
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Suffering Of The People


Today was Alex's first mission as a huntsman it was already the second semester in the academy nothing really happened over the time before the second semester. As he was focused on evolving his eyes Alex knew that his eyes would be useful to him and because of that, he trained them.

He put his eyes through constant stress as well as fighting Sebas and yesterday they evolved he realized this when he looked at his katana and saw all of its parts floating.

Alex calls this ability [Deconstruction] Alex called the ability this because when he looks at any weapon or machine of any sort it will be deconstructed.

Alex liked the ability due to how versatile it was he was sure if he encountered Mercury he could easily defeat him even though without this ability he would still beat him easily.

Alex walked out of his room and walked to team Rwbys room he knocked on the door and it took a while for the door to open.

Yang opened the door and allowed Alex to enter the room there were beds hanging above others the room looked chaotic. Ruby was eating cookies while watching funny videos on her scroll while Blake was reading on her bed.

As for Weiss, Alex had no idea where she was Alex looked at Yang and said.

Alex: "Where is Weiss?"

Yang: "She said that she had to do something personal."

Alex looked at Ruby who was focused on her scroll and walked to her he looked at what she was watching and it was a cat playing with another cat.

Alex scratched his head and walked to Yang.

Alex: "Well it seems like all of you are doing something right now so I'll be going."

Yang: "Well I'm not doing anything. Hey, how about we go to that new store that I heard about?"

Alex: "What store?"

Yang: "I don't know the name of it but I heard that you go into these coffins and then it brings you to another world I want to see if it's true or not."

'I didn't expect for my store to get famous what is the other Alex doing for all of this fame?' Alex thought as he looked at Yang who was looking at him.

Alex: "No thanks I got some things to do."

Alex left the room and saw Ozpin standing in front of him with a cup of coffee.

Ozpin: "I was looking for you, Alex."

Alex: "Why were you looking for me don't you have work to do?"

Ozpin drinks out of his cup and looks at Alex and takes a deep breath.

Ozpin: "Well I came to inform you. Alex, We had an urgent mission come in from a village I don't want to send any veteran huntsman to do it because they are supposed to do a mission with the students. So I came here to ask you to do it it shouldn't be too hard with your skills but if you refuse I'll have to look for another huntsman."

Alex: "Alright I'll do it. Now, what is the mission?"

Ozpin: "It is very simple a village called us for help due to hearing strange sounds at night they want you to investigate the sounds and exterminate any Grimm if there is any. Your bullhead will arrive soon prepare yourself."

Alex nodded and went into his room and put on a black shirt with white baggy pants he left the room and walked outside to see Ozpin standing there and the Bullhead landed causing air to push Alex's hair.

Alex watched as the Bullhead opened up allowing him to walk in Alex couldn't help but get excited when he saw the bullhead take off. He walked up to the window and looked out to see Beacon below.

Ozpin: "Nice view right? It's one of my favorite things to do when on a Bullhead the view is simply amazing."

Alex looked at Ozpin surprised not expecting him to board the ship.

Alex: "Are you coming with me to the mission?"

Ozpin: "No of course, not I have a meeting with Ironwood in Atlas."

Alex then sat down and went to sleep Ozpin then looked at Alex's sleeping body and then Ozpin drank out of his cup.


Alex woke up by the shaking of the Bullhead his head banged against the wall of the ship denting it.

Alex got up and saw that they had finally landed he walked out of the ship as Ozpin watched.

Ozpin: "Good luck on your mission."

Ozpin said as the Bullhead flew away Alex now stood in front of a village with a wooden wall it had gates but they were currently wide open Alex approached the village and entered.

The village was decently large with children and adults running around all of the houses were made of brick with their tops being wood the sun shined down its light and made the area warm.

Alex was approached by an elderly man with a metal cane the man's face was serious as he inspected Alex.

Old Man: "So your the huntsman that was sent. I'll let you look around for a few seconds before I give you your mission."

The old man's face turned back to a happy face as he said that. Alex was approached by a red-haired woman with eye bags and glasses on.

Rosa: "Are you the huntsman they brought? I'm Rosa Chavier I hope you find out what is making all of the noise."

A little boy with a blue shirt and white pants walked up and grabbed Rosa's arm the boy looked at Alex curiously.

Boy: "Mommy is this a new friend?"

Rosa: "Yes he's here to stop the scary sounds from happening again."

Boy: "Are you a huntsman?"

The boy said looking up at Alex and smiling Alex couldn't help but smile back the elderly man came back and looked at Alex.

Old Man: "Huntsman you probably been told your mission already right? We keep on hearing sounds coming east from this village I hope you can find the source and stop it from making those sounds again."

Alex: "Alright I'll be heading out now."

Alex walked away while thinking 'Crunching sounds? It is clearly grim or a wild animal this mission should be easy knowing my strength hopefully my next mission is harder' Alex thought.

Alex walked through the forest the moon rose and shone its pale light down due to Alex still could see where he was going even with the darkness due to his eyes. Alex's nose picked up the scent of blood he bent over a saw a puddle of blood on the floor.

Alex couldn't tell what it belonged to because the dirt diluted the blood Alex stood up and decided to return to the village to give them the news.

[Sucide and Gore incoming!!!]

Alex began to walk back to the village a cool breeze hit him Alex continued his walk until his nose picked up the scent of burning wood.

Alex sped up and started to run in the direction of the village using skill creation he made a portal ability a red portal was created in front of him he hopped in and hoped that what he thought happened didn't.

When his feet landed on the floor he heard a crunching sound Alex slowly looked down to see a corpse of a young man the corpse had some of its bones exposed through its ripped flesh.

His left eye dangling out of his socket the scent of blood was still fresh in Alex's nose. The village was burning down with Beowolfs searching the streets for more prey Alex felt angry that he couldn't get to the village in time to save them.

Alex heard crying and then remembered the little boy Alex ran to the source of the sound but it cut out before he could arrive Alex wanted to stop himself from seeing what happened to the little boy but he couldn't.

When he arrived he clenched his fist there laid the corpse of the boy flesh ripped off of him and barely recognizable if not for his blue shirt.

The boy's intestines were ripped out and resembled a rope the boy's back had multiple scratches and bite marks.

'I could revive them all I have skill creation I can but... What if this happens again? They would live through this again as long as grim exist the people will suffer they don't have walls to protect them or police they are alone and are only protected by huntsman' Alex thought as he dripping he walked to a burnt house.

When he entered he saw Rosa with a noose over her neck dangling her head to the side and blood dripping down her lip to the floor. It seems she would rather kill herself rather than be torn apart by grim.

Alex looked at the door and noticed holes that in the door 'Seems like the Beowolfs was trying to get in'.

Alex heard growling and a swarm of Beowolfs was at the entrance of the door 'The least I can do is kill the Beowolfs for them I hope they can rest in peace in heaven' Alex thought as his arms turned into claws.

Alex grabbed the Beowolfs head and continuously punched it until it was dead Alex pounced on another Beowolf and dug his claws into its back he then split it in half showing all of its insides

Alex decided to end them quickly as he stabbed his claw into the ground and all the grim were impaled. 'I should bury them' Alex thought as he picked up the boy's dead body and dug into the floor using his claws he gently placed the boy's dead body in the grave.

He put the dirt over the boy's dead body and then proceeded to do that with all the other dead bodies. He sat down next to the grave and thought 'When I reincarnated I forgot my goal I was stupid to forget something that I lived for' Alex thought as he remembered his past.


Alex was born into a poor family in a bad neighborhood there were thugs, r*pists, and other criminals wandering in the neighborhood.

His father was always using his money to feed Alex and his mother Alex appreciated him for that he also taught him multiple things from math, science, and other subjects.

As for his mother...He could not help but resent her she always claimed his father for their living conditions and usually was never in the house.

Alex knew his mother was seeing men and tried to tell his father but he could not let her go his father's love for her was too deep.

Alex usually helped the kids in his neighborhood because they were living in a similar situation to his. He loved seeing the kids also help others now kids were playing with each other more frequently outside of their homes.

Alex then focused on trying to get money for his father he knew he was nothing but a frail boy but he would still try. As expected most of them kicked him out and called him names.

Alex then saw a man offering money if you could fight for him Alex accepted not caring who he was fighting.

He had to fight a man who looked like a gorilla and also towered over Alex in size.

Alex was beaten down and used as a chew toy for the man Alex managed to money through him surviving the brutal beat down.

Alex was still given then money but it wasn't the fighting money it was the man's own money he felt bad about seeing a kid be beaten down.

Alex was approached by a Soldier who was watching him be beat down. He offered Alex a spot in the military Alex joined as he could use the money he got from the military for his family.

Alex was put through inhuman training he never felt more pain than that but he could only remember the first day of the military.

A bald man walked past all the soldiers asking them what was their goal when he landed on Alex he replied.

Alex: "I want to be someone who can fix the problems the world has while also being someone others can look up to so they can improve themselves."


Alex smiled and thought 'I was stupid to forget my goal. '

Alex looked at the graves and thought 'I won't let their deaths bring me down ' then heard footsteps behind him.

???: "Isn't it a shame? Huntsman claim to be doing what's right but out here villages are being slaughtered like sheep."

Alex turned around and saw Cinder walking towards Alex slowly looking at the graves with false sadness.

Cinder: " Ozpin doesn't care about the lives of the villagers they are nothing but insects to him who will care if you have a dead ant under your shoe? Does Ozpin even care about the lives of his precious huntsman? Alex comes with me I know someone much better than Ozpin."

Alex: "I refuse."

Cinder frowned and made an explosion underneath Alex he turned his hands into a shield and covered himself the shield cracked a little bit before the explosion ended.

Alex turned his arms into blades and looked at the unsurprised Cinder with shock.

'I don't think I've shown her my abilities? unless Salem showed her but that means Salem must've been watching during my test but I made sure that I killed all the grim in the area.' Alex thought.

Alex then used his new ability to create a portal in front of him he ran into the portal and came out behind Cinder. Before she had a chance to react Alex kicked her up into the air he could see Cinder using her bow to shoot down arrows.

Alex could see that the arrows were heating up making him believe that the arrows would explode. He made a portal in front of him and teleported all of the arrows to Cinder.

Cinder skillfully used her aura to block all the incoming arrows but failed to notice Alex turning his arm into a whipfist.

If one were to describe how Cinder is feeling right now it would be like a predator who lost its prey or a predator whose prey fought back.

Cinder was pissed at Alex and could only think of her torturing him and watching him scream in pain at the moment.

Alex used his whipfist to wrap around Cinder's ankle and yank her down to the ground. When Cinder hit the ground a massive dust cloud covered the area Alex knew Cinder was still up and alive.

Alex knew he could activate his immortality and end this fight easily but it would take out his enjoyment he liked to fight a little fair.

Alex was caught in a massive explosion the power behind the explosion made a boom that echoed throughout the forest.

Cinder was angry very angry she continuously made explosions under Alex turning him into a charred human skeleton but he would always regenerate.

And the more explosions that happened to Alex the more he would adapt to take less damage.

Cinder was too angry to realize that her explosions were helping Alex evolve even more and continued to use her explosions but then she got tired she fell onto her knees and looked at Alex wiping the ashes off of his shoulders.

Alex: "It was fun playing with you Cinder. But our time together has come to an end."

Cinder: "Damn it! When I come back Alex I will burn you to ashes!"

A giant Nevermore swooped down and picked up Cinder Alex didn't want to let Cinder go free though he tore off a piece of his flesh and stuck it on Cinders back he could now track Cinder through his flesh.

Cinder wouldn't be able to feel it landing on her he made it slowly resolve into Cinders flesh now he would be able to remotely control Cinder as well as track her and listen through her.

This would allow him to listen to Salems plans and come up with his own unless through some means she found out but she would have to obliterate Cinder to get rid of it as Alex's flesh is now a part of Cinder.

Alex looked at the unharmed graves and then looked at the small figure of Cinder flying away.

Alex: "Today was very eventful...I'm kinda hungry right now should I have a sandwich or."

Alex continued to talk to himself and after a few minutes, he took his scroll and called Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Yes?"

Alex: "I failed the mission."

Ozpin: "I understand Alex don't let their deaths bring you down."

Ozpin naturally understood what happened when Alex said that it was very common for things like this to happen. Ozpin didn't want Alex to quit being a huntsman as he already had some students that decided to quit.

Ozpin knew many huntsman either got more determined when seeing death or lost their will to be a huntsman Ozpin was already starting to lack huntsman he believed Alex to be very helpful with his abilities against the war with Salem.

Alex: "I won't I knew something like this would happen eventually."

Ozpin: "Alright I'll send a Bullhead to pick you up immediately."

Alex: "See you later then."

Alex then hung up and cut a tree in half and sat on the stump like it was a chair he ripped out a piece of grass and started to play with it 'I should take this more seriously Salem obviously must be brought down but I should fix problems like faunas slavery,White Fang and other problems that would hopefully reunite humanity and as a united force we could take her down. I could easily take her down but it is better for all of humanity to do it instead' Alex thought.

A Bullhead landed in front of him making all the grass be pushed backwards from the wind it was generating. It opened up and allowed Alex to enter Alex's feet hitting against the metal floors echoed through the ship as the entrance closed.

Alex sat down as the bullhead flew up and went towards Beacon Academy.

Hey King_Gurra10! I said that for no reason at all except your my longest reader! Anyways sorry for taking so long and because I took so long I made this chapter longer. I should get onto creating the next chapter so bye have a Great Day!

[WORDS: 3099]

Indie_Excursioncreators' thoughts