
Transmigrator Survival System: Rise Of Maxmillan Slade

After dying in an atomic blast that wiped off an entire city due to sudden invasion by an overwhelmingly large number of zombies, Maxmillan's soul transmigrated into the body of a five year old in a new world where Astra Mystralis; an energy that causes endless magical manifestations, could be harnessed and manipulated to cause the instantiation of myriad preternatural effects. But unfortunately for Maxmillan, he couldn't control Astra Mystralis and therefore missed admissions into magical institutes where he would be trained to become an Astra Spellcraft Commander, one of the highly reverenced positions that absolutely everyone dreamt of becoming. After being deemed a Reject, where he wasn't accepted anywhere within his city and in any other city that he might travel to, how would Maxmillan survive? How would he live? Would his unparalleled fighting skills as a seasoned veteran soldier in his previous world, help him in any way in a world where absolutely everyone, including five to six years olds could control Astral Mystralis and bring about fascinating magical effects? Would he be able to thrive and survive in a world where Rejects, also referred to as cripples, were intimidated, scarred and terrorized by individuals capable of absorbing, controlling and utilizing Astra Mystralis? To know more, accompany Maxmillan in his journey as he tries to survive, thrive and defeat every nigh-insurmountable odd that would appear in his path using the Transmigrator Survival System; a powerful, dimension-warping intelligent consciousness that chose him out of millions and would continue to empower him with countless futuristic weapons, gadgets, equipments, as well as technological cycles and vehicles, for as long as he can complete certain really difficult tasks, missions and quests within a fixed timeframe! A/N: This book is a perfect blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Also, I own the book cover. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 26 - Constant Intense Suffering (II)

Chapter 26 - Constant Intense Suffering (II)

"That's interesting." The Sky Bridges Lord said with an inexplicable look appearing in his face.

He then said further with a certain glow of light appearing in his hollow-shaped eyes, "Let me go speak to the woman. Maybe he could be her son."


"Woman, I am back. But I am not here to hurt you. I just want a straight and honest answer from you." The Sky Bridges Lord said with an amiable smile in his face, which only hid the pleasure-seeking wickedness and savage brutality of his heart.

While the woman that the Sky Bridges Lord referred to as woman and was actually Lenna, and looked so tattered with the pieces of clothing on her totally stained with blood, looked at the man with excessive fright in her eyes and nodded her head in obedience and reverence.

"Good!" The Sky Bridges Lord said.

He then said further to see her reaction, "I hear your son is looking for you."


Like an explosion suddenly went off in her heart, Lenna whose eyes had dimmed due to the intense lamentable suffering that she suffered in the hands of the Sky Bridges Lord and his minions, instantly brightened up again, with her body visibly trembling in both joy and happiness.

Just the words that the Sky Bridges Lord had mentioned to see her reaction, had instantly brought back life and energy to her painfully sore, constantly aching and severely weak body that was previously at the verge of an irreversible annihilatory total crash, meaning death.

"Hmm. I see." The Sky Bridges Lord said with an indescribable expression appearing in his face, as he had obtained the information that he wanted through Lenna's reaction.

He then asked with a malicious tone in his voice, "This son of yours, where does he stay? Where can I obtain him like the object he is? Actually, I would like to turn him to my mindless puppet guard that would serve me till his mortal body rots and is completely eaten up by worms?"

Once he asked that with a really harsh light emitting from his eyes, Lenna looked at him and immediately fell flat to the ground within her cage to prostate fully before him with a strongly begging expression appearing in her beautiful youthful face that had turned haggard.

"Please, don't do that to my lovely innocent son. I can be your mindless puppet guard if you want. Although I may look delicate because I am a female, I can still effortlessly beat up many of your men. Please, make me your personal puppet guard and leave my son out of this. He doesn't deserve to partake in the painful wails and agony that I am suffering. He is still young and knows nothing." Lenna said with a persuasive imploring tone in her voice.

"Haha!" The Sky Bridges Lord grinned.

"I don't need you, you worthless rusted object. You are totally worthless, useless and valueless to me, in case you don't know, which I believe you know now. But your son, he possesses lots of qualities. It's him I want and will definitely get my hands on to make into my personal battle puppet. Hahaha!" The Sky Bridges Lord said with a malevolent expression in his face before cackling evilly.

He then said further with an intensely marveled expression surfacing in his face, "In case you don't know, he beat up more than a hundred men at the garage, simply because he was looking for you. For your sake, he turned the whole garage upside down."

"He even instantly killed one that tried to defy the order that he gave them. Imagine a non-user of Astra Mystralis beating up common casters of Astra Mystralis. Isn't that a terrible shame to all we casters, eh? So, it's your son I want. I like the wondrous qualities that he displayed."

"Now, where can I find him? Give me directions to your home to capture him like the ant he is and bring him here."

"Perhaps you guys can unite for a bit before I sell you off to the people that paid for you to become their underground gold-mining and pleasure slave, and your son turned into my tirelessly warring mortal puppet. Hahaha!"

"Please, leave my son out of this. I beg you. He knows nothing. Don't do anything of deleterious harm to him, I implore you." Lenna who was thoroughly surprised by what she heard and couldn't help but have a thin ray of happiness, gratefulness and cheerfulness penetrate through her thickly darkened and overly cold, forlorn heart, said while still fully prostrating before the Sky Bridges Lord who simply cackled with an indignant expression slowly manifesting in his face.

"Last time that I am going to ask you, or my dark magic-powered treasure bell is going to descend upon your weak figure one more time to chime loudly for a hundred times. Do you want that? Do you want to die? So, tell me what I need to know." Sky Bridges Lord said furiously and impatiently.

"You can kill me now, for I won't say a thing to you. You cruel evil bastard!!!" Lenna screamed at him at her highest, before spitting in his face without wariness.

While the Sky Bridges Lord who began to fume in excessive anger that the cape he wore, furiously fluttered at his back and produced raging gusts of wind; a physical tempestuous manifestation of his exceeding wrathful state, slightly raised his right hand in the air and caused a violently seething, purple-black fog that emitted shrilling cacophonous noises to instantly surface in Lenna's cell and strike her with a deadly amount of wall-splintering force.

"I could actually get what I want from you and then kill you off. At most, I will refund your frigging buyers and gift them two younger gold-mining and pleasure-serving slaves!" Sky Bridges Lord said evilly to Lenna who continually spat out mouthfuls of blood with serious wounds covering her whole body, such that it would be really difficult for anyone that could recognize at a distance to easily identify her now.

Then with only an aim of his left hand at Lenna, Lenna's cage immediately swung open by itself, while Lenna was immediately pulled outward towards the Sky Bridges Lord by an unseen telekinetic force that fully enveloped her body and rapidly lifted her out in an horizontal position.

Now grabbing her by the head with his left hand, he tried to forcefully go through her memory to understand everything about her son.

But to his exceeding shock, he found out that he couldn't.

"How is this possible? Who sealed your memory? So, you are actually really valuable? Ugh! Woman, why didn't you tell me that you hold a lot of secrets in this fragile thing you call your head? Anyway, it's all good! I shall make you spit out everything that you know that have been sealed off within your head one after the other." Sky Bridges Lord who used his telekinetic power to hold Lenna in the air while trying to go through her memory, said and suddenly ceased the flow of his invisibly suspending telekinetic power.


Immediately he did so, Lenna who floated in the air under the influence of his vast, magically-manifested telekinetic power, immediately crashed to the ground with a heavy thud and broke many of the weakened and dislocated bones of her body, which then caused her more pain and a serious, mind-snapping anguish that if it wasn't because she wanted to see Maxmillan once more, she would wish for death to end all these.

The Sky Bridges Lord made a slight gesture with his hand and produced a force that caused Lenna to be instantly hurled back into her cage by a force that immediately enveloped her entire figure and shoved her back in.

He then looked at Lenna who wailed in agony and pain and only shook his head in scorn, anger and repulsive disgust, since he fully understood that Lenna was ready to die than say anything about her son, or about anything else that she kept as invaluable secrets in her head which he felt would definitely be a treasure vault of supremely paramount secrets — As it was his very first time in three hundred years that he would come across somebody like Lenna that couldn't be memory-accessed by an Astra Spellcraft Lord, and which could in fact, severely harm him if he tried to force his way in.

Besides, whoever put the memory-access magical block could come for him for trying to tamper with the restrictive barrier that was placed on her memory. And since they could do that, by placing a memory seal that he couldn't open or bypass, it simply meant that they were much more powerful than him. So, it was best to tread carefully, or be neutralized if they appeared before him to restore the broken seal.

"I think I know what to do about your son. I will simply lure him down here. Then I will make you choose between killing him and telling me the secrets that you have up there in your head! Hahaha. Evil genius, aren't I? Hehehe!" The Sky Bridges Lord said and delightfully left Lenna's morose presence. While Lenna immediately broke down into sad and sorrowful tears.

She began to weep because of her son who was currently looking for her, would be totally unaware of the diabolical machinations that had been plotted against him and would be easily lured down here to face the unending agonizing torture that she suffered every minute of the day in the hands of Sky Bridges Lord and his barbaric, tyrannous henchmen.