
Transmigrated With A Movie Tech System

Zeke travels through the parallel worlds and activates the Marvel Technology System! He builds an Iron Man at the start! Develop Super Soldier Serum in one month! He invented the Pym Particle in half a year! With the Marvel Technology System, Zekes' Technology has been directly ahead of the world for hundreds of years! Follow Zeke and his creations dominate the parallel world! --------- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. ---------- Author: DREAMCATHER Translator: NanashiHonda ----------- Raw souce on Auxiliary. ............ ....... .... . [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Movies
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410 Chs

Chapter 143: Slaying the Problem

Chapter 143: Slaying the Problem

But these reports are nothing.

What really poses a real threat to the Phoenix Kingdom is the propaganda from the spokespersons of major countries.

"Three days ago, my country's customs were attacked by force. It is obvious from the surveillance screen that the attackers were Iron Man and super soldiers of ZTech. They took away a batch of goods detained in the customs. I need the president of ZTech Company and the Phoenix Kingdom officials to give us a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, we will regard this move as a malicious armed attack, and we will no longer show mercy and fight back."

"Yesterday, a large number of Iron Man passing by were detected in my country's no fly airspace. After several consecutive warnings, the headquarters of our military prevention and control center did not receive a response, and they were expelled by force.

But these Iron Man not only did not leave our country's airspace, but even chose to fight back with arms and shot down three fighter jets in our country! Our country hereby issued a statement that the Phoenix Kingdom must be held responsible for this. We strongly condemn this behavior of trampling on the airspace and disregarding the laws of other countries. If the Phoenix Kingdom does not respond, we will not hesitate any longer and fight back with force in order to maintain the honor of our country."

"Just this morning, we received a report from the Central Police Department that a group of super soldiers suddenly broke in, knocked more than 50 police officers in our country into a coma on the spot, and forcibly opened the warehouse  and took a large number of the seized prohibited materials. Phoenix Kingdom's repeated and serious provocations to our country have completely angered us. The Sixth Fleet is ready, and is about to sail to the kingdom's territorial waters, if they  do not give a reasonable explanation, we will take extreme measures to seek justice for our citizens."


Almost all of the six countries in a row issued various force threat statements against the Phoenix Kingdom on the same day, causing an uproar in the world.

From the surveillance footage or videos taken by these statements, it is obvious that every incident was caused by ZTech's Iron Man or super soldier suddenly falling from the sky, or rushing out from somewhere to break into these institutions in a grand manner. In the center of the organization, some unknown property is directly transported away.

Although no one was killed in the process, it still aroused the anger of many major countries, and they used this incident to openly attack the Phoenix Kingdom.

"Zeke is crazy?!"

"To actually do such a thing at this juncture, isn't it adding oil to the fire?!"

"Damn! What does Zeke want to do?!"


The citizens of the kingdom were all puzzled, wondering why Iron Man and Super Soldiers would do such rash and reckless things at this turbulent time.

Even if they don't help the kingdom solve the economic problem, it will add fuel to the fire.

Well now, other great powers have caught the opportunity to launch troops justifiably, the kingdom has really bad luck this time.

"Elder Zeke, what are you doing?"

"Isn't he going to research new things and develop nuclear weapons? Why did he go abroad to grab other people's things?"

"This time, I'm really confused... Hurry up and contact Elder Zeke and ask him what's going on!"


The elders and ministers, who were struggling with the issue of economic sanctions, suddenly received this news, and they all exploded.

They hurriedly contacted Zeke and wanted to ask what was going on, but all the calls were refused, and they wanted to enter the Phoenix Tree to find Zeke, but they were blocked outside the door and couldn't get in at all.

"What the hell is Zeke doing again?! Can't he stop a little bit and get the atomic bombs out first?"

Grace also tried her best to contact Zeke, but couldn't find him, so she could not help covering her forehead with a helpless expression.

"Immediately ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to draft the text, and apologize first."

"I'm going to talk to the heads of these countries, I'll delay it as long as I can."

Grace knows very well that since Zeke is unwilling to come out, it is basically impossible to contact him... Now all she can do is to try to stabilize the outside world until Zeke's nuclear weapons are developed.


The outside world was turned upside down, and the Phoenix Kingdom became a pot of porridge.

In the Phoenix Tree's laboratory, Zeke devoted himself to developing the space bridge needed for space transmission.

"Have all the materials arrived?"

After hearing Jarvis' reminder, Zeke stopped typing on the keyboard and turned his head.

The door of the laboratory was opened, and a group of microbots swarmed in carrying the materials brought back from various detention points by the Super Soldiers and Iron Legion.

This is why Zeke let them break into other countries... If he wants to build a warp drive, he must have the corresponding materials.

He can no longer care about whether the conflict with these countries will intensify, or what consequences it will cause... Zeke's current purpose is only one, and that is to successfully build a warp drive.

"Sir, it has been confirmed by scanning that the materials obtained so far can create 3 warp drives."

After a quick scan, Jarvis said.

"Okay! You first refine and shape the materials, and prepare everything."

"The progress of the space bridge has reached 57%. Just give me another week, and I can completely solve the structure of the space bridge."

Once the space bridge is completed, it means that Zeke has completed the biggest problem in the warp drive.

All the rest will be solved.


In order to clean up the mess left by Zeke, the Phoenix Kingdom kept issuing an apology through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saying that he would definitely hold ZTech accountable... Doing his best to appease the emotions of all countries.

But this is only their expedient measure. Now the whole hope of the kingdom is on Zeke. How could they possibly do anything to him?

It's just that the kingdom's economic problems are becoming more and more serious now, many industries have been forced to stop, and more and more workers have been forced to lay off... The kingdom's development is declining significantly, and the people's trust in the royal family is also plummeting.

Even if the kingdom has tried its best to stabilize the situation, it still cannot stop the terrifying tough tactics of these great powers.

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