The All-Beast showed Raheem's thoughts and memories. Godfreed sighed in defeat. "You have indeed overstepped, Frank. You dared to question an All decisions. You are there to guide him and answer questions he has trouble answering himself. Nothing more nothing less."

He looked at the All-Beast. "I can't let you have his wings, but I can give you some blood essence."

"No! I have already."

"How long would it take Raheem to awaken them though? Hundreds? Thousands? Billions? You of all people know what type of character he has."

"Fine! Dragon."

"No. He hasn't even fully awakened and mastered his wolf form yet."




"Absolutely not!"


The All-Beast was mad. "You choose. No weak."

"Nemian Lion. Final offer."

"Good." The All-Beast nodded his head.

Godfreed gave the blood essence to Frank and sent him back to Earth. "He will give blood essence once Raheem is back." The All-Beast smiled and went back to Earth.