
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

New Friend

Coach led Scott, Stiles, and Raheem to the principals office. He took the two badly injured boys to the infirmary. Stiles waited for Coach to get out of ear shot.

"What the hell was that!?" Raheem shrugged. "I told you all that before I came here, I was a student at a prestigious military academy. What, did you think that we only had basic classes?" Stiles was at a lost for words.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they didn't let you fight like." Raheem looked at Scott and smiled. "You're right we weren't trained to fight, but kill and finish off out enemies."

The principal came out of his office. "Mr. McCall you may leave. Mr. Stillinsky you will have two days of inside school suspension (ISS). Mr. Judas you are incredibly lucky that the two boys parents do not wish to press charges, but this doesn't mean you are getting off so easily. You will be suspended for one week and have one month of ISS upon your return." He went back to his office and closed the door, not leaving any chance for discussion.

Stiles put his head in his lap. "My dad is going to kill me." "Haha, what did you even do to piss them off?" "Honestly I don't know. I just told them that every student is able to buy one extra lunch per day." Raheem laughed so loudly, that the nice secretary shushed him. He waved as an apology.

"Oh come on look at the size of them! They are freaking huge, who knows how many meals they would have bought if I hadn't said anything." Raheem laughed a little more. "Both of you come by the house today after school, when you are done with practice."

He took his suspension slip and texted Sasha what happened. He got to hs bike and saw his once jet black helmet was now a mixture of white and gold. It had Sasha and his name signed into it on the back of it.

He left school and arrived back at the house. He walked inside and immediately retreated back outside. "Sorry I didn't see anything." He slammed the door and ran to the training ring.

"Crap, that's gonna be awkward later." Tatiana was walking around in her towel and had just took it off and sat on the couch when Raheem opened the door. "Wait a second, what the hell is he doing home?"

She got dressed and went to the training ring and found a piece of paper on the ground. It was Raheem's suspension notice. She balled the paper up and mumbled. "Looks like you need another lesson on using words instead of fists." She drilled lectures about defusing situations with words over and over again.

Raheem activated the barrier and accessed the system. "System, accept the lowest class mission right now!"

*Ding* [ The mission Help the hunter catch his prey has been selected. Does host wish to accept?]

Raheem didn't care about the mission or what it was about. He just wanted to get the hell out of there before Tatiana showed up. "Yes I accept the mission."

*Ding* [Transporting Host to mission location]

Raheem instantly disappeared from his position. After a moment to recollect himself, Raheem found that he was in what looked like New York.

"System what were the missions details again?" He moved to an alley and watched as people moved around.

*Ding* [ Host must help the enraged hunter capture his prey and prevent the death of two of his associates. This is a Class F rank 4 mission.]

"What are the rewards?"

[Upon completion host will recieve five million dollars and one free pass of travel to this world.]

Raheem sighed at the low rewards. 'What did you expect it's a low level mission.' He looked at the arrow that was pointing in a direction and started following it. He reached the location about four hours later. He had thought about stealing a car and driving, but decided not to ruin an innocents person's day.

'Finally I'm here.' Raheem arrived outside of a large house and was up in a tree. He jumped on the roof and found a way inside the house. He wasn't worried about getting injured or hurt, this place didn't give enough pressure to make worried.

He found the hunter dressed in an all black suit and he held a gun. "I'm going to assume you are expecting guests to arrive." The hunter immediately turned and fired in his direction. Raheem reacted quickly enough to get behind the wall. "Wait! Wait, I'm not with whoever you are looking for."

The hunter replied. "Proof." Raheem slowly stepped out with his hands up. "Look, I was told to help you out. You are hunting someone right?" The man eyed the kid in front of him. "You are a kid." He placed his gun down.

"Shitty hand at life huh." Raheem laughed. "You have no idea." He got close and introduced himself. "Jude." Tatiana taught him to never give out his real name on missions or on hunts. "Wick, John Wick." They shook hands.

"I will help you out, but I will not kill anyone unless I absolutely must." Raheem was firm in his decision. John smirked. "You will sooner or later."

"I highly doubt it, after all I didn't kill you." John was going to respond, but before he could react a blade was pressed against his neck and a gun in his gut. John grunted. "Point proven." Raheem smirked and put away the gun and knife.

They were regular weapons nothing enchanted. "You're pretty quick, who taught you." Raheem shuddered. "A woman from hell." "Ha mines was too."

A few cars pulled up and they both became serious. Raheem disappeared before John could say anything. He was in the shadows waiting for the people to come in. John walked out and creeped up behind one the guys and stabbed him in the neck. He was seen by another one and before the guy could shoot Raheem knocked him with a hit to the head.

John nodded at him. 'Where the hell did he come from?' He moved and stabbed the guy in the neck. Raheem watched, but didn't stop him. He moved forwards and knocked out two more people.

*Bang! Bang!*

Two bodies fell to the floor. Raheem disarmed and took down one that was sneaking up on John. Raheem raised hand up. John nodded. 'There five more of these bastards.'

He reloaded and went downstairs. He wasn't worried about Raheem anymore. He saw that the kid could handle himself pretty well.

*Thud Thud Thud*

John looked over and saw three more bodies on the floor, the men were still breathing, but they definitely wasn't getting up any time soon.

*Bang Bang*

The last two guys fell down dead. Raheem looked around, he saw the bodies and blood. He went to the kitchen and took out some bleach. "Hey don't worry about them, there is a service that does the cleaning."

*Ding Dong*

John went to the door and talked to the police men, he left soon afterwards. "Do I need to be worried about him?" "Who? Jimmy? No, he knows what to do and what not to do."

He made a phone call and an old man showed up with his 'cleaning crew'. "Always nice to see you John." He took his hat off and started to talk but stopped when he saw Raheem.

"Oh oh, did you take a protégé? I never expected you to do that." "Francis." "Alright I won't bother him anymore. Boy be wary of old John here. You both have a goodnight."

"Now, you can be worried kid." He patted Raheem on his shoulder and walked past him. "What's the next move?" John was packing some gold coins and his guns. "I'm going to the Contenital. It's where people like us stay, that's one of the few places where no work is allowed." "So, it's basically a safe haven for assassins and marks." "Yeah exactly."

'System how much is for the gold coins he has?'

[One coin equals 10 dollars] Raheem had 2,500 dollars left. 'Buy 100 hundred of them.'

*Ding* [Purchase successfully completed]

Raheem went outside and waited for John to come out. They got in the other car and went to the Contenital. Raheem didn't have any luggage, except for his sword that was on his back, so he just followed John inside. "Welcome back Mr. Wick." The clerk spoke to John and gave him a key. A woman by the name of Perkins passed by them, she stopped and spoke to Raheem. "Are also a guest or just visiting?" "Move along Perkins."

Raheem passed her up and went to the counter. "One room and I need maintenance on this sword." He passed the sword over to the clerk. "Of course sir, I will see to it that the blacksmith gives it back in three days." He placed four more coins on the counter. "Make it one, and I will throw in a free coin for you." The clerk smiled and took the four extra coins. "It will be handled."

Raheem walked away from the front desk and was looking around. John came up to him. "How old are you?" "I'm 16, but I turn 17 in April." "Well not anymore, you are now 22 going on 23." He handed him some papers and an ID. "Let's get a drink."

Raheem looked at the ID. It read Jude Smith 22, born March 23rd.

Raheem slipped it in his pocket and followed John to the bar downstairs. "I have to talk to the owner, just hang around for now." He walked off and sat with a middle-aged man who was writing in a notebook.

Raheem found a comfortable chair and say down in it. 'Fuck! Why did I tell him my real age. Thankfully Tatiana isn't here.' "Hey handsome how are you doing tonight?"

A woman sat in his lap with a glass of wine. Raheem remembered Tatiana teaching him the signs of a woman trying to seduce a man. He smiled and relaxed. "I'm fine sweet heart." He took her glass of wine and drowned it down in one swig. "Be nice and bring me another one."

The woman never came back, which was his goal to begin with. He called a waiter over and ordered some food.

John walked to the bar. "Oh my, look who came back." The bartender leaned over and gave him a hug. "Condolences for your wife." John nodded at her and got his usual. "It's on the house." John looked down and saw the address. He waved to Raheem and walked out.

Raheem followed John out and upstairs to his room. "Go check your room, your gear should be in there by now." "What gear?"

Raheem went to his room and on his bed was a nice black suit, bullet proof vest, and his sword. He first checked his sword. It had gotten warped due to the fire he used when he was fighting the orge chieftain. The sword was now straight and in alignment. He waved it a few times and the balance was still there.

He got dressed and walked out just as John did. "Now you look like a professional." "Where are we headed?" "To get the bastard who started all of this."

A few minutes later they were in front of a club. "You start from the top and I will work my way up, you see this man kill him or capture him." Raheem nodded and snuck into the club. He made his way around the club taking out guards one by one, soon there were only a handful left. There were numerous times when he almost was caught, but luckily everyone was either too drunk or too high on drugs to notice.

'Crowd work is definitely not my thing. I still need more training.'


Raheem heard the screams and saw the man John was looking for running for the door. He tried to push through the crowd, but get to him in time. He heard John fighting upstairs and saw a guy with a bottle. He took out his gun and shot the bottle.

John grabbled him and flipped him over the rail. Raheem ran to him and knocked him out. "Did you see him?" "Yeah but the crowd stopped me from reaching him." John growled. "Let's get out of here."

They left and went back to the Contenital. Raheem paid the clerk the coin he promised him. "Thanks." "It was a pleasure guest."

John went to his room and Raheem went to his. Raheem was getting ready to sleep, but suddenly he felt like he was being watched. He leaped our of bed, just in time.

*Pew Pew*

Two bullets was right where he had been laying. 'Shit! So much for no business on Contenital grounds, assholes'. He crawled to the door and opened it up.

"Raheem you good?" "Hell no I'm not good! I'm pissed." "Welcome to the club."

A door opened up and a guy came out. John turned around and said. "Hey Harry." "John."

He went back inside the room. Raheem noticed an arrow pointing towards him. 'I have to protect him.' "Hey! Raheem babysit her for me. I'm going to church." "I didn't know you were a religious person." "I'm not."

Raheem picked up Perkins and brought to his room. The feeling he had before was long gone. He tossed her on the bed and sat at the table. He called the front desk. "Yes this is the front desk." "I was wondering what happens to guest who breaks the rules."

"One moment please sir." The line went quiet for a while. A knock was heard from the door. "Sir, give the rule breaker to the men outside." Raheem opened the door and let them come in. The saw Perkins on the bed and grabbed her. "Here, as way of apologizing for this inconvenience." He handed Raheem some car keys.

Raheem used the arrow to find John. He got there just in time to see him get dragged inside of a warehouse. 'Damnit John I leave you alone for a couple of minutes and you get caught.' Raheem went to the roof of the building next door.

He saw a man laying down with a rifle pointed at the building John was in. 'I got you now, sleep depriving bastard.' He took his rifle from his inventory and was getting to shoot when he saw his arrow pointing towards him.

He sucked his teeth and mumbled. "You lucky son of a bitch." Right after that the man fired once and got up. Raheem sprinted to the building John was in, but didn't find him in there. He tracked his scent and found him standing on top of a car threatening a man.