
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Mission Complete

"I see you are having fun." "Yeah, you could say so." Raheem looked at the man. "ITS YOU!" The man attacked him. Raheem calmly dodged and snapped his arm.


"You bastard! I will hunt you down and kill your family!" Raheem kicked him in the chest and punched him in face. Family was still triggering and very much still an open wound.

John pushed him away. "Raheem! Get a hold of yourself." Raheem reached for his gun. "Don't. I don't want to kill you." John raised his gun and pointed it at Raheem's face.

Raheem looked inside his eyes and saw a killer instead of the scorned husband who was hunting for vengeance. He sighed and took his hand off his gun. "Ok I give up. I won't touch him anymore." Raheem walked away from them.

He breathed in and out. 'I have to stop losing my shit so easily.' John walked passed him without a word. Raheem just followed along.

They met the guy that saved John. "Jesus Christ, John just how many am I going to save your ass." They hugged each other. "Thanks for not shooting kid, that really would've dampened my mood." He laughed. Raheem shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sure there will be other chances, you made me miss my sleep."

They got quiet. "Hahaha relax guys." Raheem broke out laughing. "You should have seen your faces. I'm going to walk over there, I've been on my feet long enough."

He went and sat down on the bench a little ways off.

"The kid is off." "I know, he's been changing his personality on purpose. I can't get a good read on him." "Be wary of those types."

John walked back over to Raheem. "I'm going to follow your friend. I'm not going to kill him, he probably accepted the contract and by saving you he broke it." John nodded his head. "John, here take this with you." He tossed him his sword. John looked back up, but he was already gone. 'How the hell does he do that?'

Raheem used his superior speed and caught up to the man. 'Now let's see where you are going.' Raheem kept the same speed and reached the man's house before him. He found four guys waiting for him, he jumped in front of the taxi. The taxi driver swerved and hit his brakes.

"It's not safe for you to go back home. There are men waiting to ambush you." "Heh, figures as much." Raheem walked to him and grabbed his arm, he wanted to lead him somewhere safe. He yanked back his arm and looked at Raheem.

"Kid I've been in this line of work far too long, I'm tired and I'm old. If I going then it's gonna be my way." He turned around and walked to his house. Raheem was frustrated at the man.

'Ugh what the hell is wrong with him? Doesn't he want to live?' He followed the man and saw him be 'escorted' inside the house. Raheem took out his gun and checked the ammo. He stared at the gun, his breath and his hands were becoming unstable. 'This is the samething that ended me. Am I going to do the same to someone else's son, brother, or even father?' His mind and heart was torn apart, he needed to protect and save this man, but he didn't want to kill anyone in the process.

'Should I call John? He might be able to make it here in time.' He reached for his phone, but didn't find it. 'Shit I left it at the Contenital.' He looked to the sky as if the answer would come from there.


He flinched, as he heard the man's screams. This made his already condition even worse. The screams reminded him of the cub he tried to rescue, which made him remember his death. His hands starting sweating and his dark tan skin had become a lighter shade. He ended dropping the gun on the ground.


The sound of the gun falling made him snap back to reality. He threw up in a trash can not that far from the house. 'Get a grip! You are the All-Beast! The being who will reign over all the beast in existence.'


Raheem wanted the screaming to stop, he wanted to go back to when his mother was still alive and was there to hold him. He wanted his father, who was always there, strong and firm. He just wanted everything to go away!


The fear was replaced by a feral and wild growl. The growl didn't come from Raheem himself, but from within him. He understood what the growl meant, if you were to ask him how did he know, he would say instinct I guess.

The growl was telling him to stop being human just this once, stop trying to be the All-Beast and instead become it, stop holding yourself back.

Raheem body stopped shaking and his complexion improved immensely. He reached for the gun cocked it. He was no longer the son of Oscar Judas, he was no longer the child who had nightmares, he was no longer the person who died. He was now the All-Beast.

"Let the blood flow." A heavy and gruff voice came out of his mouth. He walked towards the front door and kicked it off of its hinges. Raheem was conscious and watched as his body moved. 'Is this really me? Do I really have this strength in me? Why can't I use this any other time?'

He heard a roar, a growl, a screech, and a hiss every time his body moved forward. Millions of beasts seemed to reside and lived inside of him. His pressure was steadily climbing, before long his pressure was condensed and out came his aura. It was red and gold, the colors was fighting, but soon came to equilibrium. The color that came out of this fusion was pure silky silver.


The door and the two men, who were behind it went flying. Raheem stepped through the door. His height had increased to 8 foot even, the lean muscles he had before were now bulky and filled with power. His pupils were changing colors constantly the outer part was blood red. He looked around the room and saw the man beaten and tortured.

In the same dark heavy voice. "Kneel." The men wanted to charge and point their guns, but found themselves on the floor kneeling in horror. Raheem walked firmly towards the beaten man. He placed a hand on him and the injuries he had suffered from the hand of the men healed at a visible speed.

He turned and walked to the man who once threatened to kill his family. He towered over him. "W-w-what the hell are you!!??" The man shot and emptied his gun at Raheem. The bullets disintegrated before they could even touch his aura.

"I am the one above all beast. I am the one beasts and animals pray to when others do them wrong. I am the one nature herself blessed. I. AM. KING." With the last word his aura exploded and then disappeared, a staff with a lions head and eagles wings was formed in his hand. 'This is intent!!? Intent is this strong?'

The only ones standing were Raheem and John's friend who was trying not to lose his shit. Everyone one else was on the floor flat and trying to breathe in the little air they could to stay alive. Raheem saw his body getting ready to kill them all and intervened.

His body shook in protest, for the first time it was finally able to be free. It didn't want to slumber again. Raheem finally regained control, the power he felt in that state was undoubtedly the strongest he has ever felt before. He felt, no he knew he could destroy this Earth with one punch.

He reigned in his intent, it was incredibly hard to do so, since this was his first time experiencing it. He looked towards them and wanted to break their legs.



They started screaming and so Raheem wanted them to sleep. They all fell unconscious at that moment.

*Ding* [The mission has been completed. Rewards have been changed.]

Raheem spat out blood and collasped on the floor. He knew the moment he let his guard down, the state he was in would disappear. "System take me home." He looked at the man and used the last of his strength to change his memories.

The next second he was back at his house and inside the training ring. His body was sore and needed rest. He was slowly closing his eyes, when a tall sexy silhouette stood over him.

"Welcome back." Tatiana looked him and saw how exhausted he was. She grabbed his leg and threw him inside a hole filled with blodd, menium, and water. The hole was of course made from heavenly dirt.


Raheem's eyes snapped open and he swam upwards.

*Deep Breaths*

"What the hell?" "Soak in there for a while, the menium will help give you more mental energy." She starting walking, but stopped and turned around. "Oh Stiles and Scott said to meet them at the school at 8:00pm. Oh and Sasha called and said don't forget about picking her up from school."

Raheem got out of the improvised pool and jumped up to his window. He looked at his clock and saw it, it read 3:45pm. "Shit I'm late." He changed clothes and ran out of the house.

Ten minutes later he pulled up to the school. Sasha was walking towards him and got off and felt the gun in his waist band. 'Shit that was close.' He mentally put it back in his inventory.

"Hey!" Raheem hugged her. She tried to pull away, but he didn't let her go. He held her tight and just breathed inwards. "Hey babe, what's wrong?"She was patting his back and rubbing the back of his head.

"A lot of things, but they don't matter right now." He let her go and got on the bike. He held his hand out for her grab onto. She grabbed it and got on.