
Traveling Through The Omniverse With Templates

My Name Is Atlas I Woke Up In A Black Void Devoid Of my memories of how I got there And Only A Floating Message In Front Of me Saying. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "Welcome To The Omniverse Template System" "Would You Like To Begin Your Journey" "Yes/no" _____________________________________________________________________________________ Side Note: I'm A Very Inexperienced Writer Who Makes A Lot Of Mistakes Please Be Aware Of That And Updates Will Be 1-2 Every 2 Weeks.

Dancetalespoon · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Pain And Shiny (Minor Rewrite)

Chapter 2: Pain And Shiny

"Finally I'm Done with this stupid book dear god was it boring for something about a literal system that defies all logic" I said closing one of the most boring books I've every read I start to look at the system inventory going over all the items I received from the starter gift.

1x vial of body enhancement

1x template system user manual

1x Gacha Template Ticket

1x Lucky Gacha Ticket

Okay so, 4 items, 3 actually useful items and 1 entirely stupid and for the most part useless book that describes the normal novel system like things. literally I can summarize it as you can use your mind for commands and the fact that it can upgrade itself, the multiverse shop, and world hopping, there was no reason that book should be over 120 pages of useless information that it was.

whatever let's just check out this vial of gold liquid, using Inspect a window pops up showing.


Body Enhancement Serum- Item - Consumable

-Enhances the body of the drinker

P.S Please be aware that user could experience growth pain because the body going through accelerated growth.

Rare Item


Well that's definitely helpful since I'm literally built like a skeleton, I wonder if it's like super soldier serum or if it's making the cells of my body enhanced so I would look, feel, and be in better health instead of the captain America package I guess I will find out.

quickly grabbing the vial popping off quirk and chugging it because why not trust the mysterious vial of gold shimmering liquid that may or may not cause very strong pain to myself.

10 seconds of waiting later

looking at the empty vial "Hmm nothing happened I guess I was lucky I mean was it dumb as fuck to do absolutely did it taste good ehh it was okay". 

Hmm I should probably try using one of the tickets now to see what I get or should I explore this place because I've been standing in the middle of this room for like 30 minutes now.

"Ehh I should probably explore this pla- AYO THAT HURTS AHHHHHHHH MY BONES ARGHG IT BURNS WHY DOES IT BURN. OOH I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!"(I honestly don't know where I went with this I was thinking of Caleb city tbh when writing this)


Skill Acquired: [Pain Nullification(Passive)] level 5

Description: A passive skill that grants players the extraordinary ability to suppress and nullify sensations of pain.


quickly passing out after experiencing excruciating pain I woke up hours later, quickly up looking at the system panel in the top right corner with the time. On it showing it's been 5 hours since my literally bones breaking and reforming along with the rest of my cells.

I now looked above average, 6ft tall. with toned muscle, and long black hair, Sighing at I look at my hair I'm gonna need a haircut I look like I'm from a cultivation novel right now. But It looks a lot better than how I was before. Since I was literally built like a skeleton, five foot nine, and looked like a very average guy as explained by all my friends from school.

Getting up and taking the 1 [lucky Gacha ticket] from the inventory and quickly ripping it, a shinning light appeared blinding me as the light slowly went down it took the form of a.

"Huh a case with a belt, laser pointer, flip phone and a camera? really a Belt? I mean at least it came with a phone but really a flip phone, but why the camera and laser pointer? this is definitely not what I needed right before I go into maybe the most darkest timeline."

"It looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it Whatever let's just observe it incase it's actually helpful [Observe]"


SB-555B Faiz Driver -Item- Accessory (Locked)

Description: Faiz Driver is a transformation device which allows Takumi Inui to transform into Kamen Rider Faiz.

SB-555P Faiz Phone -Item- Accessory/Weapon (Locked)

Description: Faiz Phone is used in conjunction to transform the user into Faiz. The phone can turn into its blaster form which can shoot in two modes, single and burst. Single is used for persisted shooting while burst fire 3 consecutive shots.

SB-555C Faiz Shot-Item- Accessory/Weapon (Locked)

Description: A digital camera tool which is used to increase Faiz's striking strength. Also able to use the Faiz Shot as a normal camera. Having a 2000x zoom feature, can shoot videos, capture pictures and see in both night and x-ray vision. Although it's main used is to use it "Knuckle Mode"

SB-555H Faiz Pointer-Item- Accessory/Weapon (Locked)

Description: A digital torch device which can be attached to Faiz's foot to shoot a laser to hit a target upwards of 2 kilometers away. Once it makes contact with a target, the laser will turn into a hardlight cone for Faiz to perform his finisher, the Crimson Smash. It can also be attached to the Faiz Phone as a scope to increase its accuracy.

Note: Requires Takumi Inui/Kamen Rider Faiz Template


"WOW how useless I mean I love Kamen Rider Faiz it was the shit along with Kuuga and agito but I literally can't use it without the template so it's useless other than the laser phone better equip that real quick sweep of the rooms"

getting up off the floor I pick up the belt and put it into the inventory and finally I start to explore the place after my body returned to somewhat normal instead of constant short spasms and soreness, I looked around the room finally and it seemed like a hub think giant tv with window in the back that shows a pitch black void while in front of a tv is a giant curved couch with a giant round table that looks like it does into the floor.

"wow nice place also now that I think about it was very dumb of me to use the serum here without checking like I didn't even know the place was safe I mean a lot better than out there but still where's my common sense."

looking around the room for exits there are 7 doorways 2 upper left and right, and 3 behind me one downward towards the left the the other downward right and the last one a bit behind the couch and 2 left and right of the couch leading to hallways.

As I slowly clear the rooms with the Faiz phone in gun mode ready to fight and my zero experience with clearing rooms other than Cod and R6, I see nothing but normal rooms like a kitchen, bedroom with bathroom, training room with weights and treadmills, library, and a corridors with more rooms

quickly checking those all I saw was completely empty rooms wow so much nothing.

The end of chapter 3 sorry for the very long wait I just finally got back into writing because I was kind of depressed because of stuff and had IRL stuff to do, also the next chapter should dive into Atlas going into the next worlds instead of staying inside the void hub.