
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

8 Years Later

The sun had just risen over the horizon and the people of Hatari were beginning to awaken and go about their daily tasks. The guards were changing shifts, shopkeepers were starting to open their business, and farmers were preparing for their harvest.

There are a great number things anyone could find interesting in this great city, but the most interesting would probably go to a child sleeping in the place where all knowledge gathers.

The palace library in Hatari was everything a person would image it to be like. Opening the large and wide double doors into this room, you would be able to see rows of bookshelves occupying large spaces in the four corners of the room. The bookshelves a few meters tall and parallel to each other, all containing books on various subjects: history, politics, battles, etc. Tall windows lined the walls causing the entire room to be illuminated, only to further enhance the beauty in this already grand room. In between the bookshelves were long tables that stretched from the left end to the right which were mainly used by ministers and scholars studying laws and politics.

At one spot on this grand table was a huge pile of books where there looked to be at least 50 different books on various difficult topics such as magic and philosophy. At the base of these books lied a child sleeping on an open book about medicinal herbs.

Obviously this was boy was Ryan, the reincarnated earthling. He had shocked the royal family and the palace maids for learning learning how to speak soon after the huge conference with Rafiel, even more so when he learned how to write before he was two.

When he first started to speak, although it took a while, he eventually got to tell everyone his name. He spent the next couple of years burying himself in books and asking Nailah to train him. He wanted to make sure that he was completely ready when he sets off on his journey to explore a world that he loved playing through.

Seeing how he was pushing himself, Aurora seemed extremely worried at first. But after a couple of week into Ryan's training she gave up thinking that she now has another battle junkie living in the palace. Ryan always felt a bit bad having Aurora worry about him so much. Although she was not his mother, she was a figure that he needed in his life to ensure that he does not stray off of his path.

Adal on the other hand was the complete opposite of Aurora. Although he still worried about Ryan, he was much more lax and said things like 'boys will be boys', and let him do what he wanted. Aurora was angry at his nonchalant attitude thinking how he was like this when he was mindlessly training Nailah when she was young. Only with the presence of Rafiel frequently spending time with Nailah did she let Adal off the hook.

Rafiel was like a big brother to Ryan. While Ryan did not have much of a physical connection with him, he would sometimes go to him and ask for any advice or words of wisdom that he could part onto him from a non-agressive point of view. He also was like his physician who frequently checked-up on him and made sure he was healthy. However, he was not very persuasive. Even though was told to sleep in his room because it was more healthier, it was not uncommon for him to sneak out to the library.

At this point, Ryan was now 8 years old. Nowadays when he was not reading, he was periodically practicing how to handle a sword and strengthening his body. The weakness of every average mage was their stamina and their effectiveness in close combat. Since the world was never perfect, mages would not always be able to unleash their magic behind a shield.

The reason why he chose to handle a sword rather than the other possible weapons was because he was a huge fan of Stefan, probably the strongest swordmaster in Tellius. He was a secret recruitable character in Fire Emblem 7 and 8 and was strong enough to be useable till the end of the two games.

While Ryan was dreaming, the doors to the library opened and in walked a Laguz woman with a huge fluffy white tail. She walked down a quarter flight of stairs towards the center of the room and looked around till her gaze stopped on the only person inside sleeping.

She walked towards him and sighed.

???: "I knew he would be here again. Why can't he just stay in his room? Maybe I should place some guards outside so he won't be able to do this gain."

While she was considering this, she was staring at his peaceful-looking face. It was slowing beginning to annoy her. Although she really wanted to slap him awake, she knew she would not hear the end of it if her mother ever found out.

The person in question was naturally Aurora, meaning that the Laguz hovering over Ryan was Nailah. She then started to shake him awake.

Nailah: "Hey Ryan, get up."

Ryan tightly closed his eyes before he raised his head and started to slowly blink in a dazed state. He had really puffy eyes showing how long he was awake reading last night.

Ryan: "Huh? Is it morning already?"

She started roughly rubbing his head in response

Nailah: "Yea is morning. Hurry up and prepare for morning training or else I'll start without you."

Ryan: "Stop it already. Alright, I'll be in the courtyard in ten minutes."

She started to walk away and before she walked out of the room she turned back to say one more thing.

Nailah: "Make it five or else I'll make sure you won't be in here tonight."

He waited for a few seconds before getting up.

Ryan: "So bossy."


At the courtyard, Nailah was waiting in her normal casual attire. In her mind, she was timing Ryan. Since she told him to be here in five minutes, she was going to stick by her words. She was always serious when it came to anything physical.

When there were only a few seconds left before five minutes have passed, Nailah could see a small youth walking towards her in a loose shirt and pants.

Nailah: 'He finally came. Although he's lazy as hell, at least he's still punctual.'

While Nailah knew that Ryan was a lazy child, she also knew that he had a drive to make himself stronger. Occasionally when she walks past him, she could notice that he was practicing his magic from the way the wind felt around him and she could see that he was also tempering his body from the way he moved, making sure to use his entire body even doing the most simplest tasks.

Only when Ryan was in front of her and asked her a question did she snap out it.

Ryan: "So what are we doing today? More strength training? Speed? Maybe some work on my dexterity and skills?"

Ryan had been really working hard these past couple of years. His abilities in the strength, speed, and skill department were all very good for his age, rivaling that Mia's starting strength and Ike's starting speed and skill. Ryan's magic stats, however, were on a completely different level, rivaling that of an average Sage. Lastly, Ryan's defense and resistance were all good enough to tank both an attack from a steel spear and an Elfire and still being able to recover from that if treated properly.

While training, he was able to learn only one Skill after a year or two of studying and many more of actually trying to achieve it. The first Skill which he was dead set on learning no matter what was Adept. With it he would be able to move and react faster, speeding up the pace of his attacks and improving his dodges.

When he first showed this skill to Nailah, he reminded himself that there every coin has two sides. Although he was able to dodge many of her attacks, when they did land, her punches were heavier, obviously punishing him for thinking he had one-upped her.

Going back to the Ryans training, Nailah shook her head, meaning that she was going to teach him something new.

Nailah: "I've already taught you the basics on how you should you train your body and it'll take a while before you are able to go any further, so train those aspects on your own time. What I'm going to teach you today is how you train your instincts."

Ryan: 'So today I'm learning how to use my instincts or sixth sense.'

Nailah: "Although it's important that you learn how to have complete control of your strength throughout your body, your instincts are equally as important than that, if not more. Much of life is driven by a person instincts and if you know how to control it, it will immensely help you through many sticky situations."

Ryan: "How can I train my instincts? It isn't like muscle training where I only need to move around."

Nailah responded by pulling out a blindfold.

Nailah: "It's actually very simple. All you need to do is wear this blindfold and dodge my attacks."

Ryan: "What!? How am I supposed to dodge an attack I can't see."

Nailah: "It'll take some time, but you'll eventually get the gist of it."

Ryan sighed and reluctantly tied the cloth over his eyes, taking up a fighting stance soon after.

Nailah: "You ready? I'm coming."

Although she said that, Ryan stood there waiting for a while with nothing happening. Then all of a sudden he was hit on the back of his head.

Rayn: "Owww!"

Nailah laughed.

Nailah: "That's the first hit. Try to get used to the sensation since you're going to be feeling it many more times."

Ryan: "Why do I get the feeling that you're only doing this because you just want to smack me."

Ryan's reply was another smack to his head.