
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Amelia: "I can't believe this has been happening in such a small and remote town! I need to report back to headquarters...those mines are a death trap for innocent people!"

After heading to the mountain that Kai pointed towards after the daily duel, Amelia discovered the mines that had multiple working in it. It was a miracle she wasn't seen since these mines were in the middle of nowhere and there wasn't any cover. However, the goons didn't take security too seriously because of this. So she was able to sneak in and out undetected and was now on her way back to her cruiser with her evidence.

Amelia: "Plus what Kai said earlier! If he had to take action to help these people then what's sector security doing?! The people of Satellite are in conditions barely better than those mines! I need to get back! If not for those stuck in the mines then to make up to the people of Satellite for all they've suffered through!"

After a newfound boost of adrenaline she finally arrived at her cruiser...only to discover that the runner that was with it is now missing!

Amelia: "How?! It was right next to the cruiser when I left! Did he come back and move it after I left for the mountain?! Why would he do that?!"

After this train of thought she started the short journey back to headquarters to file a report and get this matter taken care of before she grills Kai about how he knew something sector security wasn't even aware of!

After a full day of traveling she finally arrived at headquarters and heads into the main office expecting to find Trudge but is instead greeted by a small person sitting behind the large desk!

Amelia: "Hello sir, who might you be if I'm allowed to ask?"

Lazar: "My name is Lazar, and I was informed that you went with the young man that challenged officer Trudge to a duel by the name of Kai yes?"

Amelia: "Yes sir! But may I ask why that's important right now?"

Lazar: "Because we finally found his record! He's a very dangerous person you know."

Lazar said that last part while laughing to himself since he knows that Kai isn't a danger to anyone and that isn't what most people would believe now that they made a fake profile for him.

Amelia: "I wasn't aware of this!!"

Lazar: "Well that's to be expected since we lost contact with you when you went with him. So...would you mind explaining why he wanted an officer to accompany him? While you're at it go ahead and fill out a report of everything about him no matter how small the details may seem."

Amelia: "I don't know much about him but I'll fill out the report to the best of my ability if you do something for me."

Lazar: "What might that be miss officer?"

Amelia: "There's a small town on the outskirts of the Satellite, I would like for you to organize a team to head there and arrest the two gangs running the town! I saw what they're doing and I even have the evidence of what they've been doing to the people of the town!"

Lazar: "Alright miss officer, you have a deal we'll move out tomorrow morning."

Amelia: "But sir these people are in danger and they need help!"

Lazar: "I know that miss but it's impossible to arrest two gangs at the same time without the correct amount of manpower. We need to wait until we have enough officers to be available and that will be tomorrow afternoon. Until then... goodbye miss officer!"

Lazar had a smile on his face throughout their conversation thinking that her report would have details on Kai's deck and if he had a special dragon Synchro monster. But little did he know that the only information that she could provide Lazar was what Kai was really like and small details about his duel runner that she hasn't seen before. This info would first disappoint Lazar but to Kai the info they got on him and his duel runner was already a lot release much less any info from his deck.

The same day she arrived at headquarters the Ramon group showed up to their daily duel to surrender which shocked the residents of Crash Town as well as the Malcolm group!

Malcolm: "What is the meaning of this Ramon?! You lose one duel then suddenly go soft?! What on earth happened?!?!"

Ramon: "All I can say is that I lost and you will lose as well. The person who defeated me was only damaged because he wanted it to happen! You'll soon know what's going on in my head since he said he's coming for you next so say you me goodbyes while you can and just let it happen to save yourself some trouble."

Malcolm couldn't believe his ears! His biggest rival was utterly defeated by someone other than him!

Malcolm: "Can Lawton make it?! We need all hands on deck! When will he get here?!?!"

???: "By the time he gets here I'll have already moved on to New Domino."

Everyone gathered around was surprised to see the stranger from the other day speak against the Malcolm Family and they were even more surprised about how calm he was about it!

Malcolm: "What does that mean punk and just who're you to walk into my town and make such a promise?!?!"

???: "My name is Kai, and this isn't your town, never has been never will be."

Malcolm: "You said you wanted to move on before Lawton got here? Does that mean that you're the one that beat Ramon?!"

Kai: "Yes, I am. So are you going to surrender and take the fun out of it or are we going to duel?!"

Malcolm: "Alright!....I may not be smart but I know better than to let my guard down you go first stranger!"

Kai: "That's fine with me. LET'S DUEL!!"