
Trapped love

What Will make me love you? Never! Not in this lifetime or another. Your presence make me thole, Your face salted my bruises. Even if you brought heaven on earth, I will never be yours. What happens when a fateful encounter turned to an heart wrenching nightmare? Jennie a sweet, loving lady whom a single encounter changed and ruined. Follows the lives of two lovers from the past, how their sweet love turned to deep hatred. Comeback of a betrayed heart, a vengeful heart whose world once collided with world full of butterflies. He was back to open her scars which he as well was unable to heal from. What she spent years hiding from was unknowingly right next to her, haunting her, those charming and loving smiles were now replaced by a malicious bone chilling laughter shaking terror into her. He promised to protect her from bullies but now she was to be protected from him. What's about this second encounter and to make it worse he has blackened completely A striving yet to make ends meet Jennie second encounter of this crushing wild fire. He came to ruined, to set ablaze the yet to solid confidence she managed to muster up. This butterfly wings, he will ripped and burn, rendered into a useless caterpillar state, unable to grew back the Wings to say nothing of soaring up to the sky. But the only thing was the more he hardened the harder he hurt and the more she tried loathing the harder she fell. Excerpt from the book: His hands kept roaming her body, it was akin to dread of mayhem gnawing on her flesh. His pair of eyes blazing with hidden fire, he looked more like a blood thirsty monster who fought his way bloodily out of Asura realm, He smiled before kissing her cheeks and whispered into her ear "I know I disgust you, but nothing to be scared of sweetie, this feeling is mutual, I will make you pay every single bit of what you did to me. This hell we'll both experience. I disdain you as much as you loathe me, I will dragged us both to the pit of hell" Jennie was betrayed, he felt betrayed. This! Could it be changed? Or prevented? Cover ain't mine, credit to the owner 1 chapter update a day Also the FL isn't weak you have to read up to twenty five chapters to understand more about her.

candyblea · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter thirteen: You're infact very pretty

The duo alighted and walked into the huge building.

Evie walked towards the manager, Jennie couldn't make out what they were saying but after a while a pretty lady Jennie assumed to be the hostess walk up to her, she has this radiant smile on, Jennie glanced at Evie who nodded at the man before walking back towards where she stood.

Along with Evie, they were led by the hostess into a lounge, Evie who already asked the manager to know how the venue's system works to enjoy the night with food, drinks, and music had already sorted the bills and stuffed the receipt into her pouch.

Evie who had prepared a recorders turned it on and hang it in a better position before making some arrangements,

After some minutes, the hostess has been sent away, no use having her around it was just the two of them, Evie took a microphone, she looked serious all of a sudden and started singing .

🎶 Even if I failed, I'll be willing to do it over and over again, cause you been there, I will never let go never say goodbye..... You mean the world to me 🎶

Jennie couldn't deny Evie being talented, her voice is to die for, the rhythm blend into ones souls .

If she took a path in singing, she won't break a sweat to be known in the entertainment industry.

After some minutes she sang the last part and dropped The microphone, she gazed at an headset knowingly, she inspect it for few seconds before handing it to Jennie.

Jennie who took few steps back, she can't do this alright!

Evie forced the headset to her hand before urging "Come on"

"Jennie shook head and said simultaneously "No, I'm not doing it" .

"Give it a try" encouraged Evie, both were forced to stop at that moment.

A man carrying a flat carrier walked in with dishes carefully arranged on it, Evie after the man was off fondle with the headset and sat dispirited on the chair. She was literally sulking.

Jennie ineffectually glanced around before rambling idly towards Evie and said "I sucks at singing, trust me you wouldn't want to hear, I mean..." She stop abruptly looking at the pitiful look Evie was given her, "fine, fine! I'll do it"

This way of pretence is definitely wrong, who taught her how to make those faces anyway, The person must be a pro.

She put on the headset cleared her throat before started singing at first hurricane of emotions evaded her mind but she brush them aside, exhaled and started singing.

🎵 What to sing I don't know.. 🎵

Evie blare and said removing the headset, "isn't any music playing, I thought it was playing jazz? Or something"

Jennie rolled her eyes and said "It's boring alright, I want something soft."

Evie pursed her lips and changed the music. After putting back on the headset she began, The classic piano was much more better than those beats. En!

🎶 If I could reach greater heights, where all that matters remained so beautiful, that height I will mount and conquer regardless of the obstacles, where Is the peace? The peace we had when we were younger, has it been milked dry? Hasn't? Where is the peace! Give it to me! Give it back!, Give it back!!, Give it.. back!!! 🎶

If it was those Ming dynasties they definitely would have set a boundary and sound barrier because of this unstoppable croaking.

The headset was pulled off Jennie head, ending the intensive singing, Evie couldn't endure it any longer this is practically suffering. She sang just painfully!.

Jennie smiled awkwardly, looking at how wrinkled Evie face was. Is it that worst?

"You okay? Not that bad huh" she managed to ask.

Evie couldn't help screaming on the inside _Heck!! Not that bad?? I mean who would instinctively wished for that, infact compared to a crow it was like insulting the crow, but to be fair she forced her to do it, Jennie wasn't willing in the first place, she realized they both never really knew each other that much_

Evie covered her displeasure with a weird smile saying with ascertain "Yes, Yes! Not that bad is an understatement, you sing just beautifully"

"You sure, I didn't know I still got it" Jennie said taking back the headphone and started singing

🎵love me do you? Like me do you, you said you'll be there Oh yeah! Mn yeah love....🎵

Evie only cried inside fighting her inner self the reason she lied, she only wanted to make her happy but now... She actually believed her!!

The night was still very young, both sang and drank as well, Evie felt fulfilled and satisfied. She couldn't be more grateful or wished for more.


Drunk Evie was dragged inside her room and plopped down on the bed, Jennie felt somewhat dizzy and lightheaded but she had to go back home she promised that to her mom.

She could hear Evie blabbing some words with annoyance, she gripped Jennie and looked at her pitifully saying "Ain't I pretty enough?"

Jennie let out a sigh and said "You're infact very pretty"

Evie nodded repeatedly and released her gripped on Jennie before continue her monologue " She said I'm pretty, is he blind or something but I don't see him wearing contact lenses or being led!. Maybe he is truly blind. So bad, humph! But he's to handsome to be blind" she pouted.

Jennie tucked her under the covers, before saying " sleep alright, and dream sweet dreams"

"Sure I'll" she murmured, determined.

Jennie after slipping out of the room, she felt muddle-headed her vision turning slightly blurry.

Rong Yi was responsible for it, he hyped soju just way beyond and she couldn't help taking hard liquor after two glass of soju.

She was intoxicated, tottering towards where she could find taxi, after what felt like longest minutes her vision started turning blurr and she felt her consciousness wearing off gradually.

Before long some light she couldn't make out flashed on her, but before she could move a step she suddenly slumped and pass out.

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