
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Trudge Falls

After the officers cleared the area the duel began with Trudge making the first move.

Trudge: "You'll regret this you Satellite trash!"

Kai: "Sure I will. But for now can you hurry up please?"

Trudge: "Fine by me! I'll summon Search Striker in attack mode and end my turn with two face downs. Your move Satellite."

Kai: "Ooh "Satellite", very original. Ignoring that...I call on Mataza The Zapper in attack mode and activate the spell Shrink to cut your monster's attack points! Now Mataza attack Search Striker!"

Trudge: "Ooooof! [If he just something a little stronger I wouldn't be in this situation. But Bottomless Trap Hole only works on monsters with 1500 ATK!] Alright you brat just end your turn so I can finish this!"

Trudge didn't like being made a fool, especially in front of the other officers.

Kai: "I don't think so! Mataza gets to attack twice every turn so I'm not done yet. Now Mataza attack Trudge directly!"

After this Trudge's LP has decreased to 2200 while Kai is still perfectly fine, smiling at the angry Trudge.

Kai: "I now place two face down cards and end my turn. Please just end your turn so I can finish this."

Kai was blatantly taunting Trudge. If it was anyone else it wouldn't have worked...but it's Trudge.

Trudge: "What did you say punk?! I'll show you, you Satellite trash! I bring Stygian Street Patrol in attack mode! Now, attack Mataza and show this kid how sector security duels!"

Kai: "If that's the best you can do I'm afraid sector security has lost its touch. I activate my face down, Rush Recklessly! Now my monster is stronger than yours!"

Trudge: "What?!"

Since Trudge fell for Kai's blatant taunt he forgot all about Kai's face down cards before attacking which lead to him losing another 400 LP, leaving him with a measly 1800.

Kai: "Are you finished yet? I'm starting to get bored. I thought that sector security could at least put up a good fight. But it looks like I'll have to wait before the real fun begins."

Trudge could only clench his fists and grind his teeth at what Kai said since he knew he let his anger guide his actions.

Kai: "I draw! First I'll summon Dark Resonator in attack mode! Now I'll activate my face down...Dust Tornado! As for it's target...I'll choose the face down you looked at whenever I summoned Mataza! Say goodbye!"

The card that was destroyed was Trudge's Bottomless Trap Hole! Kai could tell Trudge wanted to use it since he looked at it whenever he saw Kai's monster. He just wanted to test it one more time by summoning a weaker monster from his hand like Mataza just to be sure he didn't waste his face down.

Trudge: "GRRR, why didn't you use it earlier?!"

Kai: "Because unlike you I think before I act. Even if you were about to destroy my face down I still would've used it. Now, where was I? Oh yes, I tune my Dark Resonator with my Mataza The Zapper! In order to Synchro Summon CELESTIAL WOLF LORD, CIRIUS in attack mode!"

Kai knee he didn't need to do this to win but he needed Goodwin's attention and this might help get it.

Trudge: "NO! Satellites aren't supposed to have Synchro Monsters! How do you have one?!"

Kai: "Simple Trudge. It was in the deck left to me by my parents as for how they received it, I have no clue."

Kai lied through his teeth of course. He wanted Goodwin's attention but he didn't want to go overboard.

Kai: "Now Celestial Wolf! Attack Trudge directly and end this farce!!!"

As Trudge's LP hit 0 all of the surrounding officers were shocked seeing Trudge not only lose, but to a Satellite nonetheless! The officers couldn't help but as themselves "Who is this guy?!" since sector security knew of every person in Satellite through their records but they had no clue who this guy was other than a friend of Yusei.

Kai: "Time to fulfill you end of the agreement Trudge. I'll be taking one officer with me and some equipment to record and take pictures with."

Trudge seeming to ignore Kai due to his own thoughts didn't answer so Kai looked towards a young female officer about a year younger than him that he didn't recognize from the anime or game.

Kai: "What's your name miss?"

Amelia: "A-Amelia!"

She managed to say after straightening herself out of instinct with a small stutter.

Kai: "Well, since Trudge lost this little wager would you be alright with accompanying me on my trip?"

Amelia looked towards her superior officer who was still lost in his thoughts and decided to just follow this stranger for now.

Amelia: "S-Sure, it's only for a while right? And you won the duel so it's only right!"

Kai: "Awesome we'll leave immediately. Our destination is Crash Town, you should drive your cruiser but please make it less obvious that you're from sector security."

Amelia: "Right!"

After finally losing her stutter and Trudge still in his thoughts they went their separate ways to meet back at the station before setting out for their destination.