
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 27 - Maxmillan's Wrath

Chapter 27 - Maxmillan's Wrath

- Morning -


"I guess I have given enough time." Maxmillan who didn't sleep since 1 am that he woke from his nightmare that covered him in sweat, said with a certain vicious glow in his eyes.

He then leapt to the ground from the high rooftop and began to walk to the garage, which was about a hundred and twenty meters away from where he currently was.


Immediately Maxmillan arrived at the garage and entered through the gate, he became the cynosure of all eyes.

Then very quickly, many of the carriage drivers gathered around him with fearful and reverent looks in their faces.

While Maxmillan who gazed at the large assembly gathered before him with a light of exceeding viciousness shining from his eyes, asked with a tone that gave off unequalled savageness, "So, have you all been able to work out the driver that conveyed my mom to the city? If so, produce him. Let me speak to him."

Immediately Maxmillan asked that, someone walked forward with a sheet-white skin, which was as a result of the terror that Maxmillan's towering and barbarous-looking figure heavily struck him with.

"P-Please, take it easy on me. Don't harm me. I will talk." The man that stood before Maxmillan with fear written all over his face, mentioned in a stuttering manner.

"Hmm." Maxmillan said and nodded his head.

He then asked as he gazed at the man from head to toe, "The last time I was here, you weren't here. I guess you weren't around, right?"

"Y-Yes, I wasn't around. I-I had gone home to my family in the village to give them some money to purchase cattle for rearing." The man fearfully replied.

"Okay." Maxmillan said with the nod of his head.

He then gazed at the man and asked, "I believe you must have the seen the picture that I dropped with your colleagues. Now, the woman in the picture. Where did you drop her? Don't tell me at some locations the city, because I know the woman that we are talking about really well. If she was in the city, I would have long seen her. She will come to me herself. So, do tell me. Where is she? Talk!"

"Y-Yes, I-I have the seen the picture that you dropped with my colleagues. And I can recall her face pretty well." The man who looked forty-some and had his skin grow whiter from fear and heart-wrenching horror, immediately replied. Albeit in a stuttering manner.

"Okay." Maxmillan said with the nod of his head.

He then spoke further with the harsh light radiating from his eyes greatly intensifying and invoking terrific fear in all of them, "So, what really happened to my mom on your way to the city? Speak the truth, for if you lie, I will know and instantly make dozens of holes in your head!"

"I will tell you. I will tell you." The driver cried out in fear.

"Actually, on my way back to the city from Greenriver town, I came across some people on the road path. They had sprung out from the forests on both sides of the road and ordered me to stop, or they will reduce the carriage and everyone in it to splinters."

"But at that time, I was carrying only the person that was in the picture that you dropped with my colleagues. And why I carried only her was because she paid me much more than what I would get from waiting till the carriage is filled with passengers."

"However, it seemed like she was in a great hurry to see someone, because I could sense extreme impatience and total anxiousness in her voice, which felt like a second more of not being around the person that she possibly wanted to go meet in the city, would lead to the destruction of the person. She kept hurrying me up and was willing to pay as much as possible to make the carriage move with only her in it."

"However, the men that stopped us, who were dressed in black and radiated extreme ferociousness, viciously dealt with your mom because she tried being a hero. Although she actually tried, where she killed off ten of the thirty men that ambushed us. But she was overpowered in the end and taken away."

"But because she was stubborn, the men dressed in black who had bound her with magical energy, beat her to a bloody mess before coldly mentioning to her that they had the intention to sell her off as a docile pleasure slave to whoever would be the highest bidder. So I heard from the masked men dressed in black outfit." The man narrated, while Maxmillan whose eyes were cold, had turned much more colder that the earth beneath him and others could turn to solid frost.


He exhaled with a really cold breath exuding from his nostrils.

"Mom, I am sorry. Your son is really sorry. He brought this sort of mess upon you. But he promises that he is going to clear all the mess that he put you in. The smile that has ceased from your face will be restored. The pains that you experienced will be returned a thousand folds to the people that abducted you and made you suffer. And if it's that they have sold you off, the two parties that are involved will be blazed to the ground, for even thinking of committing such dastardly act to you."

"For this sin that they have blatantly committed against you, I will make sure it's my mission to destroy every clandestine group that I will ever come across."

"Every underground faction, hall cults, above-the-clouds secret groups, covens, and the numerous hidden ones in the city, I will make sure it is my duty to obliterate every single one of them." Maxmillan said with an aura of unearthly fierceness beginning to emanate from his towering figure. While the drivers that flanked him on all sides, looked at him in tremendous shock as he spoke, exceedingly glad that they didn't make an enemy out of him, or none of them would be left standing by now. He simply seemed like a blood-lusting vicious wargod at the moment.

'Such love! Such determination!!' They said within themselves as Maxmillan spoke with blazing anger in his voice that radiated nothing but fearsomeness, fierceness and unequalled vicious savagery.




[Reviewed/Updated Mission Alert!]

[Mission Title: Rescuing Mother From her Captors!]


[Details: Host's mum went in search of Host for not returning home the same day after taking the admissive exam. On her way to the city in a carriage, she was attacked by masked men suspected to be Enslavers; wicked, sinister and nefarious sets of people that take fun in brutalizing people and selling them off as slaves to underground establishments in need of them for an inhumane service or the other. Therefore, mom's life could be in serious danger due to constant assaults by her wicked, oppressive and intimidatory buyers, and could possibly lead to her gruesome, unfortunately-timed death. So, Host is to find her on time and rescue her, and completely destroy the nests/operation bases of her Captors/Enslavers!]

[Difficulty Level: 10/10 - (Absolutely Difficult — Due to variable factors such as: {1} An Astra Spellcraft Lord overseeing the evil activity of the underground human enslaving/trafficking nest, or is the mastermind and brain behind the continuity of the activities carried out in the nest; {2} Hive of Enslavers could have large numbers of skilled outlawed/outcast workers ranging from one hundred decently skilled users of Astra Mystralis to one thousand proficiently-skilled users; {3} Vast interconnected network of large numbers of secretive diabolical factions/clandestine malevolent societies) - ]

[Mission Class: A-Class, Major Mission]

[Duration: 1 Week]

[Completion Failure: Upon Mom's death, Host will be permanently stripped of all items and resources stored in the inventory; Host's Accumulated Points will return to zero; Host will not be allowed to use any function of the Transmigrator Survival System for 5 Months!]

[Completion Rewards: Fusion-Powered Atomic Bolt Torrent-Discharge Cannon, Tissue-Vaporizer Super-Microwaving Rifle, Decay Inducing Ray Multi-Fire Spreadgun, Void-Beam Demolisher Gun, Rapid-Space Displacing Combat-Assisting Light Battle Armor, Quick-Solidifying Restrain-Foam Pellet Shooter, Acid Cloud-Discharging Mini-Missile Launcher, Target-Seeking Chainblade-Equipped Annihilator Drones]

[Mission Point Reward: 500,000 Points {Achievement Points Reward is based on Host's mom being an important figure in Host's Life {Host's Growth and Development} and can entirely influence all his steps!]


[System Notification!]


[Major Mission Log] has been unlocked!

[Minor Mission Log] has been unlocked!

[Host Anatomical Upgrade] has been unlocked!

[Host Mechanical Augmentation] has been unlocked!


[Accept Mission: <Yes>/<No>]


[Return] [Cancel] [Skip]


Maxmillan read through the entire detail of the mission and mentioned inwardly, 'Yes.'

But he wasn't really excited at the number of directories that he had inadvertently unlocked, as well as at the large numbers of items and purchase points that he would be rewarded with once he completed the mission related to rescuing his mother from her enslavers, which made him feel tremendously bad that he could kill gods and immortal devils if he needed to. He simply wasn't happy at the cruel and agonizing suffering that he had surely caused her to pass through because of a single bad decision.


[System Alert!]


[Mission has started!]

[Countdown to the end of the mission has begun!]

[Failure to complete mission will result in permanent strip of all items and resources stored in the inventory; Host's Accumulated Points will return to zero; Host will not be allowed to use any function of the Transmigrator Survival System for 5 Months!]

[Success in completing mission will allow Host to be rewarded with large mission points and the previously displayed items!]


Maxmillan read through the system alert and simply nodded his head.

But when he thought that the system messages and notification alerts had ended, another suddenly popped up again in the holographic screen floating in his mind.




[New Mission Alert!]

[Mission Title: City-Wide Purge!]


[Detail: City is filled and surrounded by underground nests of pillagers, enslavers, bandits, marauders, mayhem criminal lords and outlaws that fearlessly commit crimes here and there due to existent but completely defunct Law Enforcement Bodies. So, as a result of their secretive diabolical/malevolent activities, people's life could be in grave danger, such as the terrible incident that befell Host's mom and put her life in grave danger. Therefore, Host must visit their nests, lairs or dens one after the other and wipe out each and everyone of them!]

[Difficulty Level: 10/10 - (Absolutely Difficult — Due to variable factors such as: {1} Numerous Astra Spellcraft Commanders and Astra Spellcraft Lords inhabiting the criminal operation bases and ensuring their continuities; {2} Hives of criminals/outlaws having a population range of one thousand moderately skilled users of Astra Mystralis to ten thousand highly-skilled users; {3} Interconnectedness of vast networks of heavily fortified criminal operation bases in and around the city) - ]

[Mission Class: SS-Class, Major Mission]

[Duration: 6 months]

[Completion Failure: Upon expiration of time stipulated for completion of mission, Host will be stripped of all items and resources stored in the inventory; Host's Accumulated Points will be halved; Host will not be allowed to use any function of the Transmigrator Survival System for an entire year!]

[Completion Rewards: High-Devastation Neutron Beam Accelerator Gun, Protonic Solid-Ray Cascader Machine Gun, Subcontinental Chemical Missile Launcher Hover-Turret, Instant-Freeze Cold Wave Emission Gun, Illusory-Image Continual-Hologram Producer, Ultra-Amplified Kinetic Wave Disintegrator, Neuromechanical Strength-Enhancing Semi-Robotized Super-Alloy Arms, Jet Thruster-Powered Heavy-Striking Hammer]

[Mission Point Reward: 1,200,000 Points ]


[Accept Mission: <Yes>/<No>]


[Return] [Cancel] [Skip]


'Another mission?' Maxmillan asked within himself with an intensely surprised expression in his face.

But without tallying too much in his thought about it, he immediately said, "Yes."

Actually, going for this kind of mission is like helping the inhabitants of Shining Lake City, since he would be helping them rid off the evil that will emerge from the darkness and shadows to annihilate them. He wished he couldn't go, so that the evil that loomed over their heads will devour them, as he hated everyone of them to the core of his being. He saw them as heartless, nefarious and wicked people.

But because of it was a mission of the Transmigrator Survival System that would reward him with large amounts of purchase points and large numbers of items, he had to go.

Besides, he had no choice than to go because of his family that lived in the city's outskirt and would be in danger all the time, as it was the outskirts that the operation bases of these evil criminals could be found or located.


[System Alert!]


[Mission has started!]

[Countdown to the end of the mission has begun!]

[Failure to complete mission before mission expiration span, will result in permanent strip of all items and resources stored in the inventory; Host's Accumulated Points will be halved; Host will not be allowed to use any function of the Transmigrator Survival System for a whole year!]

[Success in completing mission will allow Host to be rewarded with large mission points and previously displayed items!]


Huuuu! Maxmillan exhaled.

Then he prepared to leave where he was when the driver that narrated what happened to his mom, said with a certain expression manifesting in his face, "Young sir, if I can be of any help, I think I may know what the group that abducted your mom is called. They are called the Black Iron Brotherhood."

"I have heard irritable and wrathful tales about them, including the unceasing vices that they have committed in various parts of the city and in neighboring cities. Their usually distinguishable features are black masks and black wears that have the horrific embroidery of a light black silhouette carrying a blood-colored sword at the left sides of their chests."

"Hmm. Thank you." Maxmillan who was surprised at the clues that the driver mentioned to him, said and nodded his head in appreciation.

But before he could really turn around to head for the gate and start his mission, the driver spoke again with a ponderous look in his face, "I think it would be best to check the road path again, you might possibly find more clues or hints there."

"I could have gone in search of her, but I am just one man who could possibly be against hundreds of casters much more powerful than me. I don't want to lose my life in foolishly playing a hero that will only get me killed and bring tremendous sadness and heavy sombreness to my beautiful family."

"I truly wish I could help, but I am really sorry that I won't be of significant help or assistance to you."

"Hmm. It's okay." Maxmillan said with a certain glow emitting from his eyes.

He then said further, "If you would like to help out, I ask that you lead me to where the men dressed in black sprung out from to attack your carriage. Maybe from there, I will be able to trace her to where she was abducted."