
Traveling Through The Omniverse With Templates

My Name Is Atlas I Woke Up In A Black Void Devoid Of my memories of how I got there And Only A Floating Message In Front Of me Saying. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "Welcome To The Omniverse Template System" "Would You Like To Begin Your Journey" "Yes/no" _____________________________________________________________________________________ Side Note: I'm A Very Inexperienced Writer Who Makes A Lot Of Mistakes Please Be Aware Of That And Updates Will Be 1-2 Every 2 Weeks.

Dancetalespoon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Mission Start! Part 1

Chapter 4: Mission Start!

It's been a few hours since I explored the surroundings checking the rooms and seeing if anything or anyone would be here or something to happen but nothing did, eventuality I got hungry and made some noodles from the stuff that was in the kitchen which was filled to the brim with food and baking supplies.

While I was slurping down my hot noodles A system message appeared:


Mission: Start Of Your Journey!

Summery: Start your journey across the Omniverse and shape the stories you once knew as fiction to how you see fit.

Time Till Travel: 1 Day



well I'm either completely and utterly fucked or I'm completely and utterly fucked I thought this was just a template system I mean I had no where to go since I'm stuck in this ship? I don't know, but still do you know how many fucked universes there are out there. There's Worm, Devilman Crybaby, Marvel Zombies, and any S.C.P universe and that's just some of the ones I know off the top of my head.

And who knows if I will be able to survive with the template I might get I would at least need a decent template like kid Naruto or a background dragon ball character or a good character to at least move fast.

"Okay Atlas you have half a day to get the god of luck on your side and pull a cool and awesomely strong character for a template I got to pray to all the gods I know to back me up on this PLEASE HELP ME"

After 5 minutes of being a little bitch and praying to every god I know for better luck I opened up my inventory and took out all my stuff looked through the all the rooms again, getting some supplies and rearranged my inventory for quick access of what's needed with weapons like kitchen knifes upfront and other supplies like pots pans food and survival gear to the sides of it.

Finally I take the template ticket from the inventory and with one final wish for immense luck I rip it getting a pop up from the system.



Takumi Inui/Kamen Rider Faiz ) (Faiz 2003)


Description: Takumi Inui is a young, lonely drifter who aimlessly wanders across Japan until he is recruited by Mari Sonoda and Smart Brain to fight the Orphnochs. He is the primary user of the Faiz gear, enabling him to transform into Kamen Rider Faiz and is also the Wolf Orphnoch.


Grinning like a Cheshire cat I thought of how good this template was not only did I get a character I know, like, and loved the show of I knew how strong Faiz can be and I already have his belt to transform now I only need his other gear especially the axle. 

Quickly equipping the Template I felt a sudden surge of emotions, new strength, and images of Takumi transforming into Faiz and his Orphnoch Wolf form some of his memories seeping into my head, Going over the memories I quickly sped through my mind I could recall how he fought, transformed, how to ride a motorcycle, how he protected his mind, and stealth.

After clearing my head from the mental dump of the template which was unexpected because that's normally never seen in the stories I read I check over my status.


Name: Atlas/ Takumi Inui

Age: 16/18

Race: Human/Orphnoch

Level 1

Health: 500/500

Energy: 600/600








Templates: Takumi Inui/Kamen Rider Faiz 1%


{Gamers Mind-passive-max-Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through, allows peaceful state of mind, immunity to psychological status effects and nullifies mind attacks.}

{Memory Assimilation-passive-max- Allows you to assimilate some of the memory's of Template/self}

{Acting-passive-level 2- Allows you to perfectly act like a character from a book or a person.}

{Observe-active-level 1- Allows you to view a persons information.} cost 5 energy

{Pain Nullification-Passive-level 5- A passive skill that grants players the extraordinary ability to suppress and nullify sensations of pain.}

Template Skills:

{Untrained Fighting-passive-level 10- skill that revolves around basic, instinctive moves and the use of raw physical abilities to defend oneself in unexpected confrontations and emergencies.}

{Quick Reflexes-passive-level 10- skill that enhances your reflexes and improve your ability to react swiftly and accurately to various stimuli.}

{Henshin!-passive-max- the player can seamlessly transform into their transformed state with peace of mind, immune to any interruptions that may attempt to hinder their transformation process.}

{Rider Kick!-active-Max- the iconic finishing move of the legendary Kamen Riders, unleashing a devastating strike of unparalleled power against their enemy's. Upon contact, Rider Kick delivers a devastating impact that unleashes a shockwave of force, sending foes flying and causing significant damage. The sheer kinetic energy behind the kick can shatter barriers, break through defenses, and overwhelm even the most resilient opponents.} cost 100 energy

After checking my status and being amazed I revert back to my original self and get back to finishing eating my noodles, eventually after some rest on the couch and whatever was on the tv surprisingly it had internet here. I get up because anxiety of maybe going to the worst dimension ever.

I go to the training room to familiarize myself with the template and Faiz gear since it has only 1% sync with me right now and Faiz most likely has skills I don't know about.


END OF CHAPTER-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note: sorry for posting late I originally wanted to post this a couple days after the poll because I had some of it already finished, but I had tech issues with my computer then life problems came up after that but it's mostly settled the next chapter should be out 5-10 at most which will be going into the world of ben 10.

also if you had not noticed I've been really into Kamen rider lately.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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