
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Toying with Malcolm

Kai: "Since you were so keen in gifting me the first move, I won't disappoint! I'll start by placing a monster face down in defense mode with one face down to end my turn!"

Malcolm: "If you didn't beat Ramon I'd laugh at your performance. I'll summon XX-Saber Emmersblade in attack mode and attack your face down monster!"

Kai: "Since Big Eye was flipped face up I can look at the top 5 cards on my deck and place them in any order that I want!"

After looking at his cards and determining the best order for them Malcolm resumed his turn.

Malcolm: "Fine! But before I end my turn I activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the lay card on your side of the field!"

Kai: "Alright well I guess I won't be using Barrel Behind The Door. I am sad for losing it but it needed to happen, my turn now yes? Then allow me to rekindle the flame by summoning Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV 4 in attack mode! Now Horus attack XX-Saber Emmersblade! I now place four cards face down and end my turn!"

Malcolm: "Alright then I-"

Kai: "Hold on there Malcolm! When Horus destroys a monster in battle during the end of my turn I can summon Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV 6 from my deck to my field in attack mode! Now it's your turn. Sorry for the interruption. Now please don't let me down."

Malcolm: "Alright hotshot what you forgot about XX-Saber Emmersblade is that when it's destroyed in battle it summons another X-Saber monster from my deck so since you've ignored him allow me to introduce you to XX-Saber Ragigura! Since it's still the start of my turn I now summon, X-Saber Parshuul! Since I have two X-Saber monsters on my field I can special summon XX-Saber Faultroll in attack mode! Now XX-Saber Faultroll's ability activates allowing me to special summon an X-Saber or XX-Saber monster from my graveyard! So I choose XX-Saber Emmersblade! Now I tune XX-Saber Ragigura, X-Saber Parshuul, and XX-Saber Emmersblade in order to Synchro Summon XX-Saber Hyunlei in attack mode! Now XX-Saber Hyunlei's ability activates allowing me to destroy up to three spell or trap cards on your field! Also, I'll choose the left three! Now XX-Saber Faultroll attack his dragon!"

After Malcolm finished this series Kai looked down at the ground and the people around him thought that he was discouraged from Malcolm's turn. But after his dragon was destroyed he started laughing!

Kai: "HAHAHAHAHA! I guess I'll have to wait for the Fortune Cup before I get to battle someone that's worth the effort! Because this is just pitiful! To think I actually got excited for this! Oh well, at least you held off my boredom. Hurry up and attack me with your last monster so I can end this!"

Malcolm: "YOU LITTLE BRAT!! Just look at what you have! You only have one face down and if it was that important to you you would've used it during one of my previous turns! XX-Saber Hyunlei attack this idiot and reduce his LP even more! How do you like that punk!"

Kai: "That's the problem moron I don't like it...I was expecting a challenge and I got a cake-walk and since your turn isn't over yet I'll activate my face down Scapegoat! This places four tokens on my side of the field in defense mode. Now please continue."

Malcolm: "I end my turn with that. Make this good kid cause it's your last turn!"

Kai: "If you say so...I draw...and activate Pot of Greed! This allows me to draw two cards from my deck and I already know what they are! Thanks for attacking Big Eye so recklessly because if you didn't I doubt my plan would've worked so perfectly! Now by sacrificing three of my tokens I tribute summon! Beast King Barbados in attack mode! When Beast King is summoned by tributing three monsters all cards on your side of the field are destroyed!"

Malcolm: "A-A-A-A-A-ALL OF THEM!!!!"

Kai: "Yes, all of them but I'm not finished yet! I activate Monster Reborn from my hand and bring back Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV 6! You're wide open Malcolm! Beast King...Horus...end this duel!!!"

The entire town is in disbelief at what they have just witnessed. No one dares to move as they think this is a dream. Malcolm...and Ramon...were defeated by the same person with minimal effort! Malcolm even Synchro Summoned to turn it around only to wind up losing when everything was on his side!

Kai: "Thank you for appeasing my boredom for a while but since I already know what's going to happen before your stupid brother gets here I'm going to head out. Besides, I have better things to do with my time! Make sure to hold up your end of the bargain...or else!"

With that Kai walked away towards the mountains to retrieve his hidden duel runner and head back to Satellite to see where the story is at.

Malcolm: "If what Ramon said is true, then the sector security is already on their way and we have no way out of here! Lawton is on his way but by the time he gets here we'll all be in shackles...so this is what Ramon feels like... to have lost in every way with no hope."

As Malcolm finished his thoughts he told his remaining gang members what to say to sector security once they were captured so as to not get into more trouble with the mysterious Kai who singl handedly destroyed the two gangs far easier than the cannon version.

Night fell as Kai was leaving the small town on the horizon and saw a small army of sector security officers headed towards the small town! He immediately pulled off the road and cut his engine so they wouldn't spot him as they went by.

Lazar's point of view

We finally had enough people to confront the gangs in this small town while still leaving plenty of officers in Satellite, to my please I had the perfect excuse to leave Trudge behind to manage things while I was away. As we pulled into the town my eyes went wide as saucers when I saw a large group of people kneeling in the ground with their hands in the air before they shouted..."WE SURRENDER!"

Lazar: "What happened here?!?!"

Malcolm/Ramon: "We were all beaten by a duelist by the name of Kai and we surrender!"

Kai seeing this display from afar was surprised that the thugs honored their agreement but smiled nonetheless as he turned his engine back on and eased away before flooring it back to Satellite.