
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Second Day of Training

Raheem arrived at his house and went inside.

"Tatiana! Frank! War meeting now." They both appeared in a flash. "Tatiana how many weapons did you sell to the Hidlers." "I sold 20 rifles, ten of them with special ammo. Five pistols all heavily modified and the locations of most hybrids in California."

Raheem sat and thought about how he was going to tackle the situation. "Do you know where they are staying at the moment?" "They are staying at a hotel until they either buy or build a house. The hotel is located outside of Beacon Hills."

"How many hybrids are in California right now?" "Do you mean permanent residents or visitors?"

"Permanent." She took out 12 files and tossed them on the table. "All 12 of them are werewolves. Seven of them are in a pack together."

"Get a message to the pack about the Hidlers and tell them they are coming for them. Tell the other five that if they need a safe haven then come here."

Frank spoke up for the first time. "Where will they go? There is no place for them to stay."

"I have one. I still haven't used my dimension token to create my own dimension." "So your plan is to do what? Raise an army and then wage war on this planet?"

"No, that would cause too much blood to be spilled." "Why invite them in the first place then, if you are not going to use them then there is no point in taking them in."

Raheem paced around the room. Tatiana watched and leaned back in her chair. 'Come on Raheem show me what type of leader you are.'

"Ok. Tatiana find out exactly what places have alphas and then invite them to show up." "What if they don't want to?" "Tell them if they wanna keep hiding in plain sight then it will be in their best interest if they show up."

Tatiana got up and went to make some phone calls. "Raheem what are planning on doing?" "I'm stronger than most of the people and creatures on this planet. It's time they realize it."

"So you plan to make every alpha listen to your orders?" "Yes." "What if they don't listen?"

"They either listen or leave the country." "You plan on creating a functional society with supernatural creatures and humans?"

"That is one of my tasks. What are trying to say?" "Do you want to be seen as an tyrant or as an emperor?" Frank got up and left him alone to think.

'He's right. How am I supposed to bring multiple supernatural creatures together and make humans understand them? Humans are not known for their open minds. They fear the unknown and some times go to extreme measures. They are also arrogant and think they are superior to everything.'

"Right so I have sent out the message to all of my contacts. We should have all of their replies by next month. When do you want this grand meeting to happen?" Raheem thought about it. "Two weeks after they reply. We can build a place deeper into the woods and make changes to it."

"That will cost a lot of money. We have 250 million dollars, but that's mostly from the pharmaceutical company we created. We spend almost 30 million a month alone."

"That leaves us with 220 million to use. Take out 60 million, put 10 million aside for emergencies and use the rest for the building." "I want it to be strong enough to handle a war." Tatiana smile grew wider and wider the more she heard.

"I understand, it will be done. What about the greenhouse? Should we move it" "Do you still need to get seeds from it?"

"No. Some of those plants can never be made public, humans and supernatural creatures will just fight over them once we leave." "Make a list for me, I will move the greenhouse inside of my dimension for safe keeping. Creat a garden in or around the new building. I want to leave some of the least dangerous seeds here, this world will be able to handle the rest."

He left the table in the kitchen and went to his room. It was late and he needed to train Stiles and Scott tomorrow.

The next morning he was outside waiting for Scott and Stiles. He passed them their uniforms. "Uh, Raheem I meant to ask you this yesterday, but where is the rest of the gear?" Raheem looked at Stiles. "What do you mean rest of the gear?" "You know, headgear, mouth piece, and gloves." "Why would we need that? Scott is a werewolf and you can't be considered normal either."

To prove his point he grabbed a wooden plank and swung at Stiles. Stiles raised his guard up and the plank broke on his arm. He fell down on the ground.

"Raheem! What the hell is wrong with you?" Raheem ignored him and waited for Stiles to stand up. "Wait Scott, I'm Ok. I just fell because of the swing." He got up and stretched his arm around.

"See I told you, weren't normal." "I don't understand. I literally just started yesterday how can my body change so fast?" Stiles was excited and punched a tree.


"Ohh ohhh that hurts that hurts." He walked around waving his hand around. "Hahahaha you dumbass you just started yesterday. Why would you go and punch a tree? Especially the trees around the training ring." Raheem was dying laughing and was holding his stomach.

"Guys! Can we focus?" Scott wanted them to be serious and start training. Raheem wiped his eyes and stood up. "Yeah ok Scott let's be serious." "Thank you." He walked inside of the ring with Raheem.

Raheem activated the barrier and rushed Scott. He punched him in the face with a superman punch then he did a one two combination to his ribs. "Fight back Scott. No one is going to come over and save you this time." He kicked Scott in his mouth.

Scott fell on the ground and shifted. "Good. Pain and anger makes you shift." He dodged his claws and elbowed him in his throat. "Pain and anger also clouds your mind. Get up and try again."


Scott screamed and charged him again. He swiped his claws at Raheem and missed. He tried kicking him only to get his feet kick from under him. "Enough. You are letting the wolf control you." He took down the barrier and Stiles ran in to help him up.

"What do you expect me to do? I'm new to this! Just a few weeks ago I had asthma! My only problem was whether or not I could breathe. Now you expect me to control all these new powers!?" His breathing was erratic.

"Scott you have to stop being afraid and accept this is who you are now. Your mentality plays a huge roll in how you shift, live, and control yourself." Raheem looked at him in his eyes. "If you believe you can't control it then you won't, but if you believe you can, then eventually you will. Of course as long as you have someone to guide you."

"Go for a run and calm down. Stiles get in your stance." Scott walked away and thought about what he said. Stiles watched him leave and wanted to go after him. "Stiles get in your stance."

Scott was running through the woods following a different trail. "You know he isn't wrong." Scott stopped in his tracks and turned around to see Derek. "What are you doing here?" Scott got defensive and backed away.

"Trying to figure your friend out. He is far more dangerous than you think. That greenhouse of his holds plants that haven't been around for centuries maybe even longer." "So, what does that have anything to deal with you?"

"Give me a chance to have a conversation with him. I want to ask if he will heal my uncle, please." Scott smelled that he was genuine. "You are being serious." "Yes, I am. My uncle is the only one who survived the fire eight years ago."

"I will talk to him. You better get out of here though, I don't know what he will do if he finds you here." "Trust me I know." Derek left Scott alone.