
Traveling Through The Omniverse With Templates

My Name Is Atlas I Woke Up In A Black Void Devoid Of my memories of how I got there And Only A Floating Message In Front Of me Saying. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "Welcome To The Omniverse Template System" "Would You Like To Begin Your Journey" "Yes/no" _____________________________________________________________________________________ Side Note: I'm A Very Inexperienced Writer Who Makes A Lot Of Mistakes Please Be Aware Of That And Updates Will Be 1-2 Every 2 Weeks.

Dancetalespoon · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

24 hour poll the worlds

Hey, just wanted to check something with you all since I like and value reader feedback since it clues me in on stuff the people want from the story.

I have a problem going on right now and some input would help, the problem I have is currently where to go there are many choices for the MC to go and I wanna hear it.

I know I want to start it out on the pilot for the original ben 10 but after I'm unsure after the MC decides to hop worlds.

I have a few choices but I would like but some low conflict worlds and some choices other choices may be of help to me.


the current picks I have are:

Yu-Gi-Oh(One shot mission maybe?)

Naruto(Kid Naruto)

MHA(when the anime starts)

Pokémon(most likely one-shot mission)


feel free to suggest more here>


Note: Some worlds might just be one shot missions(as in once the mission is finished you can not go back unless actually traveled there by the system and not the mission task this will rare for the most part)