
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 65

With nothing else needing to be said Ekko bent down and with a burst of power disappeared from the Radio tower.


He was so fast that not even his subordinates had time to react.

It was like he just teleported, but that wasn't the case as that was just Ekko's casual speed while not holding back as much.

Seeing their leader had set off, Neon, Inari, blade, and ghost were quick to react and immediately disappeared from the Radio tower.

Tonight would certainly be a night to remember.


{Location: Main Highway to saitama}

On the relatively unbusy highway, two police officers were parked on the side while on occasion checking the speed of drivers on the road with a speedometer.

" Sigh is this how it's gonna be every night, there hasn't been a single speeder for 7 nights in a row." A younger-looking cop said as he stared outside the car window in boredom.

" Be thankful that we can relax and do whatever we want. Just do something to pass the time, like read a manga or something." An older officer replies as he kicks back the car seat and plays some music on his phone.

" Mhh, isn't that Ahri that famous soloist from Korea, my girlfriend loves her music, too bad she hasn't released anything in years." The younger cop chimed as he recognized the song.

" Huh, you know ahri, that's a shocker. And yes, she's one of my favorite artists, especially her single pink and black."

"Really thats my...." But just as the younger cop was about to reply, the loud roar of an engine sounded right beside them and before they could react, at least 10 supercars flew past while bobing and weaving through traffic

{Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!!!!!!}

Suddenly the speedometer went crazy and looking at the speed displayed, the two cops couldn't help but suck in a cold breath of air.

139 miles per hour. The speed limit on this highway was only 70 mph. The two cops looked at each other before the younger one smiled in anticipation.

" This is what I'm talking about." The cop said out loud as he turned the engine on and pressed on the acceleration.

{Woooooop!!! Wooooooop!!!}

With sirens blaring on the cop car chased after the supercars but were struggling to keep up, things only got worse from there as the cars quickly split up, making the older cop have to call for backup.

Though shockingly they found out that they weren't the only cops busy chasing down speeders as there were over 30 other officers in hot pursuit all over the Saitama area.

" What in the hell is going on, is this prank or some sort of gang dispute going on, I don't understand."

" Just follow one of the cars for now and wait for the instructions from the higher-ups."


While the Saitama police force was busy trying to stop the reckless drivers, in other parts of Saitama, Safehouses, homes, and even shops that everyone knew including the police belonged to the most fearsome gang in Saitama were all being raided and broken into as we speak.

But for some strange reason non of this commotion was attracting the attention of the police or civilians just walking about.

In one of the safe houses, the bodies of gang members were layed out as some groaned in pain while others were just simply unconscious.

" Y-YOU FUCKERS DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE ATTACKING, YOUR ALL DEAD, YOU HEAR ME, ONCE AK...COU...GHF...!!!!!" Before the bloodied gang member could speak anymore his throat was grabbed and choked as he started to lose his breath.

Inari stared at the gangster in boredom and replied.

" I don't think you understand your position, do you really think we would have attacked you if we knew we couldn't win...and as for your so-called leader Aku...

Well, Odin-Sama will personally deal with him...mhhh!!! Oops, he's already lost continuousness, oh well." Inari threw the gangster's body on the floors like it was everyday trash, and walked away.

"Inari-san, everything is going according to plan, I've just received news that Ghost has already caused wide panic throughout the police force and the roads leading up to the gangsters Hq have already been blocked and redirected." One of Inari's subordinates said as he relayed the information.



Inari without even looking shot his gun and the bullet then ricocheted off a pole and into the leg of a gangster who had tried to sneak attack one of his men.

"Good, let us continue to the next marked area then." Inari said as everyone in the warehouse left.


Meanwhile, Ekko but now known as Odin was briskly walking through the empty streets of Saitama.

All the cameras in the area seemed to have been affected by something if someone were to look at the camera screens, they would have seen no one.

Though as he was walking Ekko could hear the screams of drivers on the roads, the sound of helicopter blades slicing through the air as it flew above the city, and the loud sirens of police cars as they chased after the rouge drivers.

Ekko continued to walk forward until he finally made it to his destination, looking up he whistled In amazement as he looked at the twenty-story building.

This building was of course Ekko's target and the main base of the gang that had tried to kill him. They were called the Aku Syndicate, named after their leader.

And right now that leader was in the middle of a meeting with some of the higher-ups though it seems they were about to finish soon.

The entire building was empty besides those executives being there, but Ekko wasn't going to waste his time on them, he would let his Clan members deal with them.


Ekko took a step forward before his body was Propelled upwards, and flew through the air before elegantly landing on the ledge of the building.

He walked onto the roof of the building while looking around, besides a helicopter, there was nothing of interest on the rooftop.

Once he got to the exit door with a swift slash of his scythe he cut the door into fours and walked Inn.


Meanwhile, Neon who was outside the Aku's Syndicate building was currently typing away at a computer that was connected to the building's inner electricals.

And before long he was in control of the entire building, no one could get in or out without his say-so. He then brought up an interface of the building, showing everyone that was inside.

They appeared as tiny red dots on a 3d image and right now there were 15 dots on the screen, though 12 of them were gradually making their way to the building's exit while three dots were heading to the top floor.

Once all twelve dots had left the building Neon Pressed the enter button and all the exits in the building were officially locked, no one was getting in or out now.


Aku was known by many people as a tyrant, an evildoer, a charitable man, and a murderer, he was of course all of these things, there was no denying that, but did he care, not one bit?

As long as he was the one that was left standing on top he didn't care how many bodies, or innocents he had to trample l over to get what he wanted.

And just a few minutes ago such a meeting was taking place, he had summoned his vice leaders to discuss plans for inseminating themselves into Yakushi.

There had been lots of rumors and whispers about the so-called dragon Making his return, but Aku didn't buy it for a second, from the information he had received from his spy, the so-called dragon was nothing more than a child.

A child that had managed to scare off most of the powerful and weaker gangs in the area, but Aku saw this as an opportunity, once that kid was dead, he would show it off to the other gangs and officially proclaim Yakushi as his own.

A revolting smile graced Aku's lips as his yellow teeth showed his glee and anticipation. Once Aku Got to his office, he instructed his bodyguards to stay outside until he finished his business.

Stepping inside his office he was oblivious to the happenings of the outside as his Office was completely soundproof.

{Tap, Tap Tap}

As the guards stood in front of the door menacingly they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

The two guards looked confused before one of the guards looked at the other and took out a gun hidden in his blazer pocket.

{Tap, Tap, tap...Tap}

Suddenly the footsteps stopped but the two guards still didn't see anybody, so they must have been hiding around the corner.

The guards nodded at each other before One walked forwards to the other end of the hallway, their finger was on the gun's trigger and ready to shoot at any moment.

The guard's heart quickened as he got closer and closer to the corner, once he was only a meter away, he looked back at his partner and nodded, before sprinting over to the corner ready to shoot at the intru...

" Huh, there's no one here...it was a false alarm Yam...AHHHHHHH!!!."


The moment the guard relaxed, the lights in the corridor shut off and the guard that was shrouded in darkness felt a familiar feeling, the feeling you get in your stomach when you know something was wrong.

And as a retired mercenary, the guard knew exactly what he was feeling...It was near death. Without hesitation, he shot blindly to where he felt the danger but every bullet he shot was deflected by some sort of metal object

But because of, the gun's flash when shooting, he was able to almost make out what it was that gave off this feeling of death. So much that he could even feel his life flashing before his eyes.

Though he didn't need the muzzle flashes to see those soules glowing eyes in this world of darkness, it was like staring into an endless white void.

Those were the final thoughts of the retired mercenary before everything went to darkness.


After around 30 seconds the light turned back on but his partner was no longer there, the guard gulped as he saw something that shocked him.

It was his partner's hand...separated from his body, but if his hand was there where was the rest of him.

" Sir, I need you to head to the safe room now, the building is compromised...Sir...Sir...Fuck, the communication is cut." All the guard could hear on the other end was static.

Just as the guard was about to open the door to warn his boss, chills suddenly went through his entire being as the lights shut off for a second time and he was finally able to witness what his partner had witnessed only seconds prior.

Ą̵̯̎ ̶͓̻̺̀̃̓b̴͈̼͕͗e̴͇̠̺͐̕a̶̱̥͛̈́̄ų̷̥̭̊̇͝t̷̰̟̖̏̆͗i̸̬͛̎f̵̪̒͗ű̴̧̚l̸̛̺̥̔̓ ̶̖͔̫͆͛̈́n̵̜͌̑ī̷̫g̷̨̘͈͋͂̕ḫ̶̘͐̇ẗ̴͉̬́͊͜ ̵͙͔̉͜f̷̻̣̖̃͐̈́o̶͕̟͐̽ŕ̷̘͇̪ ̵̡̬͂͜a̵͗͜ ̴͇̬̟̈́͝s̶̜̻͔̓̎t̶̗͙̫̅̓̅r̵̭͓̦̀̎̾ơ̴̖͌̄l̴̲̀̓͋l̵̛̦̓̈́͜ ̴̬̀̽̎i̴͖͉̤̒s̴͉̭̈̑ ̸̼̀̏í̵̡ţ̷̉ ̵̳̯͂̀͝ň̸̻͙̯̀ò̵̤̞t̸͇͙͛͘.̶̯͕͇̿̄͐

The hum...no, monster, that's the only thing to describe it, it didn't feel or look human at all, the guard could only see its eyes but those were definitely not eyes a human.

The guard unconsciously shot at the figure, but it just stood there as he shot every single one of his bullets.

After 10 shots, the guard was empty. He saw those hair-raising eyes narrow before a stomach-churning chuckle escaped its lips.

Then the guard saw it, the monster's hands glowed with a florescent white and his open fist slowly opened.

{Tink, Tink, tink}

What fell from the monster's hand was ten fully intact bullets, he had caught them with his bare hands, thus further cementing in the Guards mind that this thing wasn't human.

" P-please spare me..I..I." The guard's mind was in absolute chaos before his body just couldn't take it anymore and he fainted on the spot, cracking his head on the floor

Ekko just tilted his head before stepping over the guard.

Once he was at the door, he grabbed the handle and...

Word count: 2040 words

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