
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Going Back to the Basics

Raheem arrived at the house and laid down. Only for that to be interrupted with a bang on his door.


Tatiana barged in and looked at him. She had a towel wrapped around her. Raheem didn't even get up and look at the door, he wasn't in the mood to feel anything. "Disgusting, get up, you are coming with me." She walked away expecting Raheem to get up.

Raheem didn't even move an inch. Tatiana turned around and snarled at him. "I said, Get. Up." She saw no movement from him. She reached and took an axe off the wall and threw it at him. Raheem just pushed his pressure outwards and the axe clattered to the floor. This pissed her off even more.

"Tatiana, what did we discuss before." Frank's deep voice came from behind her. Her hair stood up on the back of her neck. She lowered her hand that had a pink mist coming from it. "Fine you take care of him, I can't handle that smell." The smell she was referring to was heartbreak and depression. It not only reminded, her of her past, but it also affected her mood. She was half succubus and half Uriar. Her succubus side enhanced everything about her but also made her sensitivity towards emotions way too strong at times. Her Uriar side made her violent and bloodthirsty.

Tatiana left the house altogether. Frank walked in and sat next to Raheem. They were quiet, neither of them spoke, they just sat there. Frank left and then came back with a stack of cards. "Here, take these and go away. You need some space." He then left Raheem alone.

Raheem absorbed the cards into the system. He laid back down and closed his eyes. He wasn't in his bed when he opened them again. "Looks like your heart was broken kiddo." Raheem turned around and saw All-Father planting flowers in a garden. "Father, why am I here." Raheem's voice sounded distant and cold. He stopped what he was doing and looked at Raheem. He saw the aura of a monstrous beast behind him, ready to swallow him up, if given the chance.

"Raheem go take a walk." All-Father waved his hand and Raheem flew away from him. Raheem didn't even make an attempt to resist since he knew he couldn't in the first place.

All-Father made the phone gesture with his hands. "Ophy you will have a visitor in a few moments. Help them come to their senses will you." He hung up and went back to gardening. A woman's hand rested on his shoulder before enveloping him in her embrace. "Deary do you think you made the right choice?" All-Father sighed. "Honey compared to the others he had the highest compatibility and the greatest heart." The woman hummed in response and held him a bit longer. "I blessed him to have a connection with nature, do you think I was wrong to do so?" "No of course not honey, you know it needed to happen." The woman released him. "Ha! You did this on purpose! You knew what was going to happen." "Of course I knew. I am the All-Father, I know everything." He had a cheeky grin on his face. "Just like I knew that you would fall for me and marry me. You are the All-Mother afterall." The woman turned her nose up to him. "Very well, sleep outside in the void for the next 10,000 years." She vanished after she said her piece.

Ophelia couldn't even react before a crash sounded outside of her forrest. Raheem stood up and dusted himself off. "Damn old man." He mumbled. He looked around and saw he was outside of a forrest. He thought it looked familiar.

"Raheem?" Raheem looked over and saw the woman he could never forget even if he wanted to. He quickly kneeled down. Ophelia hurried over and picked him up. "Raheem there is no reason for you to kneel to me, in fact it should be the opposite." Ophelia tried to kneel towards him, but he also stopped her. "Nonsense, I could never let you kneel towards me, in fact I forbid it!" Raheem was extremely embarrassed and panicked.

Ophelia smiled and nodded at him. "Thank you great All-Beast for allowing me in your presence then." She even bowed her head a little. Raheem didn't know what to do and was flustered. Ophelia looked up and saw his state and laughed. Raheem soon joined her in laughing. They both settled down enough to speak. "Raheem why are you here in your spiritual state?" Raheem shrugged his shoulders at her and held his arms out open. "All-Father, who else kidnapps people in their sleep." Ophelia chuckled at him and invited him to go for a walk.

Raheem opened up to her about what happened between him and Sasha. "How could she!? You trusted and cared for her, enough that you exposed yourself." Ophelia was truly upset at Sasha. Raheem patted her on the shoulder. "It's ok, really I'm fine." Raheem wasn't trying to put on a brave front. After talking and walking with Ophelia he genuinely felt better about how everything went down. Ophelia breathed out and apologized. "I'm sorry about that, it's just sad to hear." They reached Ophelia's palace and garden. Raheem saw many legendary figures from his world, some of them were even considered myths! All of them stopped what they were doing and kneeled towards them, Ophelia smiled and nodded. Raheem awkwardly nodded to them as well. Raheem saw one person in particular and couldn't help, but speak out loud. "Grandfather? Is that you?" Raheem had never met his grandfather on his dad side since the man had died before he was born.

The man in question was dressed in military garbs and looked up. He looked to be about 6'3 or 6'2 and was covered in markings, all from different animals. The man had golden blonde hair that reached the back of knees. Raheem matched his appearance to the pictures he saw when he was a child.

"Grandfather it is you!" Raheem walked over. The man saw him and stood up in attention. When Raheem got close enough he shouted his name and rank. "My name is Olaf Judas! My rank was Commander!" He did a salute to Raheem. Raheem was confused. "Can't you see the resemblance between us?" Olaf looked at him up and down. "My apologies, but I do not recognize you."

"Raheem you look completely different remember. He could never recognize someone he never met let alone someone who looks nothing like him." Ophelia reminded Raheem that he no longer looked the same. He turned to Ophelia with a look that said 'help me'. Ophelia waved her hand and all three of them appeared in the palace. She waved her hand again and Raheem was back to his old looks.

Raheem looked back in the mirror that hanging on the wall. "This is much better." He loved his new look and body but he was still more accustomed to his previous appearance. Olaf looked at him and said with shock in voice. "Oscar!? Why are you here so soon? I only died 20 years ago."

Raheem turned around. "Grandfather, Oscar is my dad, I'm Raheem. I'm your grandson." Olaf looked at Ophelia for confirmation. She nodded her head and this made Olaf tear up. He walked over and gave him a big hug. " Oh my poor child, what happened to bring you to see me at such a young age?" Raheem squeezed out in a tiny voice. "So much, just so much has happened."