
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Progress and Challenges

Kai and Amelia are walking down the main road of Crash Town with some curious glances from the locals at two new faces suddenly showing up in the middle of nowhere. Word got around the small town fast and that was what Kai wanted since Malcolm and Ramon would hear about it but still continue with their daily duel.

Amelia: "Why do people keep staring at us?"

Kai: "If you lived in a small town and two people from the city showed up out of nowhere wouldn't you be curious as well? I knew you weren't the smartest but I still thought you'd see this much."

Amelia: "I guess that makes sense." Amelia said with clear embarrassment on her part.

Kai: "Anyways the duel should be starting soon so let's get some good seats and enjoy the show."

They then went towards the back of one of the buildings overlooking the center of town for a clear view.

Kai: "Should be any minute now."

Amelia: "What if they don't show?"

Kai: "Then I'll change my approach."

As their short conversation ended two groups started walking towards the center of town from two different establishments. It was the Malcolm and Ramon groups.

Malcolm: "I hope you brought someone better this time around because last time was too easy for us."

Even though both Malcolm and Ramon don't duel for themselves they have no problem taking credit from their goons duels.

Ramon: "I've got someone alright, he isn't like the last chump we brought!"

Amelia: "So you weren't joking around after all!" Amelia said in a low voice so as to not alert the people below them.

Kai: "I don't joke around when it comes to serious matters, you of all people should be able to see this."

Kai deadpanned at the ever so aloof Amelia who seemed to block out every detail around her unless it hits her in the face.

Before Amelia could retort what Kai said the duel started. Kai did have to admit it was a little entertaining to watch since he'd never seen these people before and honestly didn't know who would win. Eventually Ramon's group came out on top this time as the sun was setting. Just as Amelia was about to ask what happened next the losing duelist started getting dragged away to the mines for losing his duel.

Amelia: "That's not right! Just losing a duel and you have to spend the rest of your life in a damp and dangerous mine?! How cruel do you have to be?!"

Kai listened to what she said carefully before falling apart in laughter to the point of where his stomach started to hurt and tears were coming out of his eyes.

Amelia: "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?! This isn't right and you know it! So what's so funny?!"

The once aloof Amelia was now practically screaming in anger and the person she's directing it towards was still laughing!

Kai: "*Haaaah haaaa* *Whew* I'm laughing because isn't that what happens in Satellite everyday? People are forced to lead painful lives so the people of New Domino can live in comfort. We have to work in factories to make a living with no other choice, and sector security are the prison guards instead of helping them escape. That's why I'm laughing, I've never met a bigger hypocrite in my entire life who believes so strongly in what they're doing is right without stopping to think!"

With this Amelia was left speechless, she was brought up in New Domino City and went to the Satellite with the motivation of keeping peace because she thought that it was full of nothing but criminals. But as she began to ponder she had a perfect example of what some people in the Satellite were like...Kai! For the first time she viewed people from Satellite as a neutral party instead of someone from New Domino.

Amelia: "I've....never thought about it before."

She said this while looking at the ground ashamed of herself for how blind she'd been towards innocent people right in front of her.

Kai: "Well you can't change the past Amelia. Just move forward with your eyes open this time okay? If you do that then you might actually make a difference. Now head to the mountain and get the evidence you need before you head straight back to headquarters and let them know what's going on."

Amelia: "Right! I won't let you down!"

As Amelia left for the mountain Kai started walking towards Ramon's building.

Kai: "Now that that's taken care of. Time to have some fun with these thugs before she gets back. First stop Ramon!"

As Kai entered the Ramon building all cheers of victory stopped and everyone had their eyes on the new guy.

Kai: "Is like a word with your boss, you know the one that thinks he's a big shot."

The entire gang was now in an uproar from such a simple statement about something a stranger said about them and their boss as well.

Goon: "What if he isn't available kid?!"

Kai: "I know he's available I just watched his goon win his little daily duel so quit stalling and fetch like a good lap dog."

Just as the goon was about to reply a door opened in the back of the establishment and out came Ramon.

Ramon: "What do you want city rat? I was in a good mood until you showed up."

Kai: "Simple, I want a duel and if I win you surrender to sector security and tell them that you and your gang were beaten by a Satellite by the name of Kai. Don't worry cause if you pull a miracle out of nowhere I'll call off the witness from sector security I brought to your little town and stop them from ratting you out."

Ramon: "WHAT?! You're challenging me to a duel with everything I have on the line?! Are you insane?!"

Kai: "You can refuse if you want to or you can try to make me tell you who the witness is but I'm not talking unless you win...deal?"

After what seemed like minutes of thinking on Ramon's end he determined there wasn't much of a choice and finally agreed.

Ramon: "Deal, let's get this over with!"