
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Transmigration and Requests

Kai: "Another boring day with nothing new in the world."

Kai sighed in disappointment for yet another day was filled with what others claimed to be normal, but for Kai was completely boring.

Kai: "When will something interesting happen, I've already finished the anime I found a while back. How can a fictional world be so much better than the world that made it?! It's so frustrating going through the same routines everyday knowing that nothing will change!"

Kai exclaimed with no one around to hear him. Kai lives what could be considered a boring life, while he does have friends none of them understand what he wants out of life, waking up everyday not knowing what was going to happen. This is the world Kai wanted to be in, a world with challenges and endless excitement. Thinking of this reality always cheered him up but today was a little different.

Kai: "I guess it's time to finish that old game."

Kai recently got hooked on the anime Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's and binged it over the past few months to help add a little excitement to his life. He even bought an older gaming system (Nintendo DS), to play one of the games that caught his attention in GameStop. "Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Over The Nexus" (While this isn't the actual name of the game it's what I'm using to reference it) and cleared the game's story at a snail's pace in order to better enjoy it. He came to love dueling even though it was against non-existent people. But he cleared it and began to beat every NPC the game had in the story and on the main menu. He did this until he'd seen literally ever card they had to use and gained every card he could from them, he even tried to memorize all of their effects but in the end there were still some he needed to look up in order to remember.

After looking through the menu Kai is now playing his final opponent Moja for the last time. He always saves the weaker ones for last since he thought it added more of a challenge to the game and no cases of certain victory. He's now going against Moja for the last time as he's just seen the last card he has to offer in his deck. All he needs to win is one final attack to be able to officially say that he's seen and beaten everything this game has to offer.

Kai: "*Sigh* At least this has offered the closest I could get to excitement in this world."

As Kai said this he attacked Moja for the last time ending the duel and effectively clearing the game.

Kai: " It's been fun Nexus, thank you for everything."

Kai said this with a tear in his eye as he realized how this small game helped him get through his daily struggles over the past months and came to appreciate all that this little game did for him. As Kai loaded into the main menu for what he knew was the last time he saw the game auto save as it usually did after everything you did in the game, however this time was different because of a message that flashed across the screen with a simple question


Kai looked at this new development with shock written all across his face since he hasn't heard or seen anything like this happening in the game before. He carefully used the arrow controls on the left side of the system and selected "yes". Immediately after this the system glowed with a blinding white light and threw Kai into darkness.


[One second I was in my room saying goodbye to one of the few things that brought me what I wanted most in life and now I'm here and I can't see anything!!]

Kai thought to himself instead of yelling pointlessly. Then as if answering his thoughts a gentle voice spoke out to him.

Voice: "Hello young man, it seems you answered my question with unquestionable honesty."

After processing what he heard he finally answered.

Kai: "Yes I did, but I thought it was just a weird bug in the game since it was so old! Can you tell me what's going on please?!"

Voice: "First, it wasn't a bug I have been observing this world for a very long time but I don't think I've ever seen anyone more out of place than you. Every single day of your mortal life you wanted something exciting to happen, to have a life teething with excitement. Yet, every time you find something enjoyable your passion dies out. As far as mortals go you're one of the rare few who's passions are never recognized."

Many people would hear this and assume that a lot of people go through this same thing but they haven't experienced it at the level that Kai has. He would try a new version of any and everything only to be disappointed shortly after.

Kai: "Yeah I know it sounds childish but there's only really one thing I got to enjoy for a while, and it was dueling strong opponents with no guarantee of my victory."

Voice: "I see, so you want excitement but not certainty. Truly an anomaly amount mortals."

Kai: "If you say so."

Voice: "What if I said I could send you into a world with what you want?"

The Voice now had even more of Kai's attention if that was even possible.

Kai: "You can do that?!"

Kai practically screamed

Voice: "No need to be so loud I'm right here you know."

Kai: "Ah yes, sorry about that."

Voice: "Anyways, after observing you for a while and speaking with you myself I've come to a decision. Even though you aren't dead if you want to go to a world of your choosing I'll still need to transport you into a body so that it isn't suspicious to anyone of that world."

Kai: "If I can go to any world I want to that's fine with me!"

Kai was perfectly fine with this so long as the Voice kept their word but to him right now it didn't really matter.

Voice: "Ok I'll let you choose the world you wish to go to as well as grant six requests so please state them now."

Kai: "First thank you for this chance, secondly can you place me in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's?"

Voice: "Yes I can."

Kai: "Awesome! Then that's the world I choose and as for my requests these are what I desire; To have my own custom deck when I turn the same age as when Yusei and Jack go their separate ways and to be able to customize it whenever I want with cards I remember from my old life, second I want to be an additional signer, I'd also like to have my own custom duel runner that can't be broken apart when Jack and Yusei go their separate ways, to start out as an orphan like them, and I would like to be able to customize my appearance."

Voice: "Your requests can be done but the signer wish requires you to have a dragon synchro monster, do you have one in mind?"

Kai: "Yes, the dragon I choose is Trishula, Dragon Of The Ice Barrier!"

Since this was Kai's favorite card to use in the game that he never really got to see in the series he chose this one as his dragon.

Voice: "Ok it has been done, have fun in your new world goodbye."

Kai: "Goodbye, and again, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DID FOR ME!!"

These were the last words between the two before Kai was once again swept into darkness.

I’m thinking of adding a duel runner name to my chapters but I don’t have one yet so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Kenai12_creators' thoughts