
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

A Calm Day In Vale

A black throne stood in an endless void there was a red halo behind it on the throne there was a tall man with a wine glass he wore a mask that had a white jagged mouth on it the mask was the color black. He wore a black suit with red gloves that had red symbols engraved into them he also had shiny black shoes.

The man looked at the wall before him the wall shattered as the sound of static echoed throughout the void.

Excursion: "Hello mortals this chapter will not contain any violence. Quite disappointing right? Well, you could always skip. Oh! My time is up bye then...Readers."

The man said before being covered in static.


On a sunny day, birds were chirping the kingdom of Vale was peaceful Ozpin sat in his chair with a steaming cup of coffee in his right hand. Ozpin was happy he didn't worry about Salem the threat of grim or anything he only thought about the steaming cup of coffee in his arm.

Ozpin drank his daily cup of coffee and then closed his eyes today he allowed all of the students to have a day off today. Most of them were outside enjoying their Ozpin however just wanted to be alone with his cup of coffee.

Ozpin rubbed his secret coffee cup gently the cup a pink bow it. Ozpin started to talk to it as if it was a person until.


Ozpin: "Oh someone is calling me? Sorry Isabella but I must answer shh don't cry."

Some coffee started to drip off of the cup called Isabella. Ozpin stood up and tapped on a button on his desk a holographic version of James Ironwood appeared floating on his desk.

Ozpin: "James? Is this call important because I was doing some personal business and wish to continue doing it."

James: "I don't want to know what your personal business is Ozpin. Anyways I assure you this is an important meeting."

Ozpin took out another cup of coffee and drank out of it James looked at Ozpin and said.

James: "Can we continue?"

Ozpin: "Yes we can."

James: "One of the bullheads recorded some interesting things."

James then showed a video of Alex regenerating Ozpin was shocked but didn't show it on his face.

James: "Ozpin hand him over to Atlas."

Ozpin: "Why should I James."

The atmosphere in the room was tense the air got thick as Ozpin stared at James waiting for a response.

James: "Ozpin you know that with him we could beat Salem right? All of our troubles with grim all of this death it could be over."

Ozpin: "Yes I know."

James: "So why? If you hand him over I could train him to perfection and if we could find a way to give his power to other-"

Ozpin: "He is a person James he must make his own choices."


Ozpin: "Peace... Don't say such words we both know there is no such thing as peace."

Ozpin then pressed the button on his table ending the call 'James is getting desperate I must keep an eye on him'.

Ozpin then sat on his table and drank out of his cup.

//With Yang, Ruby, and Alex//

Ruby was outside along with her sister Yang and Alex. Ruby was salivating from the aroma released from one of the bakeries.

Ruby: "Um, Yang I'm a bit hungry."

Yang: "Oh why didn't you say that earlier Lil sis!"

People started to look at Yang and Ruby. Alex then said.

Alex: "Why are you guys starring at us?"

People began to walk away as Ruby, Yang, and Alex entered the bakery. Yang ordered some cookies for Ruby and some for herself as for Alex he didn't order anything as he was full.

Ruby: "Alex why do we barely see you out of your dorm?"

Alex: "Well most of the time I'm just training."

Yang: "Are you going to use those muscles to flirt with some girls?"

Yang said as she winked at Alex. Alex felt some pain in his heart 'Woah what was that' he thought then he saw a floating screen that said.

[That was a warning from Origin himself! King Origin also has a message for you it reads "If you even try to get a harem in this holy book I shall come down to you myself and torture you myself! I'll fucking rip your balls off and then-"]

Alex felt his spine shiver as he continued to read the torture that Origin would put him through if he even dared to get a harem. Alex then looked at Yang having a conversation with Ruby.

???: "Here are your cookies ma'am."

Ruby was drooling at the smell of the cookies Yang then took the cookies and walked out along with Alex and Ruby.

Yang: "Hey we should be close to that store want to head in?"

Alex then looked ahead and saw his store Ruby nodded and then Yang looked at Alex and said.

Yang: "Well are you going to come with us this time?"

Alex: "Yeah but wait a minute I uh got to use the bathroom."

Alex then walked away and entered a bathroom in a random store he pulled out Phantom and said.

Alex: "Hey I know I wasn't talking to you for a long tim-"

Phantom: "A long time? You didn't talk to me in fucking months! Why the hell did you make me if you were just going to not talk to me at all!"

Alex: "Hey look I'm sorry I was just busy alright with a lot of things."

Phantom: "Alright let's just get this over with. What do you want me to do?"

Alex: "Alright all I want you to do is head over to my clone self and tell him to change his looks."

Phantom: "Why can't you just use Absolute Exchange to get a telepathic ability?"

Alex: "..."

Phantom: "You're fucking stupid you know that right?"

Alex: "Hey! I'm smart...Sometimes."

Phantom: "Sometimes."

Alex: "Welp bye!"

Alex then put away Phantom and got himself a telepathic ability he then used it to tell his other self to change their appearances.

Alex then walked out and went to Yang they all then went to Alex's store when they opened the doors cool air immediately hit their faces. Then they could hear people conversating it was usually about games Alex knew what the games were but Ruby and Yang couldn't.

Alex2: "Welcome to my store! I hope you can enjoy your stay!"

Said Alex two who now had purple hair and green eyes he also had a hat that had the Mcdonald m on it.

Yang: "So where are all the games at?"

Alex2: "Right here."

Alex2 pointed at the wall of coffins all lined up perfectly he opened them up and placed Yang and Ruby in there.

Alex: "Hey what game are they playing?"

Alex2 laughed out loud and stared at Alex allowing Alex to see Alex2 eyebags.

Alex2: "There going to be playing Resident Evil."

Welp that's it. But if you want I can make a chapter for Yang and Rubys experience in Resident Evil. But I am going o have to leave now and start making the next chapter. So as I always say have a Great Day/Night.


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