
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
136 Chs

Chapter 40

Rangiku batted her eyelashes and slowly sensually caressed her hands across her stomach. She was wearing a sexy set of black Lace Lingerie with garter belts and matching Thigh high stockings.

"So! What do you think? Should I get these or not?" Rangiku asked in a provocative tone.

" I..." Ekko was at a loss for words.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't have the urge to take her right here and now, but.....

Rangiku pouted and took a step forwards, intruding on Ekko's Personal space.

Ekko's senses were far greater than normal humans so not only could he smell Rangikus Alluring Perfume but also Her Pent up desire, she was practically secreting pheromones.

"Is that a no? Do you not think it looks nice on me, Ekki.!" She made her voice sound smaller to sound more Innocent about the question but of course, Ekko knew she was just trying to tease him.

Ekko's eyes trailed down from her Pinker than usual lips, all the way down to her Breasts that looked Amazing in that Lingerie.

Ekko wouldn't deny that he was a boob kinda guy or that he liked to be the dominant one during sex, but right now really wasn't the best of times to do something like that...

Rangiku smiled Internally when she saw his dazed look at her body, she was happy and excited. She hoped he would finally do something but it looks like She would have to push it a little more.

{New scenario in progress, New choices have been generated, Choices...

Rangiku is In a position where she's interested and wants to take the first step into a relationship with The host. Will you...

1} Accept her advances and take her In the booth right here and now. Doing it for 30 minutes straight without getting caught. ( 3000 Ip And The skill Itto shura.)

2}Accept her advances and Take her In The booth right here but only go so far as kissing and only for 5 minutes without getting Caught. ( 2000 Tp and 5 bowls of Ichiraku Ramen)

3) Reject her advances and leave the booth immediately. ( 1500 Tp and a Pokeball/Note: There is no pokemon inside, but can be used on humans.)

4)Ignore all Choices given. ( 500 Ip )

'Fuck, I just had to have Jinxed It.'

Rangiku decided to push forward and Grabbed the hem of the laced bra and pulled it down enough to expose more of herself but not enough to show everything. She was trying to entice him with the thought, the promise that he could see more if he answered her question.

She stood even closer to him, so close in fact he could feel her rhythmic breath on his nape. Her face looked calm but her heart was beating at 120 beats per minute.

Her breath hitched when their eyes met and locked, the two not wanting to lose in that Regard.

The pair were silent, the only sound in the booth now were the sounds of their very breaths. Both their gazes burned into each before Ekko broke first.

In a fast and swift motion, Ekko grabbed Rangikus Thighs and pressed her against the mirror.

And before Rangiku could say anything he pressed his lips against Her's, destroying any Remarks or quips she was going to use to get him to Advance on her.

Ekko made sure to check no one was around while he attacked Rangiku's Pillowy Lips.

Thankfully the store was almost empty and Eris was in the Store Looking at more Human clothes, so they were good in that regard.

{Mhhh, aahhhh!!!}

Mufulled moans Escaped Rangikus lips as her arms Unconsciously Wrapped around Ekko's neck for better stability.

Her breath suddenly hitched when she felt Ekko's grasp on her legs Become even tighter. It hurt a little but it also made her feel more desired so she let him do what he wished.

Ekko could feel Rangiku's warm body pressed against his and wanting to be even closer pressed his body even closer to hers, causing Rangikus large breast to press against Ekkos chest.

The pair could feel the Thud of their combined heartbeats as their Lips pressed Together. Rangiku savored the kiss as she couldn't help but smile tasting hints of coffee.

Ekko's hand Brushed through her hair as he grabbed her face To deepen the kiss.

{4 minutes Remaining Host.}


Meanwhile, Eris was outside Looking through all the clothes In the shop when she spotted something interesting on the other side of the mall.

' Nya! What are those humans doing.' She thought curiously, leaving the store and walking to the other side in a hidden corner.

"What are you doing? *Gasp* could this be a human ritual of sorts." Eris asked the couple who were Frightened out of their kiss by Eris's sudden appearance.

They both looked at Eris in annoyance before looks of confusion graced their faces' Huh, a cosplayer.'

"W-who are you, do you need something, sweetie." The woman was the first to ask.

"Yes, I'm Eris It's nice to meet you Nya!..." 'Nya?' The couple thought at the same time.

"I was wondering What it was you were doing just now, it seemed like this human male was trying to suck the air out of you," Eris asked tilting her head in confusion.

The male blushed in shame while the woman Couldn't hold it in and Laughed at Eris's naivety and innocence.

She wiped the tear's coming out of her eyes and responded" Haha! All we were doing was kissing, it's a form of affection just like Hugging but More intimate."

"I see, so You were kissing this male because you were trying to show him gratitude" Eris asked.

"I guess you could say that."

"I see Thank you for the valuable information, I hope you have a great day, Nya!" Eris said before Happily skipping away.

"I wonder who that girl was, and why was she wearing Cat ears and Tail accessories." The woman thought Tilting her head.

"No clue, though she was kinda cute." The man said before instantly Regretting it.

"Hoooo, so she was cute was she, Even cuter than me your fiance." The woman's eyes darkened.

"O...Of course, not baby, You are the cutest in the whole universe, no one compares to you." Though the woman just pouted before She Dragged Him Away.

"Come on, there should be a costume shop Downstairs." The guy was shocked but also excited at the same time, he quietly thanked Eris for Appearing when she did.


{Meanwhile back in The Changing Booth.}

{Task Two Has been completed. Congratulations host, the system will now distribute your rewards...}