
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

First Encounter

I watched as Raheem drove away on his bike. It felt like he was hiding something from me. It made me feel useless, it was clear that something was troubling.

"Hey, I'm home!" "Hey buttercup, how was school?" Blake came from the kitchen and leaned against the wall. "It was ok. Where is mom?" Sasha tried to change the subject, she didn't want her dad to have another reason to not like Raheem.

"She went to the store to pick up some stuff." He realized what she did and was going to ask her about it. "Hey, why didn't you tell Raheem to wait for me?" Samantha came downstairs with her bicycle helmet on. "Uh why would I do that?"

Blake could see what the problem was. "Sasha, she just wanted to go for a ride, right honey?" "Yes, daddy that is all I wanted to do."

"Mom told you no, didn't she?" "Oh! Come on, a ride around the block wouldn't hurt." Blake left them and went to check up on the food. Samantha got close to her and whispered. "Where the hell did your boyfriend learn to fight like that?" Sasha put her hand over her mouth and looked towards the kitchen.

She whispered back. "Where the fuck did you find out about that?" Samantha took out her phone and showed her the video of Raheem fighting. Sasha was wondering why everyone was giving her weird looks today.

"Hey girls dinner is finished!" Blake's shout startled them. "C-coming dad." "Send me the video and delete it." Sasha got up and went to the kitchen.

Raheem got back to the house and asked for someone to wake him up before 8:00pm, he didn't receive an answer.


A bucket of freezing cold water was dumped on him. "Get the hell up, your phone has been going off for the last ten minutes." Tatiana walked away from him.

Raheem rolled over and saw it was 8:20pm. He rolled over and got up. His phone rang again. "Yes, Stiles I'm on-." "Oh thank goodness you answered you jerk!" "Stiles did you get through to him?" Raheem could hear Scott and Alison in the background.

"Tell him that I'm on my way." Raheem hung up and left for the school.

Stiles looked at his phone and wanted to throw it. "Is he coming or not?" "Yes, Scott he is on his way." "Why did you call Raheem instead of the cops? What is going on?"


"Ok let's move people."

Raheem arrived ten minutes after the loud roar. 'Did these idiots break in? Great let's add breaking and entering to my record.'

He sniffed the air and smelled the alphas scent. "Goddamnit." He grabbed his pistols and one extra clip for each of them. He entered the school and followed Stiles scent.

"Scott who or what the hell was that?" Allison was freaked out by everything, so was Jackson and Lydia.


They all jumped at the noise and began to back up to the windows. They all watched in fear. "Hey! Are going to let me in or not?" Scott and looked at each other. Stiles walked to the door and moved the chairs and desk. He opened the door and didn't see anyone.

He turned around to run, but was caught. He started screaming and freaking out. "Haha! Relax it's just me." Raheem put his arm around him. Stiles moved away and closed the door behind him.

Alison ran over and gave him a hug. "Wow, now this is unexpected." "Shut up, how did you find us anyways?" "It wasn't hard, I just sniffed out the scariest person." He looked at Stiles.

"Raheem this isn't the time to be joking dude." Raheem saw that they were all on edge. He reached behind his back and gave Alison one of his guns. "Here take this." They looked at his hand and saw the gun. "What the hell? Why do you have a gun?" "Does it really matter right now Jackson?"

Raheem ignored Lydia and Jackson. "Your dad sells weapons to the military right? In that case you are probably more familiar with the gun and know how to use it." Alison took the gun with shaking hands and nodded. "Be careful it's specially modified and it has a kick to it."

He moved towards the door. "Wait! Where are you going?" Lydia stopped him. "To a picnic. Of course I'm going to hunt the damn thing that's been chasing you all." "Scott come with me."

Alison wanted to go instead since she had the gun and more experience. "No, Alison you need to stay here and watch over the others. Don't worry nothing will happen to your prince here." He dragged Scott outside and into the hall.

"Ok lover boy call him out." "What? Why? We can just run now that you are here." Raheem pushed him against the wall. "Get it in your skull Scott! Think the alpha has the same enhanced senses, if not better than yours. Why hasn't he come for you?"

Scott's face gradually came to a conclusion, one he didn't like. "Good now, let's find somewhere we can lure him in." They went to the gym.

"Ok, Scott do your thing." Scott shifted and roared. Raheem didn't shift, but released his pressure. He hadn't check his status yet, but he felt the quality of his pressure had changed. It felt heavier and more dense than before.

Scott looked back at Raheem when he felt him release his pressure. 'Why does he smell and feel the same as the alpha?'


The alpha pounced from behind the bleachers at them. Raheem pushed Scott out of the way. "Man you sure are an ugly one aren't you." Raheem stood firm and stayed in between them. "Come at me little doggie."

The alpha roared and charged at them again. Scott scrambled to his feet and ran to the bleachers. Raheem got in the beginning stance of the Brules Hunter technique.

When the alpha was three feet away he moved. He clenched his fist and directed all of the pressure he had into his leg. He stepped on the floor and shot out like a rocket.


The alpha tried to swipe at Raheem with his claws, but was kicked back into the wall by him instead. The alpha quickly got up and roared again. It was not directed at him, but at Scott. He smelled Scott shift again. He turned around and saw him looking at him hungrily.

He looked at the alpha and smirked. "Perhaps you are not so dumb afterall." Scott ran and slashed at him. He calmly dodged all of them. "Scott I need you to wake up." Scott didn't wake up.

The alpha was on the side waiting for his chance to attack. "Scott! You are not some beast play thing, so stop acting like it!"

He threw a punch and it sent him back a few feet. He slid into the bleachers. "Oh no you don't, you don't get to leave unscathed." The alpha was running away. Raheem chased him and Scott did the same to him.

*Bang Bang Bang*

The alpha dodged the first two bullets,but the last one hit him in the leg.


The alpha jumped through the window and ran away. Scott was still chasing him and had just turned the corner. He jumped at Raheem. Raheem turned around and made his eyes glow. He clotheslined him and threw him into the lockers. "Wake up." The way he said the words shook Scott to his core. He shifted back into his human form.

They heard footsteps rushing in their direction. "It's ok, Scott you weren't in control, for now let's pretend everything is ok."

Alison rounded the corner first with gun drawn. She saw everything was safe and called out for the others. Stiles rushed to Scott's side and checked on him. "Raheem you're safe!" Alison gave him a hug. "Why wouldn't I be?" He laughed it off and held out his hand for his gun. "Oh right here you go, thanks for giving it to me."

He took it and put it behind his back. "Anytime, now I'm going to go. I'm not supposed to be on campus anyways and I don't really wanna be interrogated about the guns." He picked up the shells as he was saying this.

Jackson snorted. "Right of course you don't." Lydia elbowed him. "Jackson you do realize I took down two dudes that were bigger than you and I have a gun." He gulped and kept quiet.

Raheem chuckled and went outside. "Do you need a ride home Alison?" "Yeah just give me a second." He watched as she walked back and talked to Scott. He didn't listen in on their conversation out of respect.

She came back with tears in her eyes. Raheem silently handed her his helmet. She saw Sasha's name and his on the back of it. "New design?" She said while smiling. Raheem chuckled, "Yeah like it." "It suits you." She climbed on patted his side. Raheem nodded his head at Scott and took her home.

What are you guys thoughts on the story and the developments so far? How can I improve?

I would love it you guys could leave a review and give it some stones.

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