
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

No Cookies Only Zombies :(

//Ruby Pov//

Ruby watched as the owner of the store placed her in the strange-looking coffin. She watched as her vision was blocked by complete darkness before a weird blue holographic screen appeared before her.

[Game System Activated! This system will only work while playing games.]

Ruby: "Game system? What's that."

The system didn't reply to Ruby's question and instead created another screen that asked.

[Does User wish to play as Claire Redfield or Themselves?]

Ruby: "Claire Redfield who's that? Well, I'll obviously be myself."

Ruby then stood in front of a gas station with a police outfit on she panicked and touched herself she got confused and thought 'What? I definitely wasn't wearing this'.

[Answer: The coffin that you entered transported you into the game.]

Ruby: "Wow I'm really in a game!! Hopefully, this game has some cute animals like cats and dogs."

Ruby then walked into the gas station she walked around and was confused about why there was no man in the front of the store.

She approached the back of the store only to hear a groan she ran to the source of the sound only to find a man bleeding on the floor.

Ruby: "Are you alright!?"

The man pointed to the door beside him Ruby instead of going there went and got some toilet paper she wrapped the paper around the man's wounds.

Man: "Thank you."

Ruby nodded to the man and slowly opened the door she walked forward and could hear shuffling she pointed her flashlight and saw a man holding someone onto the wall.

Man: "Hey back away! I got this under control."

The person that the man was holding back turned around revealing its hideous face. Ruby saw it open its mouth she raised her gun and fired at its head two times making it drop to the floor dead.

Man: "Why did you do that! I told you I had it under control!"

Ruby looked as the man walked away angrily she laughed and scratched her head she then thought 'What was that thing it can't be human it looks dead well hopefully the rest of the game will be calm'.

She then went up to the counter where she saw a bunch of women in bikini's she thought that those pictures were probably the owner's friends.

She then picked up the keys and walked to the door she tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge she instead went the other way and saw two men walking slowly.

Ruby: "Hey are you guys alright?"

The men looked at Ruby revealing their faces Ruby thought nothing of it and walked towards them the man that she helped before walked up to her with his arms up.

Ruby thought the man was going to hug her but instead, it bit down on her shoulder and ripped off her flesh she couldn't stop herself from screaming in pain she was shocked 'Where did her aura go?' 'Why are they attacking her?' She thought.

She stumbled backward in pain and raised her gun she hesitated before shooting the man in his face she got to her knees and said.

Ruby: "I'm sorry!"

She never killed anyone before she couldn't handle it she only wanted to kill Grimm, not people. The door opened and she was picked up by Yang in a police outfit Yang got into a car and said.

Yang: "Ruby... It's alright you were doing it so that you could survive."

Ruby: "I know but... He was innocent. Yang I don't want to play this ga-"

The car was suddenly picked up Yang looked outside to see a buff man with grey skin with a hat on the person threw the car into a police headquarters.

Yang: "Are you alright Ruby."

Ruby: "Yeah I think I am but what was that thing?"

Yang: "I don't know but I do know it wasn't human."

Ruby nodded and they stepped out of the car she opened the Systemajig and asked it.

Ruby: "Hey Game System can me and my sister quit?"

[No. you have to take Mr.X's hat if you want to leave. Good luck :)]

Ruby frowned at then asked who Mister X was she was then informed that Mr. X was the Giant man that threw them into the building. Ruby paled and couldn't even think of fighting that monster without aura, Her semblance and her weapon she stood no match for that beast.

Ruby then looked around the area and found a shotgun she got confident and walked to Yang who was holding two submachine guns.

Ruby: "Look what I got!"

She then showed off the shotgun after a few minutes Ruby stopped showing off and looked at Yang.

Ruby: "Are you ready Yang?"

Yang: "Yeah I think so."

Both of them then walked out of the building Ruby then opened the gate and saw that the street was completely cleared of all debris but Mr.X stood staring at them menacingly.

Ruby then began to run alongside her sister to Mr.X then a health bar appeared and menacing music started to play.

Mr.X walked to Yang who was firing her submachine guns at his hat but he raised his arm blocking all the bullets. Ruby not wanting to be useless fired her shotgun at Mr.X the shotgun did nothing as he slowly turned around and looked at her.

She shat bricks when she saw him run up to her and reel his fist back. Mr.X smiled sadistically but Ruby ducked making him miss his punch but this wasn't the end of his attack.

He stomped on Ruby's leg snapping it. Bones ripped through her leg and were visible to the eye and to add more pain he grinded it on the rough floor. Ruby couldn't stop herself from screaming she then saw Yang firing her bullets into Mr.X's back while screaming.

Yang: "Get your hand off of my sister!!"

Mr.X then turned around and faced Yang Ruby took this chance to shoot off Mr.X's hat she then saw a screen and she was expecting a message stating that they could leave.

[10 minutes until the user will be removed.]

She paled and she saw Mr.X rip her leg off and throw her body to the side like a broken toy. Ruby could only watch as Yang was mercilessly beaten down by Mr.X.

Ruby then woke up out of the coffin gasping for air she then yelled.

Ruby: "Yang!"

She turned around to see Yang shaking Ruby could understand why she was shaking. As Mr.X broke her arms, legs, and then proceeded to rip them off.

Alex2: "Damn I forgot to turn off the pain receptors while you were playing I'm sorry."

Ruby didn't care about what the owner said and instead got up and signaled Yang to follow her.

Ruby: "I really don't want to be in here anymore."

Yang: "Me either let's just find Alex and leave."

They then looked for Alex who was actually watching them the whole time.

HAHAHAHA I really liked this chapter but unfortunately, this is the last filler chapter for Rwby so back to serious we go! Anyway's have an amazing day/night!


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