
Traveling Through The Omniverse With Templates

My Name Is Atlas I Woke Up In A Black Void Devoid Of my memories of how I got there And Only A Floating Message In Front Of me Saying. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "Welcome To The Omniverse Template System" "Would You Like To Begin Your Journey" "Yes/no" _____________________________________________________________________________________ Side Note: I'm A Very Inexperienced Writer Who Makes A Lot Of Mistakes Please Be Aware Of That And Updates Will Be 1-2 Every 2 Weeks.

Dancetalespoon · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter: 1 Awakening from the void

Let's start this story with a quote.

"To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something, you need to believe the impossible, can you do that? Good." -Barry Allen "The Flash".

This entire thing started in the void. A giant empty dimension where anything that enters it no longer exists and anything that comes from it should never have existed.

I woke up in that void slowly opening my eyes to see nothing... nothing at all, I felt nothing around me and not much but that I went to sleep .

I start to freak-out because of knowing nothing about how I appeared in this void just falling with no wind passing by me, my head suddenly started to hurt, as multiple things started enter and flash in my head seeing images fly into my head and hearing sounds.

"---layer.... System---...Template"

"Blue Flashes"

After seeing those images in my head I feel a major amount of pain and end up passing out, I don't know how long I was out for but I eventually woke up again from hearing a pinging sound inside my head.

As I woke up I saw a blue light from my eyelids when I fully opened them I saw a system panel like you would see in novels or games saying.


Welcome To The Omniverse Template System

 Would You Like To Begin Your Journey



Thinking about how I was in that void of nothing and had nothing to do but be inside my head and slowly go insane while falling forever, I was thinking if this is real and I'm not insane it's my only way out of this box of nothing so I pressed yes without hesitation.

As soon as I pressed yes everything turned white as I was slowly turned into particles?, suddenly feeling this happening I was very surprised and a bit scared and felt like I was sick but surprisingly enough though it ended a few seconds later where I appeared in a room on a ship.

when I started to calm down and swallow the vomit from the teleportation I noticed the windows and outside was nothing but the void it had no stars ,no sun, and no moon though it looked beautiful and terrifying from here it reminded me of a quote.

"if you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at you.."– Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

suddenly the system panel opened in front of my face again covering the window.


 Welcome User To The Hub

You Have Been Chosen By Our System To Travel The Omniverse

-Received 1x Starter Gift Sent To Inventory


Seeing the panel telling me I've been chosen, I was confused I've heard of the multiverse but not the Omniverse, putting that thought to the side I quickly try asking the system questions with no responses coming other than information is above players clearance.

Deciding that it was useless to keep asking questions I stop and try opening my inventory using various ways, eventually I opened it and other things in the system too like the mission tab, my info tab, and the shop but I put those things to the side to look for the "Starter Gift" eventually I found it.

It looked like a present and was covered in white dots with a handle on the side, when I tried to inspect it a panel opened up showing a small description.


Starter Gift - Item - Consumable

A small present for the new user of the system 

 Would You Like To Open The Starter Gift



Looking at the description it was very bare and gave no information then deciding to open the starter gift to see what's in it I press yes on the panel, as soon as I pressed yes the "Starter Gift" formed in front of me with blue light just floating.

As I was looking at it closely it was just floating there in front of me I started to take a closer look and saw that it had a tag on it saying from who it was, the tag read from #@$%@ to Atlas the characters of this persons name kept changing every second and it was all gibberish.

Deciding to save myself from a headache I just put the thought of that person far back in my head and tried inspecting it more with nothing coming from it, after a long time I started to crank the handle on the side of the "Starter Gift" when I was cranking it a song came from it.

It sounded familiar but I couldn't tell from where, eventually the song stopped and the top of the gift box popped off and the sides fell to the side showing a system widow pop up with 4 items things inside of it.

A bottle of a mysterious gold liquid a book with the title of "System User Manual" 2 different tickes one saying weapon and the other saying template.