
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Deck, Duel Runner, and Challenge

Kai is currently sorting through the numerous cards in his memory to make his deck. He isn't planning on making it to counter a specific duelist he's making it to fit his style and have a way to summon his favorite card when he needs it.

His deck is as follows:


Beast King Barbados, Dark Resonator, Iron Chain Coil, Twin-Headed Behemoth, Swarm of Scarabs, Stealth Bird, Sangan, Mataza The Zapper, Gravitic Orb, Exploder Dragon, Armored Bee, Big Eye, Earth Effigy, Flamevell Magician, Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV 4-8, Zaborg The Thunder Monarch, Shield Wing, Krebons, Destiny Hero Defender, Naturia Cherries x3, Stronghold Guardian, and Vice Dragon


Shrink, Rush Recklessly, Smashing Ground, Monster Reborn, Enemy Controller, Exchange, Creature Swap, De-Synchro, Double Summon, Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, Scapegoat, and Pot of Greed


Barrel Behind The Door, Negate Attack x2, Pulling The Rug, Magic Drain, Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, Sakuretsu Armor, Rising Energy, Prideful Roar, Dimension Wall, Waboku, and Dust Tornado

Extra Deck:

Trishula, Dragon Of The Ice Barrier, Dark End Dragon, Light End Dragon, Brionac, Dragon Of The Ice Barrier, and Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Sirius

This gives him a total of 52 cards at his disposal, which in his mind is a good balance since it's over the 40 card minimum but also lower than 60 so he can get the cards he needs. As for a Turbo deck he made it as well but has decided to keep it out of sight until the start of the Fortune Cup. As for his extra deck it will mostly remain the same but he plans on making a few additions before the start of the Cup.

As for his duel runner, he has a customized Omega Hawk with a dark blue as the primary color with cyan and white as secondary colors with his customizations from his game.

Kai: "Now that that's taken care of I can head to Crash Town and take care of that dumpster fire before it even gets started."

While Kai knew this town would help Kalin in the future he didn't care. Why? Because he never became friends with Kalin! So it's Yusei, Jack, and Crow's thing to take care of not his! Besides, if anyone could get Kalin on track again even without the main setting it was Yusei! Kai had to admit that Yusei has his moments and when it comes to Kalin that is no exception.

Kai: "I should get someone from Sector Security to come with me so that they can handle all of the useless goons while I go for the big fish. The best part is I already know that they won't listen to me since I'm a "Satellite rat" so I'll most likely have to duel Trudge to get what I want."

This was a win-win in Kai's book since he not only gets to thrash Trudge a little bit but he might also get Goodwin's attention early!

After a short ride to one of the Security buildings Kai hid his runner under a tarp and a pile of junk so as to stop small time morons.

Kai is now standing in the station while being yelled at by a certain doormat...I mean Trudge! You know the guy that lost every duel he ever had in the anime no matter what? Never mind.

Kai found it annoying to put up with this so he just tuned him out and waited for his chance to give Trudge his challenge.

Kai: "Fine! If you don't want to send someone with me then how about a duel to settle this!"

After he said this the entire station bursted with laughter from all the officers except for a select few.

Trudge: "Boy, you've got a lot of nerve to just walk in here! Especially as one of Yusei's friends! You guys are nothing but trouble! So why should I duel a Satellite punk like you huh?!" Trudge received another round of laughs from other officers before their laughter was interrupted.

Kai: "Because, if word got out that Sector Security ran away from a challenge from a "Satellite punk" what do you think the higher ups would do?" This earned Kai some silence inside the station and an extremely angry Trudge who responded as expected.

Trudge: "Are you calling me a coward?!?!?!"

Kai: "Yes, yes I am. What're you going to do about it? Run to your boss and beg for help? Now that would be hilarious!"

As Kai said this with a triumphant smile on his face Trudge yelled at all the officers around him.

Trudge: "CLEAR THE AREA!!! I've got a punk to beat!"

With this order Kai's first duel with his own deck was about to begin.