
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
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30 Chs

Last Cup of Tea

After that night, Rafiel and Nailah got a lot closer to one another. Now, during the time when Nailah was training Ryan, Rafiel would also join them, having tea on the side while he watches them. Sometimes Nailah would join him and have a sip while yelling out commands to Ryan.

Ryan was a bit surprised seeing how they had become closer to each other compared to a few days prior, but thought nothing of it.

Rafiel: 'If I remember correctly, they eventually get married after the whole Ashera fight. That's going to be in about 15 years, so it makes some sense if they only start to get close today. It'll probably take a couple of years before they admit that they have romantic feelings for each other given their behaviors.'

Ryan knew that Nailah was a battle freak and only cared about how to improve her physical capabilities. It would take a long time before she would be able to notice her own feelings changing when she interacts with Rafiel.

Rafiel was the same in regards to noticing how he truly feels about Nailah. Currently the only kind of emotion he feels when he is with her is that similar to a close friend and in the nearby future it would then blossom into love. But when Rafiel starts feeling this, he would think of this as familial love, making the relationship between the two advance at a snail-like pace.

In a place overlooking the courtyard, there were other people who were looking at this scene with much more intensity. Aurora and Adal were both looking at them from Adal's office, both of them expressing a different emotion.

Aurora: 'It seems like I don't have to worry about future grandchildren anymore. Although it was fun taking care of Ryan, there's nothing like taking care of your own flesh and blood.'

While Aurora was feeling like she was on cloud nine, Adal was clenching his teeth and mumbling things like 'who does he think he is' and 'you'll have to go through me if you want my daughter'. There was nothing wrong with the relationship between Adal and Rafiel, in fact, people would describe them as good friends. However in cases like this, Adal's fatherly instincts overpowered his rationality a bit.

He even went as far as to stalk Nailah and Rafiel when they left the palace to partake in a festival that happens once every year. Of course when Aurora found out, she locked him in his office for a month, only letting him out for bathroom breaks, meal times, and when it was time to sleep. But that did not stop him from glaring at Rafiel when he had the chance and given Rafiel's personality, he had no idea nor did he really have an idea.


And just like that 7 more years had passed. You would expect that Adal's fatherly instincts would die down after so long has passed, but on the contrary, things stayed just about the same.

Adal's feelings did actually die down after a long while, but they were actually reignited when Nailah and Rafiel were beginning to notice how the felt about each other. They were currently at the 'What is this weird feeling stage'.

Ryan and Aurora were currently having tea in the palace gardens talking about this topic.

Aurora: "I wish that he would just give it up already. There is already nothing he can do to stop their relationship from going further."

Ryan: "I know right. Although they're not going to get together anytime soon, they'll eventually get married within give or take 10 years."

Aurora sighed at what Ryan said.

Aurora: "Why does it have to be that long? I know that it took only until recently for them to see each other as more than just best friends, but that does not mean thisi slow trend will go on for that long."

Ryan said nothing and just stared at her.

After a short pause Nailah started whining because she knew what he said was probably correct.

Nailah: "Why does it have to be 10 years!? Why can't they just get hitched tomorrow and give me a grandchild in 9 months!? I want to know the feeling of holding my grandchildren!"

Ryan: "Hey that hurts. Wasn't I your grandchild are a few years?"

Aurora: "A baby that knows how to speak before he was one and how to read before he was two does not count! I want a normal child that will run towards me yelling 'gwanma', only to trip and fall! Then I would hug the child and make his booboo go away and he would tell me with a smile on his face, 'I wuv yu gwanma'!"

Aurora just continued on with her fantasy, blurting out tons of random things and saying stuff like how her grandchild would do this and how she would do something with him. Ryan just let her continue her rant and sipped his cup of tea. This was not the first time she did this.

After a while she snapped out of it.

Aurora: "Ah. Did I lose myself again?"

Ryan: "Yes you did, although this time was shorter than normal."

Aurora was starting to blush and tried to change the subject.

Aurora: "So what did you want to talk about? Is it about your journey?"

Ryan nodded.

He announced it a month ago that he was planning on leaving Hatari and journeying back to Tellius. This piece of news was a bit of a shock for everyone, but they quickly calmed down since they knew that he would eventually leave one day and that they could not do anything to stop him.

Currently, he held the titles of Sword Master and Wind Archsage and was granted these titles after officially being recognized only a few years ago. His current physical capabilities should be around Stefan's level in the game and his magical abilities should be around par with the apostle Sanaki's, meaning that he was extremely strong.

Ryan also was an adult and had grown up into a very lean and fit body, a little over six feet tall, and had quite the handsome face. He wore a standard grey cloth shirt, deep sea blue pants, and knee-long boots. Over all of that was a leather chest guard made from wyvern hide and a dark green long coat with elbow-length sleeves. He also had bandages around his palms and arms and wore open-finger gloves.

Since he was strong enough and was an adult, there was barely any reasons that could convince him to stay, not that could argue with him anyway. He had become a truly fine adult and was completely capable of taking care of himself.

Back to the conversation before.

Ryan: "I plan to leave today, after this cup of tea. I have already prepared everything so this is the last cup of tea I'll have with you for a long time."

Aurora: "Today?! I knew that you were leaving soon, but I didn't expect it to be that soon. Have you already told the others?"

Ryan nodded again and Aurora was visibly a bit annoyed.

Aurora: "So I was the last one. You really put me below that idiot of a husband?"

Ryan: "I had to. I knew that he would throw a huge fit knowing that he sparring partner was leaving soon, even more so if he was the last to be told."

Ryan had become Adal's sparring partner these last couple of months. He had gotten strong enough to endure the barrage of attacks from him and even counter a couple of moves. Although Ryan was not strong enough to physically him or Nailah, he still could easily be considered one of the top 10 in the kingdom in terms of strength much thanks to his Laguz blood.

Aurora pouted.

Aurora: "That is true."

Ryan laughed and drank his last cup of tea.

Both of them fell silent. All they could hear was the birds chirping and the sound of the wind. This was one of the reasons why Ryan enjoyed spending time with Aurora. Only she, along with Rafiel, understand the beauty of this world in this calm and peaceful state. Watching the flowers sway along with the wind, seeing birds dance above the flower bed, and feeling the cool and pure air make contact with your body were all amazing things, something hard to find back on Earth.

Ryan got up.

Ryan: "It's time for me to go."

Aurora turned towards him and nodded.

Aurora: "Do come back soon. When you return, I want to hear all about your journey. Also try to find a girlfriend or something while you're there. I liked to see some great grandchildren now that I know that I will eventually get one."

Ryan started scratching him head nervously.

Ryan: "I'll see what I can do."

Inwardly sighing he thought of what Nailah had to go through for many years.

Ryan: 'Looks like it's my turn to be nagged.'

He performed a deep bow and tears started to form from his eyes.

Ryan: "Well then, I'm going … grandma."

He then started to leave without stopping or turning back, fearing that his journey may be over before it begins.

Aurora hesitated and looked towards the back walking ever so further away.

Aurora: "... Take care, my grandchild."

Three figures were watching this entire loving scene without moving an inch, afraid that they may ruin it if they do. After about a minute had passed, one of them start bawling and yelling 'my grandson is all grown up now!'