
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Kai: "Finally I might have some fun."

Ramon: "You call a duel with a stranger for everything you have fun?

Kai: "Yes! It adds to the excitement don't you think so?"

Ramon: "Whatever psycho! Let's get this over with!"

Kai: "Well since I challenged you in your own establishment why don't you go first?"

Ramon: "That's fine with me! First I'll summon Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat in attack mode and place two face downs to end my turn. Hurry up so I can end this city boy!"

Kai: "Alright, there's no need to be pushy I'll start by placing one monster face down in defense mode and I'll end it with three face downs. You move again Ramon."

Ramon: "I thought you'd do more with all that confidence. Oh well, I summon Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger in attack mode! Now Topaz Tiger attack that face down monster! Just in case you thought you could hide behind your monster my tiger gets 400 ATK when it attacks a monster so yours is as good as gone!"

Kai: "Good. That's what I needed!"

Ramon: "What?!"

As Ramon's tiger destroyed Kai's monster he was surprised to see how weak it was. But the reason Kai was so happy to lose it was because it was...Sangan!

Kai: "Thanks for that! Since you destroyed Sangan I can choose any monster in my deck with 1500 or less ATK and add them to my hand and I choose Naturia Cherries!"

Ramon: "It doesn't matter because you're still wide open! Amethyst Cat attack him directly!"

Kai: "I'll gladly take this result it's barely a scratch after all. So please end your turn already."

Kai wasn't even phased at the damage he took even though it dropped his LP to 2800. Ramon had nothing left to do so he ended his turn which brought a smile to Ka's face.

Kai: "Thank you, now since you have any monsters on your field and I don't have any on my field I can special summon Vice Dragon in defense mode. Now I'll place this monster face down and end my turn."

Ramon: "Are you going to do this every round because it's starting to annoy me! Oh well, I summon Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth on attack mode and activate my face down spell card Dark Hole! This destroys all monsters on the field whether they're face up or face down!"

Kai: "Before you do anything else...I activate my own face down Waboku! This card prevents me from taking battle damage this turn!"

Ramon: "No it doesn't! Now I activate my second face down...Dark Bribe! This negates your card and lets you draw one more card! Not that it will matter since my Crystal Beasts don't leave the field when they're destroyed! The stay in my spell/trap card zones as continuous spells! Now that I have three continuous spells on the field I can summon HAMON, LORD OF STRIKING THUNDER! Now Hamon attack this brat and end this farce!!!"

Goon: "Yeah you got him boss!"

Goon 2: "It was almost too easy!"

Kai: "You're goons are so annoying. I activate another face down. Negate Attack! This not only stops your attack but allows me to end the battle phase altogether!"

Ramon: "Tch, oh well it doesn't matter since it'll be over with on my next turn! Hurry up I don't have all night!"

Kai: "Neither do I. Which is why you won't be getting a second turn! Just because you have a strong monster on your field doesn't mean you shouldn't place spells or traps if you have them! Allow me to show you this the hard way by beating you with your own monster!"

Ramon: "Beat me with my own monster? HAHAHA! I'll give you credit you are funny but how're you going to do that when you only have one card left on the field?!"

Kai: "Allow me to show you! Remember when you negates my Waboku and let me draw an extra card? While that card was useless in the previous situation the one I drew after that is why I'll win the duel! I activate Monster Reborn! This lets me bring back my Naturia Cherries from the graveyard in attack mode!"

Ramon: "All that to bring this tiny thing out! Have you actually gone insane?!"

Kai: "No...I'm thinking clearly! I activate the spell Creature Swap from my hand! Since you want me to end this I'll be happy to oblige you! Creature Swap really explains it's effect in the name so since you only have Hamon on the field and I only have Naturia Cherries we can only swap with these monsters!"

Ramon: "B-But th-that means?!"

Kai: "Yes! Now Hamon attack Naturia Cherries and end this duel!"

Ramon: "Even when the attack is over I'll still have LP left! So hurry up and end your turn thief!"

Kai: "Oh so I've been upgraded to a third now? Oh well but my turn isn't over yet, I'm surprised you forgot about your own monster's special ability! When Hamon destroys another monster in battle that monster's owner takes 1000 points of damage! Sadly that's you which means our time together has come to an end! Ramon end this!!"

As Kai finished saying this Ramon's LP dropped to 0 with a look of utter disbelief on his face.

Kai: [No wonder he lost in the game. Malcolm's deck is way more powerful not to mention he can actually Synchro Summon! He should've put up more of a fight that was disappointing] "Alright shows over! When the people from security get here to arrest all of you hold up your end of the bargain and you'll never have to see me again!"

Ramon: "WHY?!?! WHAT'S IN THIS FOR YOU?!?!?!"

Kai: "For me? A chance to have some fun while getting the attention of someone VERY powerful!"

Ramon: ".............."

Ramon was in disbelief that someone took him down just to "have some fun" let alone to just get someone's attention!

Kai: "Well I'll be on my way now. I need some sleep since tomorrow Malcolm is my opponent!"