
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Beating Level One

Scott arrived back at the house wet and covered in mud. He saw Stiles punching and kicking the wooden dummies. Raheem noticed Scott and waved him over.

"Go sit down in the circle over there, it will make your mind slow down and let you think more clearly." "Derek has been watching you." Stiles lost his concentration and hit the dummy without controlling his pressure.

"Ughh you son of a bitch!" He kicked the dummy head off. Raheem slapped him across his head. "Go get another one from the shed."

"What did he want from me?" "Uh, how the hell did Stiles do that?" "Focus Scott, what did Derek want from me?" "He said that some of the plants in the greenhouse are centuries old and he wanted to know if any of them could heal his uncle."

"No. I don't care about him or his family. I have way too much on my plate right now." He walked over to Stiles and picked up the dummy. "Stiles remember the feeling of that kick you just did. Pressure has three main uses, mental, spiritual, and heart."

"Yeah, but how is me knowing that going to help?" "We need to determine what path you are going to take. Mental Pressure let's you use your mind to affect people and objects. For example, you can influence your enemy to see their worst fears or their happiest moments."

"Great so just an overpowered therapist." "...I don't even wanna go there with you. Spiritual pressure will allow you to tap into someone's soul." "Like the grim reaper or ghost rider when he does his penance stare." Raheem glared at him. "Ok fine I won't say anything sheesh." "Heart pressure let's you control hearts. You are able to not only sense that persons emotions and manipulate them at will."

Raheem walked up to him and his eyes glowed green. "If you know what's good for you then never and I mean never use this on anyone you care about." "Y-yeah of course dude."

"Good. The first two stages are all about getting familiar with pressure. The first stage is controlling it inside and the second is focused on the outside." Raheem got in a loose boxing stance and threw a simple jab.


The barrier flickered and then faded away. "Holy shit! I'm going to be toss air?" "I didn't toss air, I threw a tennis ball." "Uh, no you didn't you punched freaking air."

*face palms*

"Listen what's the heaviest thing you can think of, go." "A tank." Raheem walked over and grabbed a pen. He made Stiles hold it and placed his hand over it. "Feel how light it is?" "Yeah but-."


Stiles fell to the ground and dropped the pen. "Wow, that bought a whole new meaning to the saying, the pen is mightier than the sword." Raheem helped him and brushed the dirt off of him.

"Pressure doesn't directly enhance our body Stiles. We control how heavy, light, slow, or fast it flows through us. Think of our bodies as springs and pressure pushing down on us. When it releases we shoot out. Does that make any sense to you?"

Stiles looked at the pen and then at his hands. He got into a boxing stance like Raheem. 'There is no way he is going to be able to do what I did.' Stiles pulled his arm back and closed his eyes, when opened them he swung his fist forwards.


The barrier flickered and rippled to disperse the pressure from Stiles swing. Raheem was in a state of utter disbelief. Scott saw what happened from the outside and just stared at Stiles.

"Whoooo oooh! That's what I'm talking about baby. Hell yeah!" Raheem came out of his shocked state and clapped for Stiles.

"It seems that you are talented afterall." Stiles excitement died down and he cleared his throat. "Ahem, yeah you know, it wasn't a big deal." Raheem deactivated the barrier and told him to go for a run. Scott followed Stiles.

"System, how was Stiles able to do that just now?"

*Ding* [It is as host stated before, Stiles is truly talented.]

"Give me a more detailed explanation."

[Host possess the True Human bloodline. They were able to adapt and use all energies as they wished. Across the omniverse humans are considered either inferior or abnormal creatures. Inferior due to their bodies, but abnormal in their ability adapt. Host maybe able to use all forms of energies, but that does not mean host is talented in their use. Stiles is able to push his pressure outwards, even though he has only started using it.]

"System what rank his Stiles pressure?"

*Ding* [ System is not able to scan other people and display their stats. That function will be unlocked when host defeat level one of the mental category in the simulation room.]

Raheem sat down in the same circle Scott was in. He opened up the simulation room and selected mental category level one. "Begin."

On the outside nothing happened Raheem's body stayed still as a rock.

Raheem found himself in the woods and he was crouched down. He took a step forward but, he fell down. He looked down and realized he wasn't crouching he was already standing.

'What the hell is this!? Why am I a wolf pup?' It took him a little bit time to be able to walk straight. He checked his surroundings and saw that he was near a cave, he smelled other wolves in it, approached it with caution.

He walked in and a lighter shade wolf picked him up by the back of his neck. He tried to get down and speak, but all that came out were little yelps. The wolf set him down in front of the deer carcass.

'She can't expect me to eat this right?' Raheem looked around and saw the others were also eating. He tried to walk away, but the same growled at him. 'Great. She won't let me leave until I eat huh?'

Raheem walked back over to it and sniffed it. He licked it at first, soon after that he took a small bite. When he swallowed that bite something woke up and it craved more. He snarled and bit a huge chunk of meat. He ate the leg without much delay and then moved on to the stomach. The intestines were chewy and stringy.

'These things are good, but too hard to chew.' He left those alone. He first ate the liver, then the kidneys, and ribs. Once he done eating everything he could, he glanced around for more. The beast that was inside of him was still hungry.

Not that far away there was another animal. Raheem didn't recognize it and didn't care either. He trotted over and wanted to join in the feast. The other pups growled at him as a warning. He ignored them and got closer, one of them lunged at him. Out of instinct he moved to the side and went for his throat. He clamped down on it and shook his head until the pup went limp.

The other wolves watched him as he killed one of their own. They made no attempt to attack him, they silently went back to their own meals. The pups on the other hand went away and ate the left overs from his deer.

His 'mother' walked over and sat next to him. She licked his head and rubbed hers on his. She was showing how proud she was. Raheem didn't bother with her and just focused on devouring the body in front of him.

The next morning he was woken up and forced out of his cave. The adult wolves were stretching and preparing for their regular patrol. He saw his mother and went by her.

Raheem followed the wolves and learned from them. Soon months passed and turned into years. The young pup was now an adult wolf and was in charge of leading one of the hunts. Raheem no longer even remembered what his original goal was, he just knew he needed to survive.

Raheem was now 5ft 7 inches in height and almost 7ft long. His coat was a dark almost silver color and his eyes were an astonishing shade of green. They glowed in the morning sunlight.

He had scars on his body from when the pack took down a panther when he was younger. He lost his mother during that hunt.


Raheem immediately ducked and barked towards his fellow wolves about the danger. They scattered and he charged towards the noise directly.

*Whish Whish Whish*

Raheem heard the same noise and weaved through the trees. They all missed and Raheem howled. This was the signal to attack.

"Ahh! Run away Luis." Raheem ran and saw a man being sieged by his pack. He heard the man tell the smaller one to run. He chased after it.

Luis listened and ran away from his father. He was running towards his village for help.

*Heavy breathing*

Luis heard it before he saw it. He reached for the dagger at his waist and swung behind him blindly. Raheem jumped at the small animal and got slashed across his snout.

He let out a whine and then growled at the small animal. Luis was frightened to death as he looked upon the wolf. He watched it walk around him in a circle, he never let it out of his sight once.

Raheem heard his pack getting closer to him, that meant the other one was dead. He licked his snout and watched the little human. He paused in his tracks. 'Human? Is that what it was?'

He shook his head and looked at it again. Luis saw the wolf shake its head. In a weak and trembling voice. "D-don't eat me, I'm dangerous." He made the gesture of stabbing the air. Raheem saw this and raised his head. Luis thought the wolf was scared and grew braver.

"Get back! I'm not some weak animal!" He screamed at the wolf. 'This kid can't be serious right now. He is holding the dagger all wrong, he will never kill a wolf like that.'

"You are laughing at me?" Luis thought he was seeing things, but the wolf was laughing at him! "I know you understand me, please let me go, my dad needs me." Raheem paused again.

The words my dad needs me kept echoing in his ears. He howled in pain, tears poured from his eyes. 'Father!' Suddenly he remembered what he was doing and why he came here. Guilt flooded his entire being, he wanted nothing more than to leave.