
Traveling Through The Omniverse With Templates

My Name Is Atlas I Woke Up In A Black Void Devoid Of my memories of how I got there And Only A Floating Message In Front Of me Saying. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "Welcome To The Omniverse Template System" "Would You Like To Begin Your Journey" "Yes/no" _____________________________________________________________________________________ Side Note: I'm A Very Inexperienced Writer Who Makes A Lot Of Mistakes Please Be Aware Of That And Updates Will Be 1-2 Every 2 Weeks.

Dancetalespoon · Anime & Comics
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Main Character Info

Name: Atlas

Age: 16

Race: Human

Level 1

Atlas picture:

Health: 100/100

Energy: 100/100

Power:11 (over all power level) 10 average human

strength:10 (carrying capacity, melee combat) average human 9

Hp:10  (health/how much dmg you can take) 10 average human

Intelligence:10 (problem-solving ability, knowledge, and cognitive prowess ) 8 average human

Wisdom:7 (not making dumb decisions) average human 7-10

Energy:10 (abilities/stamina) average human 5-8

Luck:100 (Probability) average human 10-38


{Gamers Mind-passive-max-Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through, allows peaceful state of mind, immunity to psychological status effects.}

{Memory Assimilation-passive-max- Allows you to assimilate some of the memory's of Template/self}

{Acting-passive-level 2- Allows you to perfectly act like a character from a book or a person.}

{Observe-active-level 1- Allows you to view a persons information.}

{Pain Nullification-Passive-level 5- A passive skill that grants players the extraordinary ability to suppress and nullify sensations of pain.}

Template System Explanation:

Every time Atlas Travels To A New World He Will Take The Place Of A character, himself, or a himself In The World He Can Complete Missions or change the plot of the world To Gain Rewards such as experience, gear, points. the user can use System either by using points on the shop to buy items from the multiverse or try gacha in order to gain other templates.

Key note: the system can be upgraded.


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Side Note: Worlds may differ from the original.

AN: Just to let you know I'm A new Writer That Has No experience other than crappy school project stories with barley passing grades, but I hope you Like This Story

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