
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


After Kai returned to Satellite he heard a rumor on the streets about Yusei managing to get past Trudge again and escape to New Domino City to start his search for Jack where he'd first get his mark through their unofficial duel. Currently all of the other marks are known to Kai such as the claws, wings, tail, and head. So if Kai had to guess which mark he would have he guessed that it wouldn't be any of the original ones so that only leaves one option...the body of the dragon. Normally this wouldn't even be a mark but since Kai used one of his wishes to be a signer he knew he wouldn't just take one of the pre-existing marks so his best guess is that his will be the body of the dragon.

Presently there is a very upset Lazar reading the promised report rom the officer Amelia. While it doesn't describe any part of his deck or any special cards it does contain a detailed description of his duel runner. The reason Lazar is upset is because every expert he asks says they haven't seen this type of design in a duel runner before.

Lazar: "At least she held up her end of the bargain, but now I need to report to the director of my progress and this new information. He'll most likely give me new orders to proceed with this...delicate situation."


Lazar: "Enter! But make it quick I have things to do!"

Officer: "Lazar sir! The gang members we arrested the other day have finally given us a statement as to what happened! It contains what they saw in the duels of Kai against Malcolm and Ramon!"

Lazar: "Excellent! Give them a small reward of some kind. They might be holding some information so it would be best to play nice with them for now."

Officer: "Yes sir! Right away!"

Lazar: "...Finally! Something useful to show the director! Even though miss officer's report in the runner is valuable information I needed information on his deck more this is perfect! Combine this with Trudge failing to do literally anything and she's in line for a promotion straight to Trudge's position. Well she deserves it honestly...looking back on her performance in the academy she dueled better than Trudge did, the only reason she's an officer is because she didn't want a higher position in the first place....However...she's put in for a promotion, does this have to do with her little trip with Kai? Oh well that's not important anymore, now let's see these statements!"

As Lazar read the statements his eyes went wider than saucers because the gang members say that Kai never Synchro Summoned! It's not that it's out of the ordinary but Lazar figured that Kai would Synchro Summon at least once especially since he used one against Trudge in their duel but now it seems like he's laying low when dueling now.

Lazar: "Director Goodwin will like this either for him being a strong opponent to test our signers or, he has a trump card he's playing close to his chest! Either way the Director is sure to extend an invitation to the Fortune Cup! Maybe this is what he wanted?!"

Meanwhile in New Domino City, Yusei has just had his little reunion with Jack and is now going hia separate ways unsatisfied with all the new questions in his head about what he saw during his and Jack's duel. Jack on the other hand has just been given a small ego check since he went back to look at the footage and saw how Yusei would've won their duel!

Jack: "That can't be!!!"

Goodwin: "It's clear as day that Yusei is the winner of this little duel Jack."

As Goodwin said this he turned to the automated security system and deleted the footage of the duel since only Jack need to see the outcome and Goodwin already had all the data he needed on The Crimson Dragon.

Goodwin: "Now that you see you're not invincible how about you take the Fortune Cup a little more seriously? Unless you want to lose again that is."

Jack: "I get your point Goodwin! Fine! In this upcoming tournament I'll stand at the top! No one and I mean no one is going to stop me!!!"

Goodwin: "Very well then let's-"

As he was about to continue his phone rang interrupting his conversation before he could continue. As he examined who was calling him he saw it was Lazar and answered expecting a decent report.

Goodwin: "Did you find anything interesting?"

Lazar: "Yes sir! I'm sending you all of the files right now! Please take a look sir."

Goodwin: "Good work Lazar. Please standby and don't take any actions until I instruct you to do so."

Lazar: "Yes sir! I'll await further instructions."

As the call was cut Goodwin pulled out a small projector and laid it on a table with Jack watching in curiosity.

Jack: "Isn't that Kai?! What're you doing Goodwin I thought this ended a while ago when you said you'd lay off?!"

Jack never had a problem with Kai since he was always there to listen to him growing up when he asked and even stayed away from him and Yusei's feud.

Goodwin: "It did end. Until he pulled a stunt against sector security and lead to the mass arrest of two small gangs just outside of the Satellite."

Jack: "What?! That doesn't sound like Kai at all! He's never gotten into trouble! When Team Satisfaction was still a thing he avoided everything to do with it! He's the poster boy for good behavior so why did this happen?!"

Goodwin: "I was hoping to get some answers from you but it looks like we're in the same boat. Do you happen to know what would get your friend's attention like what we pulled with Yusei's friends and having them steal the final part for his duel runner to get here?"

Jack: "The only thing I'm aware of is that Kai duels for the fun of it for the most part. He's hardly ever dueled someone for something else. Even though I hate to admit it he never had a deck of his own and would just duel with whatever cards were lying around, and it was still hard to keep up! Now he has his own deck, if you want him in the Fortune Cup just offer him some good duels and he'll come along quite easily. He knows that there isn't anyone in the Satellite that can beat him so it won't be hard to convince him."

Goodwin: "I might just try that since it seems to be the best chance we have. Do you know of any way to contact him?"

Jack: "The only way I know is to ask Martha but make sure you get someone that's met him otherwise he might just have conditions. Along with the fact that Martha won't trust you with one of her boy's safety."

Goodwin: "Just who do you think would fit this role? He isn't exactly social with anyone except for you, Yusei, and your other friend Crow."

Mina: "Director. This report says that he came into contact with a female officer that was recently promoted to captain. Wouldn't that be a good place to start?" (Sorry if rank name is wrong)

Goodwin: "Yes he did! We can use this connection to extend the invitation to him for the tournament. I'll get Lazar on it and as for you Jack...you have an even better chance to prove that you're better than two of your orphanage friends."

As Goodwin said this he walked out to make the necessary arrangements while Jack was now lost in thought gritting his teeth while Mina tried to calm him down.