
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

New Body and Plans

Kai: "As far as wishes go, I feel like I either cheated, got lucky, or the Voice was just being kind."

As Kai looked at his surroundings he saw who was currently taking care of the body he was placed in, Martha! Yes, the Martha that raised Yusei, Jack, and Crow! He couldn't believe it when he first saw her but after thinking for a moment he realized it was reasonable. After all, this woman did raise three of the signers so what's one more?

Kai: "Where am I miss?"

Kai asked trying to ignore the lingering pain in his newfound body's head. It seems this person either fell from a building and landed on their head or street gangs played a role in Kai being where he is now.

Martha: "Hello little boy, what's your name?"

Anyone could see how worried this woman is for the child in front of her, after all she found him face down in an alley on her way home! Who wouldn't be worried?!

Kai: "My name is Kai ma'am. Could you tell me where I am and what happened?"

Kai could feel the bump on his head and decided to work the amnesia angle so he could stay with Martha, at least until things start getting interesting. If this works he'll get to sharpen his skills against Jack, Crow, and Yusei as he grows older!

Martha: "I found you in an alley and was hoping you'd be able to explain that for me?!"

Martha was shocked that the boy couldn't remember anything and was slightly sad at the reality that it isn't impossible for this to happen. She started to piece together what may have happened to the poor boy in front of her.

Kai: "I'm sorry ma'am but I don't remember anything."

Martha: "Do you at least know where your parents are?"

Kai: "I don't have parents miss."

Kai stated while looking at the ground in order for her to understand the truth behind his words.

Martha: "Well I'm sorry to hear that...you can stay here if you need to, we've got plenty of room."

Kai: "Thank you miss! I'll try not to be a bother!"

Martha: "Enough with the "miss" and "ma'am" call me Martha sweetheart."

A couple more days of bed rest and Kai was introduced to the other children. While Kai was excited to see all of these new faces three in particular caught his attention, they of course were Jack, Crow, and Yusei. After he was introduced Kai waited a couple of days before trying anything. It didn't take long for Crow to approach him since he was the most outgoing person in the group. While their conversation was mostly just greetings and small talk it was his first time talking to someone his "age" since coming here and it was a breath of fresh air.

After the day had ended Kai decided to customize his appearance for later since the changes would happen gradually over the years instead of all at once.

He chose his face from the game he played in his previous world which seemed to be a mix of calm and serious. For his hair he made the color dark blue which was very close to black and made a hybrid style of what Yusei and Crow's hair was. In short it looked like more spikes than Yusei's but also slightly fading back like Crow's hair. As for his height he chose to be 1-2 inches taller than Yusei. Finally, he plans on wearing the Tag Force set from the clothing options in the game with black as the color. Looking at his future looks he was happy since while he didn't care about whether he'd be considered "handsome" or not his future look seemed to be slightly charming.

Kai: "Now all I need to do is kill some time for the next two years before the fun really starts!"

Over the next few years Kai became what some would consider Crow's closest friend. They'd get into all different kinds of mischief like small pranks and messing with Jack and Yusei. With him spending so much time with Crow he was still friends with Jack and Crow but not as close as him and Crow. While he was happy to be friends with Crow he stayed out of the whole "Team Satisfaction" disaster. While it did have the benefits of dueling a lot of people he still needed some of the story events to happen, like Kalin blaming Yusei for his defeat and losing his deck. After Jack and Yusei split up he'll head to Crash Town with his custom deck for some excitement while getting the attention of Rex Goodwin for the tournament. But until then he gets to duel Jack, Yusei, and Crow to pass the time and he's perfectly fine with that. While the duels with Jack and Yusei are challenging for either person the duels with Crow are slightly less challenging since he's used to dueling the other two. Crow would get better with the experience that Team Satisfaction provides but until then there wasn't much he could do.

After years around this group Kai managed to survive and is now sixteen and has turned down offers from all his friends to join Team Satisfaction and when they would ask he would give a weak answer and shrug them off. Around the time when Yusei turned seventeen Team Satisfaction broke up and everyone went their separate ways. Due to their close relationship, Crow would visit the orphanage more often then he did in cannon since Kai decided to stay with Martha a little longer until the time came to leave.

Finally, Jack was close to eighteen and stole Yusei's dragon and went to New Domino City to become "The King". Yusei and Crow were understandably upset while Kai was calm when the situation happened.

Crow: "I can't believe Jack would use your friends as bait to steal your best card Yusei! It's stupid to think that Jack would do that to his friends and the people that cared for him! And Kai isn't taking this situation seriously!"

Yusei: "I understand why you're upset, trust me I am as well! But for now all we can do is move forward and pay Jack a little visit someday! As far as Kai goes, I think he's just leaving this between me and Jack since it's our problem to begin with.

Crow wanted to argue but the more he thought about it the more he understood that his friend was simply letting Yusei handle it even though he was still against his approach.

Crow: "Fine! I'll drop it for now since it's you Yusei, but when the time comes let me give Jack a piece of my mind as well ok?!"

Yusei: "Alright I will! There's no need to get this worked up I'll handle it trust me!"

As this was happening Kai was currently doing something he's wanted to do for a long time now...customizing his own deck and duel runner which were now available to him!!