
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Kai: "The Fortune Cup should start soon. Knowing Goodwin he'll either tempt me with an offer or they'll find a way to blackmail me like they did with Yusei. Either way is ok with me since it'll get me in the tournament so I can have some fun."

As Kai was talking to himself a cruiser pulled up beside him as he was walking down the street. With a familiar face behind the wheel!

Amelia: "Hey Kai can you hop in I need to talk with you."

Kai: "That's fine with me but first I wanna know what you want to talk about. After all I don't want to be arrested for anything at the moment."

Amelia: "Oh come on! You know I'm not like Trudge and the others right?!"

Kai: "You got that right but it's still hard for me to trust someone I don't know."

Amelia: "Just get in before I get angry you jerk!"

Kai: "Calm down, I'll get in sheesh."

After Kai climbed into the front seat Amelia drove them in the direction of the sector security station. But before Kai could say anything he felt a cloth over his nose as he slipped out of consciousness before waking up in an interrogation room.

Kai: "So much for talk huh? If you needed me at the station you could've just said so Amelia."

Amelia: "QUIET!! I'll be doing the talking you just answer when needed ok?!"

While Kai wasn't expecting this he understood that there were some things that needed to be straightened out. This along with the call that Goodwin gave her about getting Kai into the Fortune Cup she couldn't handle it anymore and needed answers.

Amelia: "I have a source that says you avoided trouble when your friends went out on their own and were wreaking havoc in Satellite. So why are you doing this now?!"

Kai: "I didn't want to get involved with what my friends were doing but over the years I've grown bored of just sitting around and doing nothing."

Amelia: "Okaaay. How did you know about the gangs in Crash Town?! We're you there before?!"

Kai: "In a way yes I was, but never in person sadly."

Amelia: "So through rumors and gossip on the street huh?"

Kai: "Sure let's go with that."

How was he supposed to say he saw it all in a video game?! All he could do was tell half the truth for now since it made the most sense.

Amelia: "Last question and this isn't me asking-"

Kai: "It's a higher up by the name of Lazar right? The person currently watching our little "interrogation"? The person that knocked me out with that cloth from earlier? If so, no hard feelings why not just talk to me yourself Lazar?"

Lazar: "Alrighty just a moment Mr. Kai I'll be right there."

Lazar said through the intercom system and began to make his way to the interrogation room.

Lazar: "Nice to meet you Mr. Kai, normally I'd apologize for knowing your name while you don't know mine but that isn't necessary now is it?"

Kai: "No it isn't, so please make your offer so I can get back to my day if you don't mind."

Lazar: "Smart and to the point, I like that. Now, as for my offer, don't you think you've had all the fun you can in the Satellite? Why not test your skills against people worth your time like say....in a tournament of the greatest duelists around? Doesn't that sound exciting?!"

Lazar was smiling ear to ear while Kai seemed to be thinking it over seeing just how far Lazar was told to go in order to convince him to compete.

Lazar: "Should you accept. We promise to handle all expenses and provide you with strong opponents and make sure you won't have to duel your friend Yusei Fudo unless necessary in the final round that is. So what do you say? Do you accept?"

Kai: "Sure why not? You're right when you say that it'll be fun, let's go. I assume you already have a means for transporting me and my runner?"

Lazar: "Why yes! Mr. Goodwin saw fit to make it fairly luxurious both on your way to New Domino and during your stay. Now here's your invitation make sure to hold onto it ok? Also, we need you to duel with everything you've got understood?"

Kai: "I make no promises unless my opponent deserves my best! Now let's get out of here. New Domino here I come!!"

Kai said this as he was leaving the station. Now that Kai is on his way to New Domino where things were truly going to be exciting.