
Traveling Through The Omniverse With Templates

My Name Is Atlas I Woke Up In A Black Void Devoid Of my memories of how I got there And Only A Floating Message In Front Of me Saying. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "Welcome To The Omniverse Template System" "Would You Like To Begin Your Journey" "Yes/no" _____________________________________________________________________________________ Side Note: I'm A Very Inexperienced Writer Who Makes A Lot Of Mistakes Please Be Aware Of That And Updates Will Be 1-2 Every 2 Weeks.

Dancetalespoon · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

New Chapter soon

Yo sorry I been putting this off I got lost on the way of life but I came back with 2 things.

1. a new chapter of this will come sometime soon.

2. I wrote something new it's a Kamen Rider x Worm fanfic here with alot more writing and other stuff.

3. I'm dead tired rn and going into hibernation like a bear so be back sometime soon with some chapters don't forget about my bad writing yet I haven't even given Atlas his first henshin or rider kick PEACE PEEPS BYE ALSO SUPPORT ME IT HELPS ME GET MOTIVATION TO WRITE BYE BYE

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