
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Preparing to Leave Pt.2

Jared and his brother sat together at lunch. "David, why are you afraid of him? He is nothing." David turned towards his brother. "You really are an idiot, no more of a bigot. You really believe that you are better than him?"

"Of course I am. He is smaller, tainted, and weak." David turned towards his brother and looked him in the eyes. He couldn't fathom where his sense of superiority came from.

"Jared just because we are bigger and a lighter skin complexion does not make us better." "We hunt monsters!" "Lower your voice dummy. We hunt bad people who kill innocents."

Jared snorted and didn't say anything else. "Jared whatever are you thinking of doing, don't. If you do anything stupid I'm going to tell Ma and Pa on you." "You wouldn't dare."

They stared at each other and Jared looked away. 'I won't touch him, but the people around him are free game.' Jared thought. He got up and left the cafeteria. David was about to leave, but Raheem sat down in front of him.

Raheem was listening to Stiles and Scott tell him about what he missed. They told him about Peter being the alpha while he was also Derek's uncle. He sensed a look full of rage and disdain. He didn't need to look around to know where and who it was coming from. He listened in on their conversation. "Raheem did you hear me?" Stiles waved his hand in front of him. "Yeah Stiles I heard you just give me a second." He got up and went over to have a chat with David, the more intelligent brother.

"What do you want?" David asked the man in front of him. "Nothing, I just want to talk to you. You seemed to be the reasonable brother to have a honest conversation with."

"Ok, what do you want to talk about?" "I want to tell you thanks." David was confused. "Why are you thanking me?" "You treat us as people instead of monsters, and yes I'm a hybrid before you ask. No, I'm not the beta of the alpha, nor am I a lone wolf."

David tensed up and looked around to make sure no one heard him. "Why did you tell me that? Is that not a secret?" "To me? No, not really, but I'm sure to majority of hybrids yes. It's most likely their most guarded secret."

"If you aren't the beta of the alpha then who are you?" Raheem smiled and thought about how he should respond. "I'm the All-Beast." His eyes glowed green then changed to red. He didn't know it, but this day would become the first day the All-Beast started to truly show himself. Raheem stood up and walked out if the cafeteria. Scott and Stiles followed him out.

David sat in his chair trying to stop his hands from shaking, they were beneath the table clasped tightly together. 'I've never heard an alpha calling themselves the All-Beast before, but he definitely deserves that title.' He got up and threw away his tray with great effort.

David reached his next class and breathed a sigh of relief. 'No brother and no hybrids.' A hand reached out and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped in his seat from the sudden touch. "Relax, it's just me." He turned around and saw Sasha. 'Damn I forgot she was in this class.' "I don't want any problems, I have no intention of messing with you."

Sasha took her hand back. "What did you talk about with Raheem?" "Nothing important." "He showed you his other half, didn't he?" She whispered to Jared. 'Shit, shit shit. Think how do I get out of this.'

"You don't need to be afraid of him, he's actually really, really gentle and kind once you get to know him." 'Kind my ass.' "Do you even know what he is really?"

Sasha wanted to say yes, but then closed her mouth. "That's what I thought, listen to me darlin he is not that nice. He isn't some run of the mill hybrid, he is an alpha. Apparently a strong one since he has a title."

"How do you know that?" Jared looked away from her and tried to focus on the lesson. He felt her tapping on his shoulder, but he shrugged her off. Sasha was getting frustrated, she wanted answers. 'How can I make him talk? Oh I got it!'

"If you don't tell me everything you know, I will tell him you tried to kiss me, WITHOUT my consent." She put emphasis on the word without. Jared visibly tensed up and snapped his pencil in half.

"Sorry about that, I guess I don't know my own strength." The teacher turned around and resumed the lesson. Jared looked at Sasha and quickly whispered to her. "Are freaking insane!? Do you have any idea what he would do to me? It's already bad enough I have to deal with my idiotic brother." Sasha just smirked at him and waited for him to crack.

Jared stared at her for a solid minute before giving up. "Fine! I will tell you everything I know, but you can never tell a single soul, especially Raheem." Sasha triumphantly smiled and slid him her number. "Raheem must have really spooked you out huh?" "Says the girl who dated him, I don't know how you did it. You clearly couldn't handle the truth and probably hurt him, why you are even still breathing is a shocker in itself." Sasha flinched at that remark, but didn't deny it.

Argents House.

"James what can I do you for?" "I figured it's time to start closing the net on the Alpha." He walked in and sat down at the table. "I couldn't agree more, but there is also the beta to think about." James looked at Chris up and down. "I have an idea about the beta, I'm thinking it's that colored boy, Rajeev."

"His name is Raheem." Chris corrected him as he sat down to. "Rajeev, Raheem they sound just the same to me." "Where is your evidence, to support this claim?"

"Boy! You really asking me for evidence!?" James raised his voice at Chris. "Watch your tone in my house!" Chris slammed his fist on the table. "My name is Christopher or Chris pick one and stick with it. My family follows a code, it has always followed the code, that will never change. Now either you show me evidence or get the hell out of my house."

James stared at Chris for a while then begrudgingly drooped the subject. "Fine, you are right, I don't have any evidence. The way he tossed my boys around just made it seem he had some extra strength." Chris leaned back in his chair and eyed James. "He went to a private prestigious military academy before he came to the states. They teach their studemt how to survive in the wild, recon, and CQC." Chris tossed Raheem's forged documents on the table.

James picked them up and went through them. "Well hell, maybe I should send my boy Jared there to learn a thing or two. That boy just causes me endless trouble. David on the other flourishes everywhere we go, I plan on giving him the family when he gets older."

James sighed and handed them back over to Chris. "Ok serious business now, I heard about a pack is on its way here, other hybrids to, something about an All-Beast calling for a meeting." Chris equally got serious.

"Did this come a viable source or is it just rumors floating?" "No, this information was acquired from a hybrid my boys in Colorado captured and interrogated." They both fell into silence as they were thinking.

"I will check my sources and see what they say about this so called All-Beast." Chris stood up and shook hands with James. "You do that, Chris."

"I could never stand to be in the presence of that insufferable man." Victoria said as she came from upstairs. "I know, but he is the leader of the strongest hunters around, most of ours are still in France." Victoria nodded her head in understanding.

Hidlers Motel.

James pulled into the Motel and checked in with the guards. "Hey, boys how was everything?" "Everything was fine Pa." James smiled and parked his truck.

Unknown to him the All-Beast he was searching for was looking at him through a rifles scope. Raheem wasn't alone either, Stiles and Tatiana were there too. "Raheem how many of them are there?" Tatiana lazily asked. She was leaning back eating a bag of the world's hottest chips and peppers, as if it was the most natural thing to do.

"Give me a second." Raheem swiveled the scope around and soon had the answer. "There are 33 people currently on the property." "How many of them are hunters?" "I believe 14 of them are hunters and the others are their kids or families." Stiles tapped Raheem so he could see. Raheem moved over and let him.

"Holy shit why are all of them so freaking big? Hell even the women are big." Raheem chuckled at his reaction. "That makes a lot of sense, their ancestors long before they settled here in America, were born and raised in Greenland and Iceland. They are vikings descendants."

"Raheem why did you bring him here?" Tatiana asked him. Stiles continued to focus on the Motel, but he opened his ears to listen. "I'm going to be gone for a while, I need someone to represent me. I think he can."

Tatiana smiled at his answer. "Wait, why me of all of people? Don't you have other candidates?" Stiles was nervous and anxious at the thought of representing him. "Nope, I only have you and Scott. I plan on letting Scott handle the hybrids while I'm gone and you will handle the hunters. It's important that hybrids understand that they are no longer the most dangerous animals out there anymore, but it's also important to keep hunters egos in check. You are smart and can think of plans to solve complex problems. That is if you accept it." Raheem put his rifle back in his inventory then jumped down from the roof they were on. Stiles was at a lost for words, he never thought someone saw him in that type of light. 'If he is willing to put that much faith in me then I'm willing to give it a shot'.

"Hey brat, wake up. Your All just told you he plans on leaving you in charge while he's gone, you have to live up to the standards right?" "What do you mean by my All?" Tatiana gestured for him to look at his left shoulder. The same marking Raheem had on his appeared on him.

"Argh! This shit burns." Stiles grunted. Tatiana gave him a round of applause. "Congratulations on your new position, Stiles I wish for you stay in this position for millenniums to come." She jumped down off the roof and went to her base of operations.

*Ding* [Congratulations host for successfully gaining his first Apostle. Since Stiles is your first Apostle he will recieve a beastial bloodline of A+ and his blood will be refined to a higher tier. Would host like to activate his sub system?]

'No, don't activate it yet, also if possible hold off on giving him a beastial bloodline.'

*Ding* [One moment...one moment...It is not possible to hold back the integration of the beastial bloodline, so it will be put into a dormant state until you allow it to be awakened. His blood will be refined and become mana blood. Mana blood will make him have access to all forms of magic. It will also make his body 10× stronger.]

'System, will he lose his ability to access pressure?' Raheem wanted to make sure that he could still cultivate the human power system.

*Ding* [Stiles is exempted from the rule of only pure humans can cultivate your power system. This only because he is your Apostle. PLEASE NOTE this a one time thing and will not be available to any other human whose DNA has been tainted with something else. From now on your apostles will recieve a bloodline and a technique to cultivate their strength.]

Raheem sighed in relief as he heard that. 'Perfect now I just need to take care of the Alpha, make Scott my apostle, and have a successful meeting.'

Stiles woke up on top of the roof hours later. "Ugh, my damn head." He rubbed his temples as he sat up.

[Hello Apostle Stiles.]

"Woah who the hell was that!?" Stiles jumped up and looked around, only to see an empty roof. "Great now I'm going insane." He flopped back down on the ground.

[Apostle Stiles I can assure that you have not gone insane, I am Raheems system notifying you of the changes that transpired while you was asleep. You will not hear from me after this.]

"Uh, uh ok? Shoot tell me what kind of superpowers I got."

[You have received none. Your blood has been refined into Mana blood this allows you to access to all forms of magic, whether you can use them efficiently is up to you. Mana blood has also enhanced your physical capabilities by 10×.You have also received one sub system and an A+ beastial bloodline. Both of these has been sealed by Raheem's request. That is all goodbye.]

Stiles was ecstatic when heard he could now use real magic, but that soon went away as he heard the second part. "Oh come! Just tell me what mythical beastial bloodline I got at least." He waited a few moments but didn't receive a response.

"Damnit! He kicked the edge of the roof in frustration and it shattered. It flew off in the distance. "Holy shit, I didn't even use pressure. Maybe Raheem was right to hold off the beastial bloodline"