
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Uniting Vale (Without Force ) And Discovered!?!?

It was late at night and in a pure white room, there was a man with black hair and red eyes wearing a T-shirt and black pants fighting a butler who was masterfully hitting the man in all of his weak spots or spots that could knock him out.

Alex: "It was a good idea to add a training room right Sebas."

Said Alex while wiping the blood off of his lip Sebas looked at Alex and smiled happily.

Sebas: "Yes it was sir. This will make it much easier to teach you."

Sebas suddenly threw a jab to Alexs solar plexus making Alex be stunned for a few seconds Sebas then kicked Alex's head.

Sebas: "Alright I believe we've done enough training for today."

Alex put his arm on his head and nodded he snapped his fingers and the white world shattered and was replaced with Alex's room.

Sebas: "Shall I get something to eat for us, sir?"

Alex: "Yes please."

Sebas then walked away Alex learned that for some reason Sebas's cooking tasted much better than the one that the robot makes.

Sebas came back with two sandwiches and two drinks Alex grabbed one of the plates and drinks and sat down next to Sebas.

Sebas: "Sir why did you increase your training schedule all of the sudden?"

Alex: "Well Sebas I need to train a bit faster in order to beat all of the problems of the world."

Alex said while Sebas nodded in agreement 'Today is the day that grim will invade Vale this will be the start of my quest to end Salem I should also tell Sebas about my plans' Alex thought.

Alex: "Sebas today grim will be invading Vale. I wanted to tell you this because my plan involves the invasion."

Sebas: "What is the plan, Sir?"

Alex: "The first part of my plan is.."

Alex's plan was to use the invasion to unite faunas and people during the invasion that was the first part of his plan.

The second half would be using the internet as a means to spread the information everywhere this would most likely reach all the kingdoms this could possibly make some faunas haters and human haters reevaluate their decision to hate each other.

The final part of his plan wasn't so nice he would manipulate the brains of faunas haters and human haters and change them so that there no longer hate faunas or humans Alex wanted to do this for a long time but he held it back because he was busy.

But now with the chaos, he can do it he will send clones to do it for him he will also make the world see that the new huntsman have are strong enough to protect their kingdoms and the world.

The emergency sirens turn on and Alex stands up as well as Sebas they look at each other and then Alex summoned a portal and walked through it.

He stood on a tall building with his blade he summoned a bunch of clones to carry out his plan they all left as he looked at his blade.

Alex: "I never named you did I? your name will be... Void Critical."

Alex's blade shined a little and then the light went away Alex then looked down to see a lot of grim he decided to make a cool entrance and gave himself a white scarf and put on a black gas mask over his face.

he jumped down and landed like a superhero all of the grim turned around and looked at Alex whose scarf was swaying behind him. He looked up at the grim and said.

Alex: "I am your worst nightmare."

He said with a deep voice as he stared at the grim all of them began to charge at him.

He sliced Ursa's head clean off and jumped off of its dead body he launched himself at a Nevermore and tore its wings off he landed in front of Ruby who was getting attacked by a giant snake.

Alex: "Do you need any help with that?"

Alex said in his normal voice as Ruby instantly replied back.

Ruby: "Yes I do!"

She struggled to hold the two snakes back Alex then decapitated the snake's heads off with ease. Ruby couldn't help but be amazed by the show of strength Alex then jumped away leaving Ruby in the dust literally.


Ruby: "Hey what was that for!"

She said even though Alex would not be able to hear her. Alex was flying above the kingdom it would be a beautiful sight... If there wasn't millions of grim roaming around.

Alex looked down and was surprised 'I don't think this happened in the story' He thought.

On the ground there was Roman and Pyyrha fighting Roman lifted his cane upwards and put his finger on the trigger. Romans cane moved to the side when he pulled the trigger making the dust bullet miss Pyyrha completely.

'I think I should help her' Alex thought as he flew down Pyyrha threw her spear at Roman the spear was quick but Roman managed to dodge it. Pyrrha used her semblance again to change the direction of the spear.

The spear hit a sign at changed direction again the spear went towards Roman. Roman noticed this and ducked the spear pierced Romans hat and pinned it to a brick wall.

Alex tacked roman and had him in a bear hug restricting him Alex looked at Roman and thought 'It's a shame that he's going to die in the future'.

Roman managed to fire his cane at Alexs arms allowing him to escape Alex's grasp. Roman began to run away Alex didn't go after him.

Pyyrha began to run at Roman with her spear in hand Alex then told Pyyrha.

Alex: "Pyyrha stop chasing after him."

Pyyrha: "Why? You know that Romans a criminal right?"

Alex: "Well there are grim we need to take care of first. Then we can worry about Roman alright?"

Pyyrha: "Oh I kind of forgot about that."

'How the hell can you forget about that?' Alex thought as he looked around there were Nevermores, Beowolfs, and any type of grim possible around them. Pyyrha scratched her head nervously and suddenly turned around and threw her spear.

The spear went into a Nevermores eye killing it instantly Alex was impressed by this action.

Pyyrha: "Alex right?"

Alex: "How do you know my name?"

Pyyrha: "Heard people talking about you and became interested in you."

Pyyrha: "What is your semblance? I thought it was super strength but I just saw you flying right now."

Alex: "You see that?"

Pyyrha: "What I can't see anythin-"


Alex ran away from Pyyrha he had sweat dripping down his face 'Damn that was close...What am I saying!? Now that someone saw me using a power other than super strength people will be more interested in me. I mean it isn't so bad now when I think about it' Alex thought as he continued running.


A roar echoed throughout Vale it made Alex's ears hurt for a bit he instantly located the source and began to run towards it. Within a few minutes, he made it to his destination and he was shocked no the word shocked would not be correct.

When he saw a giant grim that was bigger than building holding an unconscious Yang by her leg and reeling its fist back to kill Ruby, Blake, and Weiss. Alex was scared for them, so he rushed in and punched the grim killing it, but the punch from the grim hit Alex.

Not too much of a problem right? Well, that's wrong Ruby and the others witnessed half of Alex's body get annihilated Ruby instantly threw up as well as Weiss both did not see gore yet so it is unsurprising that they threw up at the sight of Alex's bones and intestines hanging out.

Alex: "Well shit."

Blake: "Y-your still alive?!"

Blake had thought that Alex passed as even if your semblance is overpowered no one can truly escape death... Except for Alex, Ozpin, and Salem Blakes's eyes widened as she saw Alex casually stand up and begin to regenerate his injuries.

Alex: "I have a reasonable explanation for this I swear."

Ruby: "Wait you're alive!?!"

Ruby said that and then proceeded to throw up once again Weiss on the other hand did not puke her stomach out again and stared at Alex in shock.

Alex looked up to see bullheads belonging to Atlas he instantly hid from their view 'I don't think letting Atlas see me is a good idea they will probably try to obtain me even if I was seen with my strength I could easily wipe them out but I don't like the idea of them even getting a sample of my DNA' Alex thought as the ship passed by.

Alex: "Hey can we talk about this later?"

Ruby looked at Yang and nodded in agreement Ruby then picked up yang with a bit of struggle and then left. By then Alex was fully healed he then walked to a lone store unaffected by the swarm of grim.

???: "You're finally back Alex. Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it was to get Faunas to enter my store?"

Alex: "I mean if I was treated like a dog I would worry about where I go to. Anyways so other me I came to tell you that you got promoted!"

Alex2: "What do you mean by tha-"

Alex: "You're going to be the Ceo of... Um, I don't have a name for it yet but you can come up with something for me right?"

Alex2: "Please just end me already I had it with these stupid ass people."

Alex: "Sorry bud! But now we are going to expand this business throughout Remnant!"

Alex2: "What are we even doing this for? You clearly don't need money."

Alex: "I thought you would never ask. I want faunas and people to have a place to interact safely and by doing this both races might find things that they both have in common."

Alex2: "Sooo basically you want people and faunas to use our store as a place to unite right? But why? You already changed their minds literally?"

Alex: "Well people might start hating each other again so these stores will help to prevent that from happening."

Alex then proceeded to make one hundred clones of himself to work for Alex2. Alex2 looked at all of the clones with annoyance.

Alex then waved his hand and teleported away leaving an annoyed clone of Alex behind. Alex appeared in his room he instantly left and walked over to team Rwbys room.

As expected no one was there Alex decided to hide in their closet for some reason.

//Ruby Pov//

Ruby was in a weird mood as of right now she was shocked, happy, and a little sad 'I think I'll need a cookie when I get back.' Ruby looked at her unconscious sister who was drooling it made Ruby laugh.

Weiss: "Hey Ruby do you think that we can trust Alex."

Ruby: "Of course we can!"

Blake: "You shouldn't be so quick to trust Ruby. We barely even know Alex we should decide after we talk to him."

Weiss nodded in agreement Ruby however still believed that she could trust Alex because he protected them.

Ruby and the others entered the room Ruby gently put down Yang on her bed Ruby ran her fingers through Yangs hair 'I hope you are not hurt Yang'.

Alex: "BOOOO!!"


Ruby: "Yang!"

Blake: "Why are you in our closet?"

Weiss: "Ruby I don't think you should trust him as Alex is definitely a weirdo."

Alex: "You know I'm right here right."

Weiss: "Yes I know you're here Alex."

Alex: "You know what it doesn't matter anyway-"

Yang: "What's happening Ruby?"

Ruby then explained what happened after Yang got knocked out by the grim. Yang looked shocked it was expected by everyone in the room even Zwei who was vibing on top of the bunk bed.

Alex: "Well I guess it is time to explain my power to you."

Alex: "So I can regenerate, change my body anyway I want it to be, and some more."

The room went silent and Alex took out an apple and started to eat it 'If he can change his body to whatever he wants can he turn his body into a cookie'.

>>With James Ironwood<<

James sat down on his desk looking at files on his desk as a man walked into his room James looked up at the man and said.

James: "Sit down."

The man silently sat down in front of James sweat started to roll down the man's forehead as James proceeded to sit down.

James: "I hope you have something important to tell me or else you will lose your job."

Man: "Sir Ironwood! While my team was searching for anymore grim we found something very interesting."

James: "Oh? What are you doing show it to me."

The man then took out a scroll and showed James a video on it there was a boy with half of his body missing there were also people around him including Weiss but he was more interested in the boy.

To Jame's surprise, the boy began to regenerate and even stood up. James was so shocked that he stood up from his seat he began to chuckle at the idea of this boy's powers and how they could be used to improve Atlas.

James: "Good work now you can leave me alone."

The man nodded and left the room James then began to think 'This boy's power with it we might be able to beat Salem I need it to save Remnant with his abilities if I could use it we could make undying soldiers to fight Salem but Ozpin currently has him I must obtain him'.

After my creativity recharge, I now have enough ideas to make Alex's stay at Rwby more interesting. Also, have a great day (or Night) Bye see you later!


( Also I'm going to make chapters shorter so I can upload more faster and also do double uploads hopefully you guys don't mind.)

Indie_Excursioncreators' thoughts