
Transported to a parallel fictional world[Hiatus]

https://www.patreon.com/Totherwindow1 Ekko Makena Afia was a normal teenager boy, but that all changed what he completed a survey that mey or may not have been made by a Rob. Now in a completely New Earth from his own how will he deal with Boob robbing Ninja, aliens from space, a gloutonus dragon and a apartment hot spring that seems to attract women from all walks of life. ( This story will contain manga, anime some hentais and some Manwhas as well. The story setting is in modern Earth but with a few magical twists.) Update schedule: Whenever I have time as I work.

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 39

"Umm, Rangiku I can Explain."

Though all he got back was a Blank dead Stare from Rangiku.

Ekko sighed in defeat.

Meanwhile, Granny Chi who was Reding a news Paper smilled with a knowing smirk at the mayhem thats probably Happening in Ekko's home.


"This-this must be hell, I must have crossed to the other side officially, I'll be seeing you soon pops." Ekko lamented as he looked up to the sky with a tearful look.

"Oh Stop being so dramatic, it's only a bit of Shopping, we've only even been here for half an hour." Rangiku chastised as she was getting Dressed in one of the private changing rooms.

{Really! Feels like an eternity.}


One of the booths in use opened and Rangiku came out Wearing Some clothes she picked out.

"What do you think? Do they look nice on me?"

Rangiku asked Posing for Ekko. She wore Black fishnet stockings, a Rouge Short skirt, and a Black T with the NBA logo on it.

*Gulp* Is it just me or has she gotten even prettier. It's like she's transformed in a single day. It's like her entire person has changed.

*Cough* "

" Maybe if you turn around I can get a better feel for it." Ekko made an Excuse.

Rangiku smiled while giving Ekko a little Twirl. Ekko admired the view And gave it a thumbs up. Rangiku Cheered." Great ill get this as well then." She said before Re-entering the changing room to try on a different outfit.

"You can do this Rangiku, I'm sure he will love this. Now should I wear the Blue or the black one." while Rangiku was contemplating Ekko continued to wait outside.

Ekko looked at the other changing Room and frowned." Hey Eris, you alright in there." Ekko asked as Eris hadn't come out even after 5 minutes.

"Yes, I'm OK Ekko-Nya, it's just that I'm getting Used to these Earth clothes...Aaaand done. What do you think Ekko." Eris said in a cute and shy Manner.

Eris Came out wearing a designer short black One-piece dress, with White English letters printed on the sleeves and chest of the dress, and a belt wrapped around her waist to keep it all in place.

Ekko nodded Apretiatting the nice View though he preferred her normal Skin tight Space Suit as well.

Even now Ekko was thinking about what had happened this morning and how Eris had Introduced herself as an alien from outer space.

{Flashback to this morning}


Ekko drank his morning coffee and exhaled while Rangiku was just Rubbing her head in exhaustion.

" So let me get this straight, and tell me if I've missed anything, your name is Eris, and you're an Alien from outer space, a catian to be more specific, and you came to earth too and I Quote" I came here to investigate something here on earth and to come and play!"

"Yes! That's Exactly Right! I was so surprised at first. I dident know until now that there were species that looked just like us in existence." Eris said with a bright Smile.

"Can you at least try to show us Some proof, besides the Ears and Tail?" Rangiku asked curiously.

Eris thought about it for a second before touching The bell on her neck.

{Poof} Smoke appeared before Eris seemingly disappeared. Rangiku suddenly got a sense of deja vu. Then suddenly another poof of smoke appeared Before Eris Appeared Again.

"W-where did you go." Rangiku asked, thinking that maybe Yoruichi and Eris might be related."

" Oh, I just teleported to my ship and Back. Here I'll show you." Suddenly Rangiku and Eris Disappeared in a puff of smoke before two minutes later they appeared again.

Rangiku finally believed Eris because one minute she was in space and the next she appeared in front of a nonchalant-looking Ekko. Which now that she thought about it, was taking this Rather well.

'First, a talking cat who slays Demons and now a cat person from outer space. When did my life change so drastically.'

Rangiku signed before Looking at Ekko who was awkwardly drinking his coffee. She smiled at how awkward he was and shook her head.

She wasn't mad at Ekko Nor was she Going to shout at him for having another woman in his bed.

For one she wasn't his girlfriend so he could have whoever he wanted in bed, it was none of her business(Yet), but she was jealous of Eris for being able to sleep with Ekko.

Thankfully Nothing happened so she could only sigh in relief. For now, that is, she wasn't going to let her guard down and will try to advance her relationship with Ekko further.

After that Rangiku and Ekko asked Eris a bunch of Questions before they figured out, Eris was an Airhead and that people would definitely take advantage of her if she was left to fend for herself.

So Ekko decided that he would have Eris Live with Them until Eris Finishes her investigations and needs to leave.

{Flashback End.}

And a few hours later it was decided that Eris would need some new clothes to blend in. They couldn't do anything about the ears and Tail so if it was brought up they would just say she liked cosplaying.

"Hey Ekko could you come here for a second I need your Help." Rangiku asked taking her arm out of the booth to motion Ekko to come.

He got up from his chair and aprochroched Rangikus Booth." What's Up, what do you-Waaaaa." Ekko was shocked when Rangiku suddenly Pulled him I'm into her changing Room.

He looked at Rangiku puzzled but froze up when he saw what she was wearing. He unconsciously gulped the saliva in his mouth and Looked At Rangiku's....well, everything.

Rangiku battered her eyelashes and slowly sensually caressed her hands across her stomach. She was wearing a sexy set of black Lace Lingerie with garter belts and matching Thigh high stockings.

"So! What do you think? Should I get these or not?" Rangiku asked in a provocative tone.

" I..." Ekko was at a loss for words.