
Transmigrated With A Movie Tech System

Zeke travels through the parallel worlds and activates the Marvel Technology System! He builds an Iron Man at the start! Develop Super Soldier Serum in one month! He invented the Pym Particle in half a year! With the Marvel Technology System, Zekes' Technology has been directly ahead of the world for hundreds of years! Follow Zeke and his creations dominate the parallel world! --------- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. ---------- Author: DREAMCATHER Translator: NanashiHonda ----------- Raw souce on Auxiliary. ............ ....... .... . [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Movies
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410 Chs

Chapter 122: One Hundred Seven Super Soldiers!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Paulo didn't stop there, opened his arms, and started waving his fists recklessly, smashing at the tank.

The tank was completely smashed and deformed, and the ground was beaten to the point of trembling.

Paulo didn't seem to feel happy enough. He grabbed the long gun barrel with both hands, the blue veins on his face burst out, and his face was flushed red——


They saw Paulo lift the heavy tank weighing more than 40 tons from the ground and lifted it above his head.

Dust rustled and fell.

Above is a heavy tank that is bigger than a car, more than 40 tons, and below is a human body less than two meters. The strong contrast makes countless people take a breath of air again.

On his hands and wrists, the power augmentation device of Iron Captain's suit was pushed to the limit, making his entire fist bigger than a casserole.


Paulo slammed the tank in his hand to the ground, and suddenly there was a deafening explosion from the ground, the ground cracked, smoke and dust rose, and many parts on the tank began to fly in all directions. The bottom has been completely caved in.

Fortunately, the soldiers inside had come out long ago, otherwise Paulo would have done this twice, and even if they weren't smashed to death, they would have been scared to death.

"W... Wh... What the Fuck?!"

"A heavy tank was dismantled by him like this?"

"This... Who the hell is he?! Where does such terrifying power come from?!!"

"Is it a dummy? Is this guy's real body supposed to be a fairy from the myth?"

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying!! Is this a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex? A heavy tank has to weigh 40 tons at least, and he actually raised it with both hands! Darling, I must be watching a science fiction blockbuster, right?"


Countless people who saw this scene have begun to doubt life.

Obviously, he looks like a muscular man with a bigger body than ordinary people. At best, he wears a cool red and gold battle suit. Besides, Paulo gives people a completely normal human being vibe.

However, when Paulo really broke out his terrifying force, it was beyond everyone's understanding, and everyone was shocked by his powerful force.

"This... er... things seem to be out of our expectations... This kind of scene... I'm sorry, I can't describe it in words now."

The reporter from Country A, who was broadcasting in real time from the helicopter in the sky, was stunned for a long time at this time, hesitating for a few words, obviously his mind was still a little awake after being shocked by the current scene.

After smashing the tank completely, Paulo grabbed the barrel of the gun with both hands again, stepped on the tank that had been destroyed beyond the prototype, and began to pull the barrel out with his tremendous force.

The steel at the other end of the barrel was gradually deformed, as if the fabric was stretched, and a long bump was dragged out.


With a muffled sound, Paulo pulled the tank's barrel from the pile of "broken copper and iron" in front of him.

Carrying the gun barrel on his shoulder, Paulo glanced coldly at the so-called missile vehicles, tanks, and soldiers with guns around him with disdain, then turned around and walked towards the Phoenix Kingdom's camp.

"Phoenix people...it's terrible..."

"Is this really just a soldier of the Phoenix Kingdom?"

"I finally saw what the legendary 'Hercules' looked like today."

"The barrel of the tank was actually pulled out by him...monster...he is a monster!"


The foreigners who saw this scene were so shocked that their scalps were numb, and they only felt an inexplicable chill on their backs.

Just one soldier broke through the heavy firepower network frontally, smashed a heavy tank into tattered iron in front of everyone, and finally pulled out the gun barrel as a trophy, carried it on his shoulders, and left with a swagger.

Where is this soldier from, is he a god?

If such a soldier is put into a real battlefield, how terrifying is the deterrence he brings?

Just imagine, a soldier appears at the forefront of the battlefield, facing the sky full of bullets, the most terrifying firepower net, passing through all enemy positions, killing the leader in a grand manner, and then pulling out the enemy flag and leaving calmly... This kind of war can be described as more than just despair?

It's just like a grim reaper that has come to harvest lives.


"Where did their kingdom get this man... Why is he so powerful?"

At this time, Toshiki's face was no longer shocked, but frightened.

That's right, the terrifying power displayed by a soldier brought him a strong sense of insecurity.

If this soldier was instructed by the upper management of the Phoenix Kingdom and came to assassinate him, could anyone stop him?

"F... Prime Minister Fischer, do you still have weapons for this kind of guy? I... I want to buy a batch!"

At this moment, the head of Country C, Zhou Hu, could not help but tremble a little.

"I miscalculated... It turns out that the Iron Legion is not the only one that their kingdom relies on. This soldier is what they want to show us."

Fischer's eyes dimmed and muttered.

Since he entered the country, this is the most frustrating time he has ever felt.

Prepared for everything, without warning, it fell apart in an instant.


In this way, Paulo returned to the kingdom's camp and came to Zeke amid the astonished expressions on everyone's face.

"Elder Zeke! The mission has been completed! Please give instructions!"

Paulo knelt down on one knee and presented the tank barrel in his hand.

"Good job!"

Zeke smiled and nodded with satisfaction, "Get up! The army should almost arrive."

To be able to do this, it can be seen that after these three days of training, Paulo has completely mastered the trick of how to use the Iron Captain's suit to increase the strength... It seems that he was right to bring him here alone in advance.

"General Ruth, and friends from the three countries, I believe you should have seen the performance of my Phoenix soldier just now, right?"

Zeke picked up the megaphone again, and everyone could hear his words clearly.

The camera immediately aimed at Zeke.

"Yes, this is what I want to show you this time, the real power of the Phoenix Kingdom. How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"But before you answer, there is one more thing I need to tell you solemnly."

Everyone pricked up their ears, and their heads couldn't help but get a little closer.

Zeke grinned.

"Soldiers like just now... I still have one hundred and seven!"

As soon as the voice fell, a whistling sound came from the sky, and a transport helicopter came and flew over the sky, and jumped down from above, a dense group of red figures exactly like Paulo.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ...

These figures crashed to the ground, smashing the ground into shallow pits.

Immediately, everyone knelt on one knee to Zeke.

"Elder Zeke!"

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