
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
136 Chs

Chapter 73(R-18)

But sure enough, with one quick swift motion, Ekko ripped her crop top off effortlessly and unclipped her bra exposing her ample and attractive melons.

He cups them both in his larger-than-average hands but even then he barely managed to get a firm grip on them.

He takes a second to admire her large chest before taking one of her pink erect buds into his mouth.


Rangiku buckled under his tongue and couldn't help but curse at how sensitive she was to his touch.

He rolled his tongue around her pink beautiful buds before giving them a teasing nibble.

Rangiku could feel her stomach heating up with each passing second and her body was close to her first climax.

Rangiku stared at Ekko as he devoured her breasts and couldn't help but curse' Dammit Ekko, why do you have to look so sexy right now.'

She couldn't take it any longer and her body spasmed under Ekko's skilled tongue and fingers. Her chest tightened and she felt short of breath, he was driving her crazy.

"Ekko~ I..need you now." Rangiku dident want any foreplay she just wanted to get right into the action.

Ekko Let go of the breast he was sucking on and slid his fingers in between her panties, directly rubbing her pink soft lips.

"Huh!! *Chuckles* looks like someone's eager to be screaming my name all night."

"Mhhhhn~~!!" Rangiku gasped as her lower lips began to be played with by Ekko.

Ekko thought that Rangiku would have needed a bit more time to get wet but feeling his fingers getting covered in her fluids he knew she was ready for the real thing.

Was he that good or was Rangiku just that horny for it? In any case, he didn't hesitate to act.

Rangiku saw how Ekko smirked and pushed her body back to the bed.

He then teasingly pulled off her overalls and then her sexy soaked black panties, exposing him to her everything.

A bit embarrassed that she was the only one naked she pouted while trying to hide her face under her hands.

" You too, it's not fair that I'm the only one naked." Rangiku said in a cute manner that set Ekko off in more ways than one.

Ekko gave her a little show by taking off his clothes one by one until he only had his boxers left.

Rangiku could see the huge bulge under the fabric and gulped in anticipation, she wondered if she could take all of his erection by the end of the night.

Ekko walked to the edges of the bed but to Rangikus confusion stayed there doing nothing. But it didn't take long to understand what Ekko wanted and Rangiku was always willing to make him happy.

She got up and crawled to the end of the bed where she was face-to-face with his crotch.

Before she could help him take off his boxers, he lifted her chin with his fingers and leaned down giving her lips one more kiss before letting her go.

Rangiku rubbed his election with his fingers and almost let go because of how hot it felt. She looked up at Ekko and smiled gleefully before pulling his member out from his boxers.

Ekko gulped as he felt Rangikus' hot breath hit his cock and let out a satisfying grunt as her lips connected with the tip.

She placed kisses up and down his shaft while keeping eye contact. She could feel Ekko's want for more in his eyes.

"Rangiku~...I need you now!!!" Ekko said with a passionate tone.

Hearing him plead Rangiku felt oddly fulfilled and took him into her mouth. She could hear his grunt of pleasure as she takes him into her warm mouth.

His hand came up and went to the back of her head before he thrust half of his cock deep into her throat causing her slight discomfort, he was lucky she didn't have a gag reflex as not many women would be able to take on someone his size.


Rangiku brought her hands up and was going to place them on Ekko's thighs for support but his next words to her completely threw those plans away.

"Don't use your hands, place them behind your back." Ekko said in a commanding tone and Rangiku obeyed willingly as she put her hands behind her back.

Tears welled at the corner of her eyes as Ekko continued to abuse her throat though the more he did the wetter she was getting. She couldn't believe she actually liked what was happening, she wasn't a masochist was she?

Ekko continued to thrust forward as one of his hands groped and rubbed her beasts.

Though before long even though he didn't cum he looked satisfied enough and unsheathed his erection from Rangiku's mouth, causing a good amount of saliva to drip down her chin and drop on her breasts and thighs.

Ekko finally got on the bed and grabbed both of Rangiku's wrists before pushing her down into the missionary position.

Her hips started to rub against his member and Ekko could see Rangikus inpatients. Ekko lifts himself and stroked her supple and soft thighs grabbing them.

Before Ekko does what he going to do he looks at the whole of Rangiku and can't help but say out loud "Beautiful...your beautiful Rangiku."

Rangikus heart starts beating faster and her whole body feels like it's been set ablaze just from his words alone.

" Ekko~~ Haa! no more teasing...I need you now." Rangiku looks up to Ekko and pleads. Ekko leans down and kisses her neck while whispering sweet nothing into her ear.

The head of his erection rubbed against her lower lips before he slowly inserts himself into her.

Rangiku whimpers like a cute kitten as Ekko rips through her hymen and inserts his entire length inside of her.

She could feel him stretching her, filling her with every inch that he possibly could.

Rangikus fingers dug into his back with a lot of force but Ekko didn't seem to mind and slowly pulls back before thrusting in again.

"E..kko...S..low-ly please!!"

Rangikus back arches from the pain but also the increasing amount of pleasure. It was too intense but she didn't want to stop him.

"Mnhhhh~~ Ekooooooo your s-soo Nhh!! Big..."

Ekko Smirked hearing her praise and starts to thrust at a much faster pace. Rangikus eyes widened from the sudden pace change and couldn't contain her moans anymore.

"EKKO~ Any faster and I'll...AHH~" Instead of slowing down Ekko thrust his hips even faster as creaks in the bed could be heard and Rangikus siren-like moans rang around the room.

"E-Ekko...I'm c-cum~ EKOOOOOO" Rangiku finally came as her whole body shivered in happiness, she felt electricity pass through her body from the top of her toes to the tips of her fingers.

The only way to describe the sensation was euphoria. Complete joy and pleasure building up until you reach the mind-blowing release of endorphins.

Clenching to hold onto the feeling until you finally give in and then the best feeling hits. Rangiku seemed out of it as she was on cloud nine.

Though too bad for her Ekko was far from done as he wanted to hear her scream his name even more.

He spun her body around so she was on all fours and admired her behind for a few seconds.

Oddly enough looking at her soft behind Ekko remembered his father's words but immediately shook his head to get rid of those thoughts.

Ekko gently caresses her behind with both hands before grabbing both sides of her lips with his thumbs and spreads them.

Felling parched he gives them a nice gentle lick which elicits a jerk from Rangiku who was still out of it.

Ekko grabs Rangiku's slender wrists and pulls back her arms which were the only support she had to falling face first on the bed. Ekko breathes out before he brutally thrusts forward causing Rangiku to awaken and scream in pleasure as Ekko fucks her in doggy.

"Nhhggggg~~ Ekkkooo!!!!"

Ekko couldn't help but growl in Rapture as he thrust inside of her tight, wet walls. It was her first time but any other woman he's ever been with can't even compare to the feeling she gave him.

Ekko continued to thrust inside of her in doggy but before long Rangiku could feel his cock pulsing inside of her, she knew he was close and so was she

But not wanting to lose she tightened her walls around him getting a sudden hiss from Ekko as his thrusts became harder and faster.

Ekko pulled Rangikus wrists forward and grabbed her neck with his left hand so she was looking right into his eyes, Rangiku wanted to kiss him when he inseminated her insides and Ekko granted her request.

It wasn't long before Ekko released his first load and Rangiku being at the edge herself came from Ekko Climaxing inside of her.

She could feel his hot seed filling her up and felt relieved that she had taken the pill before they did it. But what she dident know was that Ekko had already bought a safer and stronger pill that guaranteed no kids from the system.

Ekko and Rangiku stared into each other's eyes as Ekko finally stopped releasing.

He let go of her neck and gently placed her down before unsheathing himself from her, Ekko wasn't surprised about how much had dripped out of her hole but Rangiku was, she wondered if that pill would actually work for a stud like Ekko.

She looked back and saw that Ekko was still hard and rearing to go so she waved her behind in front of him and spread her lips so he could get a better look.

" What are you waiting for Ekko, I thought you wanted me to scream out your name all night." Rangiku said provocatively.

Ekko raised a brow before he felt a competition brewing and Immediately inserted himself back into her.


Rangiku screamed and moaned in joy as she was connected to Ekko again.


The two continued their Sexual escapade until it was five o'clock in the morning, by that point Ekko had already released 9 loads inside of her and she had climaxed a shocking 45 times.

After that Rangiku really couldn't go any longer otherwise she would most likely pass out.

She had no more strength to stand up or do anything so Ekko quickly changed the sheets of the bed and replaced them with new ones and after that the two just layed in bed while cuddling.

Ekko played and stroked her hair while Rangiku just stared up at him lovingly. Her eyes looked clouded as if she could fall asleep at any moment.

" Rangiku, I've realized a lot of things on this date, I care a lot about you and I don't want to let any man have the opportunity to have you so I...huh!" Just as Ekko was going to confess Rangiku lifted her finger and placed it on his lips.

She smiled gently while laying her head on his chest so she could hear his strong rhythmic heartbeat." I know, your actions spoke louder than words...but Ekko over the past few weeks I've been thinking about our relationship, you're still in high school and have your whole life ahead of you.

And my life has just started as well, all because of you. As a model, I would likely be traveling a lot and you would be busy with school...

*Sigh* What I'm trying to say is you shouldn't just set your eyes on me, you never know you might just fall for a girl in your new school."

" Huh, What are you saying Rangiku why would I want them when I could have you." Ekko asked in a worried tone.

" And you would still have me..."


" Pfttt, what's with that expression, what you thought I was going to reject you, haha...What I'm trying to say is, while you have me I won't mind if you have other girls by your side."

Ekkos mind was in absolute shock, what did she mean by she didn't mind if I was with other girls even if they were dating?

" Ekko you are still young, plus don't think I haven't noticed how Eris looks at you, she may not realize it yet but we both know that girl likes you, and even Cana seems interested... you would inevitably attract the attention of other females."

" W-Wait so your saying I could have a harem." Ekko asked in shock.

" That's exactly what I'm saying, you don't need, to make your own harem if you don't want to but if you do want one I won't reject the notion." Rangiku had thought long and hard about this decision and she's come to terms with it.

It wasn't easy by any means but she feels like it was the right one to make, did she care for what others might think of such a relationship...

Well, she really didn't give a shit about what others would think,

Were they there when she was struggling and at her wit's end...

Were they there when she got her first big break at her dream...

Were they there when she was outside, drunk and alone...

Were they there when she needed help...

They weren't, but Ekko was, he was there for her, protected her, gave her shelter, and made her feel like she could be vulnerable, she didn't have to be the strong unbeatable big sis, she could just be herself.

And so she didn't care what others may potentially say or think all she cared for in this life was her brother and Ekko only they matter.

Rangiku looked at Ekko's shocked expression and smirked" Ekko every time we're together and every time we're apart my heart breaks and beats. I'm the happiest I could ever be when I'm by your side so yes I'll be your girlfriend."

"Ekko Makena Afia, I love you..." Rangiku said as she kissed him. Ekko just layed there and accepted the kiss as he was still in shock...not too long after Rangiku fell asleep.

Accepting the reality of what Rangiku had just proposed he just looked at her she fell asleep peacefully on his chest" I promise I'll take care of you, protect you, and love you with everything I have."

He smiled gently at her before slowly falling asleep himself.


(The first ship has officially sailed, *sniff, Sniff* Huh!!! Who's cutting onions.)





















As Ekko and Rangiku slept away peacefully, the system that had been on standby suddenly sensed something odd.

It set out its sensors for any possible threats but oddly enough it felt nothing wrong in the vicinity.

The system did a routine check-in in its inner code but found no faults or errors so it just went back to standby mode.




But outside Ekko's hotel window a spectral phantom-like being appeared as its pair of familiar yet eerily purple eyes stared at the two sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Its emotionless face slowly turned into one of love and acceptance. It opened its mouth trying it'd hardest to convey something to the sleeping pair...but no matter how hard it tried its voice just couldn't be heard.

The Spector just looks down before placing its hand and the cold glass of the window. A single ghostly tear rolled down its see-through cheek before landing on the window.

The female spectator then vanished into thin air like it had never existed in the first place.

And Ekko who had been sleeping soundly suddenly opened his eyes in alertness and looked around, but he didn't seem to find anything strange or out of place.

Though he did notice that he was actually tearing up, he wiped them away and just thought that maybe he was just a bit emotional from before and went right back to sleep.









(Who was this mysterious phantom and why couldn't the system made by god himself detect it???)

Word count: 2695 words

Probably the longest chapters I've written so far.

TotherWindow1creators' thoughts