
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
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30 Chs

His Feelings

Rafiel was never be bored watching Ryan grow up. Although he believed that it was his duty and obligation to raise this child, this was not his primary motivation.

Before Rafiel had ever met Ryan, it was not long before he escaped the chains of slavery and discovered that his home was burned to the ground. Due to his depression, he was half hoping to just perish in the desert as it seemed like he had nothing to live for. His life, although it was fairly bleak before, had now turned colorless.

When he was saved by Nailah from dying from dehydration, in his mind, he thought of her as annoying for helping him when he did not ask for any. He wanted to tell her to leave him be, but was unable to due to how weak he was currently feeling. However, everything began changed when he felt a cry.

He did not know what it was, but something gave him power after experiencing the wave. From that point it was like his body went into autopilot, causing him to seek out the wave's origin no matter what. Even Rafiel could not come up with a proper reason why he felt this way even after all these years. The best thing he could come up with was a story his mother used to tell him when he was young.

However, meeting Ryan was probably the most effective thing he needed at the time. He needed something or someone to take his mind off of the many horrible things that had happened to him and also give his life some purpose.

Based on his instincts he felt that Ryan was different from other babies. Although he was the son of both Beorc and Laguz, he had a 'kingly' aura around him that reminded him of the time he first met the Hawk king, Tibarn. Furthermore, his brand was also weird. Although granted Ryan was the first Branded Rafiel had ever met, the detailed dragon mark and how it would radiate from time to time felt to Rafiel like Ryan was unique from his peers.

As time went forward, although it was unintentional, Ryan slowly became one of the most important person in his life, filling the gaping hole in his heart. Rafiel soon had another family that he was a part of soon after meeting him, helping to brighten up his world. This could seen through how effective his Skill was becoming.

The first time that Rafiel used his Skill, Galdrar, after Nailah saved him, an expert in music would have been able to discern that his voice lacked feeling and that although his words gave power, they were at the same time empty. But after spending more time with Ryan, Nailah, and her parents, his singing grew more effective, providing a stat buff along with its original ability to reenergize the user's allies. It turns out that there is a direct correlation between the emotions and abilities for a heron Laguz.

As Ryan was slowly growing up there was less and less for Rafiel to do. As an infant, Rafiel would always be there to take care of, feed, and sing for Ryan, sometimes with Aurora watching over them. However, Ryan slowly started leaning towards learning how to fight and read as he started to age. He started being with Nailah more, leaving him a bit lonely and a bit jealous at the same time.

One day he was watching Nailah and Ryan training in the courtyard from afar and left in the middle to another place. He was drinking tea and trying figure out what he should do now that he was not taking care of Ryan when the boy in question rushed in followed by his trainer.

Ryan: "Rafiel help! Nailah's trying to kill me!"

Ryan hid behind Rafiel trying to block the death invoking glare from Nailah. She was covered in dirt, like she had just been through a sandstorm.

Nailah: "Rafiel get out of the way! I'm going to kill that kid!"

Ryan: "What did I do!? I was trying to dodge your attacks like you wanted me to do and you didn't say I couldn't use any magic! Plus you were beating on me too much."

Nailah had visible veins popping out of her head.

Nailah: "I need to smack you a few times in order for you to have it drilled into your head! And using magic is okay, but why did you create a mini tornado around yourself!? How would you be able to train your instincts like that!"

Ryan: "But I just thought it would give me a better sense on where you are."

While Nailah's face turned red and it looked like her head was leaking out steam, Rafiel was chuckling from watching such a comical scene.

Nailah: "You think this is funny!?"

Rafiel: "Why yes. You two are very funny and entertaining. Plus it seems like you two get along quite well."

Ryan: "Huuuuhh!?"

Nailah: "Huuuuhh!?"

The two of them looked flabbergasted.

Ryan: "How can I ever get along with this she-devil!"

Nailah: "You little brat!"

Then they started their childish game of cat and mouse around rafiel

Rafiel: 'Yup. They get along just fine.'

From that point on, both Ryan and Nailah fighting then running towards Rafiel became a common theme within the castle. He always would be the mediator between the two active children and would sometimes even sing just to calm the two down. The song resounded throughout the castle, lifting the spirits of the palace maids and guards. Some of them were actually hoping that Nailah and Ryan would fight more often.

And like that, Rafiel's spirits were beginning to rise back up. No longer feeling like he was being left out, his voice began to be filled with both joy and happiness. This was not left unnoticed by Nailah.

One night when he was about to fall asleep, there was a knock on Rafiel's door. When he went to open it, he found that the person on the other side was Nailah

Rafiel: "To what do I owe this sudden visit?"

Nailah: "Can I come in?"

Although Rafiel was a bit confused, he stepped to the side, signalling her to enter. She walked into his room and sat down by the table, taking out a snack that she brought along with her to chew on.

Rafiel also sat down waiting for her to speak up.

Nailah: "How have you liked your time here, staying in my country?"

Rafiel was a bit surprised, but responded right away.

Rafiel: "It's great, like a dream for many back in Tellius. Both the Laguz and Beorc here get along very well, and marriage between both races is very normal, in fact it seems like it's supported."

Nailah chuckled.

Nailah: "That's probably due to Ryan. Although he's a brat, he is surprisingly extremely smart, even surpassing a couple of teachers and tacticians I know. I guess it's a belief that babies born between the race's breeds extraordinary children. Some laguz don't even mind losing their ability to transform."

Rafiel: "What a wonder kingdom."

Nailah: "It is. Thank you."

That sat in silence for some time.

Rafiel: "So why else have you come to my room? I image that you did not come at this time just to ask me how I feel about my stay here."

Nailah hesitated.

Nailah: "...Up until recently, you have been feeling quite lonely, haven't you?"

Rafiel was once again surprised, but instead of replying this time, he just looked down to the ground.

Nailah: "That's what I thought. You should know that you aren't very good at hiding your feelings, it's written all over your face. Everyone actually knows that you have been feeling down lately. Heck, even Ryan did."

Rafiel looked up with his eyes wide open.

Rafiel: "You mean that you two were actually coming towards me because you two wanted to cheer me up?"

Nailah nodded

Nailah: "It was initially Ryan's idea. I eventually caught on after seeing the different looks on your face and joined him."

Rafiel looked down again.

Rafiel: "So you two were just pitying me."

Nailah: "Stop saying things like that, Ryan genuinely cares for you. That is why he didn't tell me, you, or anyone else about what he was trying to do. He once told me that you're like a big brother to him, of course he will care about how you feel."

Rafiel's emotions started welling up and started tearing. He would always care for Ryan like he was his little brother, but Ryan seeing him as a big brother meant much more.

Rafiel: 'Thank you.'

Nailah looked as how Rafiel's feelings were being displayed on his face again and smiled. She got up and headed for the door, but stopped and turned around before heading out.

Nailah: "You are not alone Rafiel. You still have Ryan, my mother and father, and even me. Like Ryan, I also care for you and don't want you to be in pain. If you have anything to say, no matter how much you believe to be insignificant, I'll always be around to lend you my ear and shoulder."

She left after saying those words.

At this moment Rafiel was actually crying a waterfall. He stood up and bowed to the door, where she once was and said something with all his heart.

Rafiel: "Thank you all so very much."

In a separate location, a person was watching the moon, which he seemed brighter compared to the nights before.

Aurora: "I don't know why, but I feel like this is a great night."

Since I am at 15 chapters and the protagonist will be leaving soon on his journey, I am wondering how his future love life should play out. For those of you out there who actually know a bit about Fire Emblem 9 and 10, who do you think he should get together with. (I already have one thought out)

AndyLyncreators' thoughts