
Transmigrated With A Movie Tech System

Zeke travels through the parallel worlds and activates the Marvel Technology System! He builds an Iron Man at the start! Develop Super Soldier Serum in one month! He invented the Pym Particle in half a year! With the Marvel Technology System, Zekes' Technology has been directly ahead of the world for hundreds of years! Follow Zeke and his creations dominate the parallel world! --------- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. ---------- Author: DREAMCATHER Translator: NanashiHonda ----------- Raw souce on Auxiliary. ............ ....... .... . [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Movies
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410 Chs

Chapter 198: Time is up.

Soon, they witnessed the whole process of Raye participating in the alumni reunion and then slapping his classmates in the face.

"Haha! This is so funny!"


"This Mercedes-Benz seems to be around a million, right? It's okay!"

"The actors are good! Although they are not well-known, they are all very expressive!"

"The girl is so pretty! It seems that Raye is going to be blessed!"


People watched with relish.

The picture came to the scene of Raye and his party climbing the mountain. The camera cut quickly, just like the few scenes in the movie, Raye and his party came to the top of Mount Tai, Jade Emperor Peak.

However, just as everyone was looking down at their feet, looking at the horizon, and opening their arms as if they were merging into heaven and earth, they suddenly saw a few black spots appearing in the distant sky.

The black spots grew bigger and bigger, finally revealing their figures.

"It's the dragons! And the bronze coffin!"

"It's falling towards us! Run!!!"

People showed horrified expressions and looked at the nine dragon corpses and bronze coffin constantly enlarged in the sky. The incomparably real impact made them think these behemoths would crash on them!

But in the next second, the space screen changed, and they appeared in mid-air, standing in the air, watching the nine dragon corpses and the bronze coffin suddenly fall on the top of Mount Tai.


The earth-shattering noise that almost broke their eardrum, accompanied by the collapse of the top of Mount Tai, a vast moat emerged!

The people on the top of Mount Tai screamed, were afraid, and wanted to escape, but in the end, they all became little shadows in this shocking picture and were utterly drowned in the smoke and dust in the sky.


"Oh my god...."

"Oh My God!"


Everyone was startled. Their eyes widened, their hair stood, and a chill rose on their backs. It was as if they had seen the end of the world. That kind of unparalleled, accurate picture without the slightest falsehood brought incredible visual impact to everyone!

Even today, when you are used to seeing all kinds of 3D special effects, this kind of immersive and terrifying scene of witnessing the shattering of the sky is still so shocking, and it ultimately conquers all the viewers!

Every detail is so accurate.

All the movements and shadow effects of every broken stone bursting out are so clear.

As if everything was a scene that was staged in reality, it was so perfect that you couldn't pick out the slightest flaw at all.

"Elder Zeke... so great!"

Even the gold-medal producer Tikoy, after seeing this earth-shattering scene, was horrified and could no longer hold any other thoughts.

Now he finally understands why Zeke would say the words that this might disintegrate the film and television industry entirely!

Zeke is not exaggerating.

He just described the truth in the most simple and unremarkable words.

Tikoy was amazed.

From this moment on, he deeply realized that with the birth of Z Cinema, not only will Phoenix Kingdom's film and television industry be finished, but also the entertainment industry in other countries will be like a history that has been eliminated and will eventually be submerged in modern times.

Immediately afterward, Raye and his classmates saw the five-color altar, fell into the giant pit, and were sucked into the bronze coffin.

Everyone looked nervous.

Originally, watching a movie was an immersive process. Immersed in the film's atmosphere, engaged in the story's plot, and unconsciously feel everything that happens in the movie.

Now they skip the process of feeling immersion and let themselves be in this environment. That kind of incredible sense of reality is immersed in everyone's nerves. Even if they know that they will not be affected, they still can't help but feel scared and feel their heart palpitations!

After Raye and the others were sucked into the bronze coffin, everyone inexplicably felt a faint cold air lingering on the backs of their necks.

"One, two, three... Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!"

"How could there be... the thirtieth person?!"

When the words of the 30th person came out, the audience watching the movie screamed in horror!

"Thirty people?! How can there be one more?!"

"Impossible? There were only twenty-nine people before!"

"Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine... Thirty, there are really thirty people!"

"My God! Isn't it an oriental fantasy? How did it become a horror movie?!"


The audience watching the movie felt horrified at this time and even trembled when they spoke.

No way, the effect is too realistic.

No matter how much you want to stay out of the situation, when the whole person is immersed in it, after hearing, seeing, and feeling, they can't help but be infected by this reality!

At this time--


Everyone's eyes suddenly turned black, but they suddenly opened their eyes in the real world.

They returned to the cinema, their eyes still looking around vigilantly, trying to crack the secrets of the thirty people in the bronze coffin, but there was still a hint of fear in their eyes.

"One hour has come. Please take off your helmet and leave. Thank you for coming."

An ethereal female voice came.


"What's the matter? It's so fun to watch!"

"Why is one hour so fast? I didn't see much!"

"I'll pay, hurry up and connect me back. I want to see who the 30th person is! Hurry!!"


None of the people wanted to leave.

Although it is terrifying, it makes their hair stand up. But it is precisely because of this unprecedented excitement that they yearn for it, even if they spend money!

"If you still want to continue watching, please bring your ID card to the front desk to recharge time."

"Or download the Z Cinema App and use Gcash, Chatme, and other payment methods to recharge the viewing time."

The ethereal female voice replied.

When some people heard this, without saying a word, they immediately took out their mobile phones, opened Gcash, and scanned the QR code on the ID card.

"One hundred Eso an hour?!"

Many people were taken aback when they saw this price.


"It's a great deal! I'll charge it!"

"Can I get a membership card by charging 3,600 Eso in one go? I'll get one first!"


One hundred Eso an hour is definitely expensive compared to movies.

But compared to an immersive super black technology, it's not too expensive!